(09-17-2018, 08:00 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ] (09-17-2018, 06:05 AM)THolt Wrote: [ -> ]@Shannon
How did your additional tests on Beast 17 go?
I have had limited opportunity to test B17 so far, and today I am probably not going to be testing, but observing after effects.
So far, some of the tests have been mind blowing, and some have been confusing as heck. I know it is doing things, but I can't always see what it's doing in the overt reactions of the tester.
I do know that some of the changes it is making are forcing more time to be taken than design spec allows at this time, at least with the testers I have for informal testing. Formal testing may prove to be a different ballgame, but I can't do formal testing at this time.
What this has led me to is the possibility that there is something I need to adjust or add to in P6. But right now, we are far from certain of anything with the results we have gotten, except that B17 is doing things differently than B16 did.
The design goals of Beast are twofold. One of them certainly seems to have been enhanced in how and how well it is achieved. The other I am not sure of yet. This is expected; Beast is a complex program, and understanding the results typically requires almost a month of testing. That's why I said I need at least a couple weeks.
What I can say is, I see the fear removal modules doing things. Some of them I can see, some of them I suspect, some of them I understand, some of them I don't. But they are having an effect, and I will probably be refining them by one iteration before I add them to DMSI 3.3, which was half the reason I wanted to test them first: my understanding of the concept behind the approach they are taking may need improvement, adjustment, refinement, or expansion.
Shannon Okay. I feel like we are so close to finishing the R&D on 6G via Beast but it seems we have quite a ways to go. Hope the rest of the testing goes well.
I started to listen to MLS 5.5G, I'm only a few minutes in of my daily 4 loops and I noticed something.
I hear a constant trickling stream with a constant volume and after 20-30 sec I get a drop in volume or something. It's a constant volume with descents in the volume, is this how the program is supposed to work?
I downloaded the FLAC file and I've uploaded the file to my Iphone 8 plus on VLC player.
Could someone chime in and tell me what's wrong with the file? I don't hear a constant volume, I keep getting drops in volume, minor drops for like 1 sec.
(09-17-2018, 07:50 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]The issue is that it is not the mind, but the emotional self that you are talking about. As far as I can determine, the mind is separate from the emotional awareness. They seem to be mutually exclusive in how they cogitate and comprehend the world around them. They communicate in vastly different ways and they generally do not understand one another. The "mind" is the logical one, and the "heart" (for lack of a better term) is the emotional one. The emotional self is the one that feels fear, because fear is an emotion. The mind does not experience emotional anything in it's pure expression. Only when they are blended and/or balanced does one experience the other.
The emotional self experiences fear as a safety mechanism, and the mind experiences logic as a safety mechanism. Because fear is arising from an irrational awareness, it can become tangled and all sorts of issues arise from it when it does. Too much fear is a bad thing, just as not enough fear without any other safety mechanism in play is a bad thing. We can only remain safe when we let go of fear and replace it with the use of our other potential safety mechanism, which is our logic and ability to think and know.
So being utterly fearless and not bothering to think about what you're doing and what the potential consequences are is a bad thing; but logic tells you that if you walk on the edge of a skyscraper and you lose your balance, you may fall and die. Logic suffices perfectly well to prevent you from doing that, even if you have no fear.
Shannon, I'll add my experience on the mind being separate from the emotions, for I agree with your take on this.
Back in 7th grade, I began playing the trumpet since I joined the band. I clung to it since I could both connect to emotions in music and express them. I enjoyed this. I got good at trumpet not since I had some ego or goal to achieve, but since anytime I desired to find an emotion, I would explore while playing, and find something. I used it to minister to myself.
To this day, I recognize hundreds of songs, which is no feat. The difference is I could hum or play any song I've heard, but the words? Nope. I've never listened to words. Words mean understanding, but music, to me, means emotion. I've always connected to the emotion in music. An example is I love soundtracks. They're often loaded with emotional moments in them, and good composers often lead you right into certain moods in movies and shows. Star Wars would have completely tanked if they used classical music like they'd originally planned. John Williams wrote the music, and the movie is still popular over 40 years later. No small feat, as the plot wasn't that great. The music greatly amplified its message and impact.
An embarrassing incident happened in college, as I was talking to my girlfriend about the 80's song "Red, red wine". I always liked the relaxed feel and "let it go" message I picked up, and I shared this with her, innocently. Since she was a pastor's daughter, it shocked her since SHE knew what the song was about. And I didn't. (I still don't.)
