Anyone else having problems? My links are still V2.4.
BTW, BEN - Who sleeps for almost 12 hours!? (who doesn't fry their brain making and testing subs, anyway)
I can confirm, my links are also still 2.4.
If this was live... it'd be a riot.. literally lol
My links say 2.4 as well.
I just download another 2.4, 9a2b1de3a8f316ae0cb3d6cc1ce76a14 DMSI_V2_4_Masked_5_5G_Subliminal_%28Trickling_Stream%29.flac so it doesn't work
I woke up at 3 am just to download another 2.4
, love it.
I know what the issue is, cos some people are on the old product page, i'll do those links now.
(10-13-2016, 02:58 PM)Benjamin Wrote: [ -> ]I know what the issue is, cos some people are on the old product page, i'll do those links now.
Ben graces us with his presence!
Ok all the links are still 2.4, i'll change all of them.
It's not just the product page Ben, my links in "My Account > View Orders" are old as well.
How can you download from the product page if you already bought it once ? The only way I see is from the "My Account > View Orders"