(07-22-2016, 06:40 AM)maxx55 Wrote: [ -> ]Trust me, I'll probably use MIR in the future. It has permanent long term programming right? Due to the nature of my career, an invincible immune system would be helpful.
I just simply don't know what to suggest. It was a lot easier to think of things for DMSI. For MIR, I just want the end result to be a permanent invincible immune system (or as close as possible). If that could be done in 6 months of usage, that'd be golden!
Something you guys don't seem to understand is that anything that actively shifts energy is going to fade over time without a direct source of motivation.
The sub is that source of motivation.
The current MIR is designed to be instant-on. It literally starts taking effect within seconds. It is just as fast off when you stop using it, because the direct impetus is stopped.
It takes a lot of energy to execute programming that directly manipulates energy like MIR and DMSI. Even when P3 is added to DMSI and MIR, it will still fade over time without use because it takes energy and motivation.
Let's say you paddle out into the middle of a large lake, maybe Lake Superior, in a canoe. It's fun at first, but then you realize, you're getting hungry. So you turn around and start paddling back, but your arms are really tired. You want to rest, but there's a wind blowing, and you know that if you don't paddle hard regardless, you might not make it back, and you might not make it back to where you left from. That's pretty good motivation to keep paddling.
But when you get back to shore, are you going to keep paddling? No, you don't need to, and you're tired, and the motivation is gone.
When you turn off the sub, your subconscious is like that too. It takes energy and effort, and without that direct motivation, it won't keep doing that forever. Sooner or later it is going to return to it's natural state of rest. So no, MIR is not and never will be aimed at being a permanent result inducing subliminal.
P3 may make it last hours or days after you turn it off (and may not, we shall see), but permanent, no.