So, from my experience, emotion is definitely separate from the mind.
I started to listen to MLS 5.5G, I'm only a few minutes in of my daily 4 loops and I noticed something.
I hear a constant trickling stream with a constant volume and after 20-30 sec I get a drop in volume or something. It's a constant volume with descents in the volume, is this how the program is supposed to work?
I downloaded the FLAC file and I've uploaded the file to my Iphone 8 plus on VLC player.
Could someone chime in and tell me what's wrong with the file? I don't hear a constant volume, I keep getting drops in volume, minor drops for like 1 sec.
Does it happen with other programs on trickling stream? I only really listen to ocean surf and the volume goes up and down a little because of the masked track.
This was probably already asked before, but when a sub includes the entire of scripts of other subs, does it make the combined subliminal more or less effective than the focus fire versions?
So if LTU 5.5G had the the full scripts of USLM and UMOP included, would each of those be just as effective as their standalone versions, and in a way allow us to run multiple subliminals at one time?
Or would simply picking the subliminal that best fits my goals be my best bet?
Shannon will be able to answer better than me. But when there is multiple combined it's basically in support of the goal, such as DMSI having Self Esteem and Positive Thinking Positive Attitude.
The standalone program is more focused and just focused on that thing so for the goal of it is going to be more effective. With something like DMSI with a skeleton script these things are more like a support.
Just curious: is there a script in DMSI that prevent for exemple a friends girlfriend to make a move (If in find her attractive that will say)? That would otherwise be a great way to avoid awkward situations...
(09-18-2018, 10:11 PM)Greenduck Wrote: [ -> ]Just curious: is there a script in DMSI that prevent for exemple a friends girlfriend to make a move (If in find her attractive that will say)? That would otherwise be a great way to avoid awkward situations...
I don`t use it but I think it was removed in the latest version.
(09-18-2018, 10:11 PM)Greenduck Wrote: [ -> ]Just curious: is there a script in DMSI that prevent for exemple a friends girlfriend to make a move (If in find her attractive that will say)? That would otherwise be a great way to avoid awkward situations...
No anti-sniper in this version
Bah. If she liked her boyfriend so much, she wouldn't make the move regardless of DMSI or anything else.
You can always firmly, but politely, refuse her advances.
(09-18-2018, 11:45 PM)Have at ye Wrote: [ -> ]Bah. If she liked her boyfriend so much, she wouldn't make the move regardless of DMSI or anything else. 
You can always firmly, but politely, refuse her advances.
Yeah sure If she has the self control. Otherwise those kind of things can be misinterpreted and ruin a good friendship.
(09-18-2018, 04:43 PM)Benjamin Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:@Shannon
I started to listen to MLS 5.5G, I'm only a few minutes in of my daily 4 loops and I noticed something.
I hear a constant trickling stream with a constant volume and after 20-30 sec I get a drop in volume or something. It's a constant volume with descents in the volume, is this how the program is supposed to work?
I downloaded the FLAC file and I've uploaded the file to my Iphone 8 plus on VLC player.
Could someone chime in and tell me what's wrong with the file? I don't hear a constant volume, I keep getting drops in volume, minor drops for like 1 sec.
Does it happen with other programs on trickling stream? I only really listen to ocean surf and the volume goes up and down a little because of the masked track.
I've listened to all tracks on my computer, and they seem to run fine, I didn't detect any fluctuations. Maybe my VLC player had some incorrect settings? Maybe that VLC player app isn't compatible or wrong settings, how do I know the correct set up for FLAC files?
Are there any other apps that play FLAC files? I'm gonna re-install the FLAC file, maybe that will help.
Or maybe i'm just imagining things.... Also a possibility, i'm playing the FLAC file now, and it seems to be working fine, i'll let you guys know if I detect it again.
I listened to various files for like 10 minutes, is this a problem? Normally this is my off day....
(09-17-2018, 10:13 AM)Broski Wrote: [ -> ] (09-17-2018, 07:39 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ] (09-16-2018, 10:42 AM)Broski Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Shannon,
I've been running US/LM B for 34 days now and have not yet been seeing the results i'm after. Ilve been experiencing a TON of fear and anxiety while running g this, almost verging on panic attacks on a few occasions and feeling like i'm losing my mind. A lot of different worries, negative thoughts and emotions coming up. I have also recently started trying to meditate more rigorously a little ways into the run so not sure if that might be part of it as well. Do you think I should keep going or try to switch to version A?
