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As far as the suggestion goes, I don't have any, but I hope that there aren't any limiters, like attract "single" people only, or of the legal age, anything like that. Personally, I believe it's a waste of the script and the listener should make his own decision on this front.
(05-25-2016, 08:52 PM)LeonidasXVI Wrote: [ -> ]As far as the suggestion goes, I don't have any, but I hope that there aren't any limiters, like attract "single" people only, or of the legal age, anything like that. Personally, I believe it's a waste of the script and the listener should make his own decision on this front.

No such limiters. You're on your own.
I'm not even sure how any of these would be done, or if they're practical. However, these are some of the things that would be amazing to have, in a perfect world:

1. Make women you find attractive extremely wet and horny for you just by noticing you. This effect increases the longer you are in their presence. Similar to the X series.

2. Have that aura of fame/status/irresistible sexual attraction that massive girl magnets like Justin Bieber and One Direction have. Girls go NUTS and act like thirsty little maniacs when they see them. If one girl likes them, other girls like them, it's actually an effect with a name. Like preselection, as strong as Bieber/1D gets.

3. Attractive women place you above them in status. Make them chase you extremely aggressively, epically thirsty, for dating, sex, whichever you desire. As they clearly know and feel, how rare and valuable you are and have insatiable sexual desire for you.

4. The physical changes, keeping those and enhancing them would be awesome. I've heard some guys get a more masculine jawline etc. very cool if it physically changes you, even your face, to be more in line with an ultra sexually attractive irresistible person.

5. Be absolutely fearless in dealing with attractive women in and out of the bedroom. Be a masculine leader, with no hangups or insecurities about being so. They do not intimidate you, if anything you intimidate them, since you are now above them in worth and they must prove themselves to you to be a part of your life/circle. It could be like when you're talking to an old man, or unattractive woman, where you just flow normally and there's no sense of nervousness, trying too hard and all of that, because there's no drive or interest from you. I find that tendency to make up for something in yourself, or to put on a front with women you find attractive, gets you in deep water and ruins things. So automating this process and making it seamless and natural, EXACTLY like when you interact with an unattractive person or someone you have zero interest in, will help tremendously.

6. Have a strong abundance mentality, as women are turned off by scarcity mentalities. Destroy onenitis tendencies.

7. Neediness destruction, self validation, both vital for women's attraction.

8. Outcome independent, treating dealing with women like a playful game. You are happy alone, happy with a threesome. They don't validate your sexiness or value, you do. Once the sub is internalised, there will be many options anyway.

9. Having a cool, collected, fun, flirty demeanor with women. Not getting all up in your head and ruining the vibe and psyching yourself out due to past hurts, fears, insecurities, limiting beliefs etc.

10. Having an almost arrogant level of pure, natural confidence, you are extremely high value, irresistibly sexy, and any beautiful woman would be beside herself in happiness and bliss to be yours.

11. A sense or aura, behaviour of bad boy exciting "dangerous" wildness or mystery, slightly intimidating masculine aura, causing them to be addicted to you, having sex with you, dating you, whichever you desire.

12. Remove, reject, block, any attempt to emasculate you. Past attempts that are still affecting you, present attempts in the moment, and future, to remain sexually attractive as a masculine man, in control of his power as a man.

13. Remove any instance of "nice guy" behaviour, supplicating women in any way. You are the prize, they prove themselves to you and chase you, not the other way around. Remove ANY pedestalisation of women.

14. Establish FIRM boundaries of behaviour, respect etc. of what you will accept and not accept. Being a pushover is the exact opposite of a sexy man. You have massive options, so you have very high standards she will have to meet to be a part of your life in any way.

15. Have bulletproof confidence in your body, being naked with a woman and having sex, in escalating sexually with her.

16. Include OED and OPE with any optimisations possible, to remove the potential for men getting this far with women, but having issues due to either, and not being able to make good on the goal of this program.

17. Developing a fit body, as fit as possible, as women drool over a fit, masculine looking man. This will fall in line with the purpose of this program.

18. Having a purpose in life you are good at and passionate about. Women love a man that has passion for something, and a focus that is NOT about them.

19. Treat women as someone you enjoy the company of, but never the focus or priority of your life. When this program burns in, they will be doing the lion's share of work, chasing you and seducing you, knowing your rareness and incredible value anyway. Them doing that, just further increases your rarity and value in their eyes.

20. Being fearless and natural but in a flirty, fun manner, about challenging women on things they say or do, letting them know you're a man that won't put up with nonsense, BS or bad behaviour. Not some pushover that will agree with them about anything even if we know it's wrong or against something we believe in, just for the sake of validation from them or sex. We all know how they love a challenge.

21. Approaching and flirting and getting new women attracted anywhere you see ones you like. OAA, social skills/extroversion programming here would be perfect. It's one thing to be sexy, but if guys are still stuck in "I'm too nervous to approach or flirt or talk to new women", the program can't complete it's goal. So I wanted to plug this power leak. 99% of the time, guys are expected to make the first move, and a sexy, masculine, confident man would have NO issues doing this, it'd be as natural as breathing.

22. Having a style that augments your sexiness and suits you. Most guys don't really have one, so the program should help with grooming, hair styles, clothes, shoes, etc.

Those are mine. I will edit this post if I think of more. Amazing that soon I should completely have this part of my life sorted forever in an extremely powerful way. Funny, I'm literally adding things that could be directly going into my head soon and changing me in an incredibly profound way forever. Unbelievable when you stop and think about it...
Suggestions: Be calm, and courageous in the face of uncertainty. So basically instead of just confidence but confidence in uncertain environments or things that come up. So being fearless, in your non comfort zone.
- Deservedness of the hottest persons of the gender I am attracted to
- I allow myself to be with the hottest persons of the gender I am attracted to
- Unconditional love (if it still fits in)
- Something like a "reframing engine" that even if you get rejected instead of seeing that as a fact for "i am not sexy enough" it is proof for your sexiness.
- Gratitude and appreciation

and the stuff that CatMan said.
For suggestions Big Grin

Abundance mentallity, worthiness and confidence.

