Quote:After some of the research and experiments I have done, I believe it is possible for a person to actually be able to influence another person, entirely through their aura alone, to perceive them as looking 1 to 3 points better on the classical 1 to 10 scale than they would normally be perceived to be - and possibly even more.
Thats great an all but this wouldn't help guys that look like the 1s,2, and 3s on in this scale? You need to be atleast a 8/10 to constantly fuk attractive women. 7/10 and 6/10 men can do well but they are inconsistent:
Quote:If I am correct, this would mean that a user who rates a 7, 8, 9 or 10 could get an affected 10 to go after them... instead of just a user who rates a 10.
I don't understand? are you saying a guy thats a 7, 8, 9, 10 on the scale can get a 10/10 to go after the user for sex?
If so where does that leave the men from 1-6?
(11-09-2016, 11:40 AM)posh Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:If I am correct, this would mean that a user who rates a 7, 8, 9 or 10 could get an affected 10 to go after them... instead of just a user who rates a 10.
I don't understand? are you saying a guy thats a 7, 8, 9, 10 on the scale can get a 10/10 to go after the user for sex?
If so where does that leave the men from 1-6?
At most 3 points higher. A 1 would be able to be pursued by at most a 4, a 6 by at most a 9. That's how I understand it.
(11-09-2016, 12:06 PM)Blink Wrote: [ -> ] (11-09-2016, 11:40 AM)posh Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:If I am correct, this would mean that a user who rates a 7, 8, 9 or 10 could get an affected 10 to go after them... instead of just a user who rates a 10.
I don't understand? are you saying a guy thats a 7, 8, 9, 10 on the scale can get a 10/10 to go after the user for sex?
If so where does that leave the men from 1-6?
At most 3 points higher. A 1 would be able to be pursued by at most a 4, a 6 by at most a 9. That's how I understand it.
Consider this...
I am proposing that it is possible, AND THAT I BELIEVE I CAN ACTUALLY DO IT, to actually program a person's mind to project a field of energy that selectively affects the perceptions of other people through all of their physical sense, to significantly raise their perception of the projector's attractiveness physically and in other ways...
and the question you ask me is...
Quote:If so where does that leave the men from 1-6?
It doesn't take a freakin' rocket scientist to understand that IF I can actually do this for a majority of the users of this program, even ONE point of improvement would be a virtual miracle. In fact I suspect we have already accomplished this goal, but we won't know it because there's no real definitive way to measure it.
What I am proposing to do here is flat out mind bendingly incredible, and you ask me...
Back to work.
Yeah self esteem needs a boost if u think ur below a 5 I mean our own merits should be at least enough to achieve that
Edit: just saw the scale above I don't think dmsi would even be the right sub choice for them
That's scale is a so crude way to look at attractiveness. The most exaggerated stuff seems to be the hygiene. Those best looking guys at the top if they would stop going to the the bathroom for 1 week wouldn't become a 6 or a 7, most people wouldn't notice the difference, worst they may appear more attractive due to pheromone. Such an erroneous belief system the guy who wrote that rating must have.
@Shannon: thank you for addressing my top concern. The update you wrote is indeed great news and i'm glad you did not deviate from the goal but rather strengthened your commitment to it. Thank you and Godspeed sir.
(11-09-2016, 01:03 PM)Alpha360 Wrote: [ -> ]That's scale is a so crude way to look at attractiveness. The most exaggerated stuff seems to be the hygiene. Those best looking guys at the top if they would stop going to the the bathroom for 1 week wouldn't become a 6 or a 7, most people wouldn't notice the difference, worst they may appear more attractive due to pheromone. Such an erroneous belief system the guy who wrote that rating must have.
this is a better scale. Open new tab and zoom to read it.
![[Image: 1474865558195.jpg]](http://ist3-1.filesor.com/pimpandhost.com/1/_/_/_/1/3/X/S/b/3XSbr/1474865558195.jpg)
I always thought these scales were subjective.
So, for instance, one girl might consider you a something, and another a different kind of something. Anyway, thanks to the new tech, they will both start considering you much more physically attractive no matter how physically attractive they would have had considered you without the aura.
Posh if you're pulling this stuff from where I think you are just stop. That place is full of self-loathing individuals who see the world as a far too black and white place. It would benefit you to not continue to fill your head with their toxic beliefs.