So the first thing is to remember that no matter what suggestions I offer you, you can follow the instructions and be eligible for a refund, or you can disregard them and give that up. That is a choice you must be the one to make.
I recommend that you start analyzing your reactions to understand what is causing them, where they come from and what their origins are.
If you keep having negative thoughts come up, what are those thoughts specifically? Those thoughts are going to be like arrows fired from the cause of the resistance and fear: they will by their very nature point you back to what caused them.
What are they telling you? Why would you be having those thoughts and responses? Why are you afraid of success? Is it success you're afraid of, or something that will result from success? What do these things tell you about the underlying fears and causes of your reactions to this program?
WHY are you afraid of succeeding?
It would help me help you to know more specifically what your negative reactions are.
Alright I will try to do my best in answering these for you. The first major negative thought thats been coming up is fear of focusing on negative thoughts and emotions and bringing more of those things into my life. Then when I think those thoughts or feel those emotions is cause more fear and anxiety, which causes more fear and anxiety, ect ect. Quite the vicious cycle . Ever since I took a psychology class in high school and learned about the power of the mind and specifically this part covering how people that thought they were sick even though they weren't ended up making themselves sick, I have feared the mind and using it against myself, as dumb as. As dumb as it may sound to some, it is a VERY real fear to me and I have suffered greatly from it. I had some anxiety over this the following summer, but once I was back at school it didn't really come up for awhile. Fast forward a few years later and seeing something on tv triggered this fear in me again and I went into major anxiety and panic attacks over it for many months. I developed different chronic tensions and pressures in my body that took my focus off the mind and made me think I had some sort of physical condition wrong with me. I went to a plethora of different doctors and they couldn't find anything wrong, so im pretty sure the anxiety is what lead to it. I still see these tensions and pressure to this day many years later. I think this is my main fear I have been experiencing though with different variations of it, and has lead to most of the other negative thoughts, emotions and fear I've had during this time. Some other negative recurring thoughts have been fear of going insane, and fear of losing control. Why I am having them in response to the program is maybe because the success oriented programming triggers them, like the fears are popping up saying "We cant think positively and successfully with all this deep rooted fear surrounding this issue" Maybe i'm afraid of anything changing with my mind because I fear the power of it so. I don't know, I have consciously thought of different things like this before about the issue, but have never seemed to be able to fully get over it. Hope that helps
So basically you have a fear based feedback loop that you have focused on yourself, for infinite replay-ability. Congrats, you're afraid of yourself.
How many loops a day are you using USLM for?
(09-17-2018, 11:21 AM)THolt Wrote: [ -> ] (09-17-2018, 08:00 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ] (09-17-2018, 06:05 AM)THolt Wrote: [ -> ]@Shannon
How did your additional tests on Beast 17 go?
I have had limited opportunity to test B17 so far, and today I am probably not going to be testing, but observing after effects.
So far, some of the tests have been mind blowing, and some have been confusing as heck. I know it is doing things, but I can't always see what it's doing in the overt reactions of the tester.
I do know that some of the changes it is making are forcing more time to be taken than design spec allows at this time, at least with the testers I have for informal testing. Formal testing may prove to be a different ballgame, but I can't do formal testing at this time.
What this has led me to is the possibility that there is something I need to adjust or add to in P6. But right now, we are far from certain of anything with the results we have gotten, except that B17 is doing things differently than B16 did.
The design goals of Beast are twofold. One of them certainly seems to have been enhanced in how and how well it is achieved. The other I am not sure of yet. This is expected; Beast is a complex program, and understanding the results typically requires almost a month of testing. That's why I said I need at least a couple weeks.
What I can say is, I see the fear removal modules doing things. Some of them I can see, some of them I suspect, some of them I understand, some of them I don't. But they are having an effect, and I will probably be refining them by one iteration before I add them to DMSI 3.3, which was half the reason I wanted to test them first: my understanding of the concept behind the approach they are taking may need improvement, adjustment, refinement, or expansion.
@Shannon Okay. I feel like we are so close to finishing the R&D on 6G via Beast but it seems we have quite a ways to go. Hope the rest of the testing goes well.
With each step, we find and correct more issues. Right now there is the issue of understanding what the fear removal modules are doing and making them work quickly enough for me to achieve design spec.
But so far, overall, B17 is performing beautifully - if perhaps working a little too well on the naturalizer aspect.