Can't wait to for it.
Suggestions: happy, confident, positive, and on a high! Kinda like what ASC does. I second kurohawk too with abundance mindset and worthiness.

And question: AOSI will have women (or specifically people of the gender we are sexually attracted to) approach and seduce us more aggressively right?

Of course to me it isn't essential, as I can approach girls myself. However it'll ease the process too if females were to show obvious interest and make the moves too. Smile

And another thing Shannon, would you suggest me to use SM3 or AOSI next? I'm already at the point where I can comfortably get dates and spike sexual attraction. It's just physical escalation that's my sticking point. Which of SM3 or AOSI would get me to my goal of sex faster? Thanks. Big Grin
For Shannon...

I'm on my stage 2 and my second run of BASE but ever since February I've had a lot of emotional stuff kick up making it a bit difficult to concentrate on work.

I know EPRHA 1.0 is included in BASE, but i was wondering if switching to 2.0 would help me out OR be adverse to the momentum built up with BASE so far?

I was hoping that a few months of the second round of BASE would help things out since it has E 1.0 already, but the emotional kickback has been consistent for 4 months (general unworthiness, difficulty finding value in what I'm doing, lack of overall purpose) so I'm thinking a few months of 2.0 might help me clear things out so i can be ready for BASE again.

Also, I'm guessing that once I'm done with E 2.0 and I go back to BASE that I would start over with stage 1 rather than go on to stage 3 which is where I would have originally been at?
I REALLY FEEL MORE than 2 months of E2 is needed brethern.... if you're going to begin it, you might as it ROYAL. The REMOVAL OF GFS(guilt,fear and shame) and the affirmative on and around Self Worth,Self Validation,Self Love ,Self Liking ,Self Appreciation for me have kicked in to over drive and THIS MY 3rd day & barely that(2 3/4th's days). just THE 3rd day !! the onion layers of stuff are being pulled back off and away and the new positive affirmatives are kicking in...In MY Books fella. you cant go wrong with E2 & in the long run ,its gonna be way better and good fer yer Biz and undertakings as such.Becoz you'll be even more empowered,beaming and sharing your light and love with and to Others! IMHO Mr.27 ! :-)
WTF did you put in this Mofo Shannon M.? gezz this E2 is off da chain man ! dang !! MY self validation,self appreciation,self love and self liking are going thru the roof !!I feel a like a desert that hasnt had rain in 20 F-ing years and NOW the heavy blessed,much much needed rains have come forth! Wow.
Also when I feel dis-ed By someone Im on it right away,calling them on their disrespectful pull shit,mis-read and related. in 3 days 3 people have left my life,I invited them out,or cut them off and out of it or removed them entirely. I'm hoping the maturity part will kick in or maybe it already has fella's , all I know is the sheet got real and real quick at that. Im hoping in the future I can handle it wee bit more calmly and smoothly. theres a way to tell a person their sh**t is off,or a way to gracefully tell them off without getting ultra pissed,or tearing them a new one.I rarely thankfully have to do that!!
sometimes its needed though. Im OK with it though...just wanna refine myself emotionally in da future. MY Ancestors are Scot-irish-welsch-cherokee-tuscarora american indian: hence I DONT DRINK and yes with this combo,the temper comes with it... its also can be used in a positive!
as an emotional thinker,an Older Soul and an educated/well traveled man..I am a passionate soul about most everything, and deep and aware of a lot,hence the temper is deep and passionate as well. goes with the territory. Im diggin it ALL ...HONESTLY . its weird as sh**t but Im diggin it all the anger,pissed off-ness too coz I dont just come out swinging about everything. boundaries are being strengthened and ground rules are being Up-ed too. love'in it.OK I'll stop for now. Its 3:30am and I was determined to get at least 3 hours in of listening directly almost with interuption and that has happend infact and its been 4 hrs.
I dont wanna sleep but "I gotta'. Nite gents ,make good memories,make the best of what chew got even better and build on it. Life is amazing !!! Thank you Shannon !!! understatement.
For AOSI, maybe a hormone enhancer and or/equalizer? Testosterone for men, estrogen for women, etc.
For AOS , more sexiness and that's about it.
(05-25-2016, 08:34 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]As a result, I'm going to try to create a 5.5G skeleton script out of it. Theoretically, that should allow me to significantly reduce the time it takes me to make a 5.5G program, and be more consistent.

I am close to finished. I have to optimize a couple things yet. If you guys have any suggestions, now is the time to make them.
A list of basic ingredients for your skeleton sounds like a good idea. For example, when making any soup, there are some base ingredients that need to go in.

You have confirmed that items like "gratitude & appreciation" will be in AOIS (through OE).
Statement to encourage the user to persist with a program.
"Suggestions: happy, confident, positive, and on a high!"
"- Unconditional love (if it still fits in)"

These are all items that could be used to create the skeleton and contribute to the success of the sub. A skeleton with a similar framework to the LTU 3.0/3.1 sub is what I had in mind. LTU 3.0/3.1 is a seriously underrated & under-reported sub. It made the user happy/euphoric to use the sub, grateful & appreciative of life in general. Therefore, good things happen when using LTU
Well I see I got a lot of suggestions while I was off having lunch! Not that I didn't expect that. But as usual, I'll have to go through them, consider them as they relate to the goals of the program, and select those that fit, enhance, are do-able and aren't already present. I love being able to crowd source ideas with you guys, it always comes up with something I missed or wouldn't have thought of.
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