Amen guys, I mean I'm still a virgin but I'm positive I'm a "6" minimum, conservatively. My issues have been mindset, fear etc. mental stuff, not physical, which means a lot less to women anyway. But once I finish cutting weight and get more jacked and defined I'll have that going anyway for myself. And indirectly, for them to increase their attraction too. Maybe I'll be a firm "7" by then in my book. But all of this rating stuff is subjective. I know guys who think girls I think are insanely hot are totally not hot at all to them and they wouldn't even get a "twitch" for, lmao.
This stuff is next to meaningless and just sets you up for bad limiting beliefs. This is usually some PUA product primer sales text/presentation to destroy your confidence and belief in yourself, to believe you are inferior and need to "make up" for something to get women and make them seem out of your grasp. Or it's from those jaded MGTOW neckbeard weirdos "women only care about looks/status/money". Please, *I* know for a fact how wrong that nonsense is because I'm living it...
All of this is coming from a very dark place of limiting beliefs and scarcity. A dark path I myself once walked at times.
Please consult your doctor and ask if long term E2 or long term ASC 5G may be right for you.
(11-09-2016, 02:20 PM)mat422 Wrote: [ -> ]Posh if you're pulling this stuff from where I think you are just stop. That place is full of self-loathing individuals who see the world as a far too black and white place. It would benefit you to not continue to fill your head with their toxic beliefs.
r/redpill I assume.
Do yourself a favor and avoid the mgtow-like sites. My younger brother was heading down the same path with his hatred of women because he thought he had to be a model and he's below-average especially compared to my older brother who used to model professionally.
Extremely good looking guys have it easier in some ways but harder in others, but the thing those mgtow guys don't get is that women really only have 3 standards: have a penis, be fun, be trusted. In terms of looks, whatever you can control should be controlled. Alpha 360 is right about hygiene. Women aren't going to judge you if you don't have the golden ratio of shoulders to waist or if you don't have a perfectly square jaw. But they will judge you if you have a neckbeard and bad breath.
In the case of my brother he went from hating women and talking like Elliot Rodger to saying girls are just fun and silly in a span of about 6 months. How?
1. I "drugged" him with l-theanine and ashwagandha to control his social anxiety
2. forced him to get a job as a waiter to socialize and spend time around girls, all his time was with 3 of his guy friends
3. gave him x22 by hax pheromones to force him to be more social
surprise surprise, just spending time around girls and socializing was all he needed.
Most of the mgtow side of the manosphere are guys who failed with the "red pill"/pua side and it's not surprising they failed. Most PUAs are frauds and most redpill guys can only get girls if they go to foreign countries with poor living standards because women will tolerate anything for a better life.
The problem is these guys take flawed pua and redpill concepts like "you have to angry/hateful towards women" or "be a cocky asshole and lift" and then when that fails it mixes with the resentment and gives them even more flawed beliefs.
I'm not saying looks don't matter or they don't help, but you have to understand where this language of "incel" and "normie" comes from - shut ins who isolate themselves in their room for days on end and don't like interacting with the world. If you want to join them then fine go join them but if you're willing to step outside for a minute you'll see plenty of guys who fit under "genetic trash" with women. The only difference is they bother to leave the house.
RTBoss recently posted about reflecting back on his missed opportunities and his advice was simply 1) get a job or do activities where you're around women 2) don't be afraid to pull the trigger. That's what holds back 99% of these mgtow/redpill types. If you look at their own language to define "incel" and "genetic trash" - half of them have to do more with behavior and social experience rather than looks.
Question for Shannon. Do i need a break if i were to switch back to V2.4? I dont mind not having a clean slate, i just want to avoid unneccisary reisitance.
Ahh Posh, where do you find all this crap. All it's going to do is fuck with your head and mess you up. I read red pill every day almost for a long time and all it did was increase my own anger and my issues.
Sometime on WM and even more on E2 i've totally lost interest in it and i'm doing much better from it.
I have a feeling that you may not actually have much experience but you're just using this red pill stuff to rationalize your own issues.
I'm not trying to be an asshole, Bits post was awesome too. Just trying to point out that despite what the people on those sites will say it will just cause you more issues.