Shannon: "Which can be further reduced to survival/fear of death."
And yet people say I'm "projecting" when I say that people around me tend to have a fear of death they need to sort through.
(04-30-2020, 03:08 PM)Zubrowka Wrote: [ -> ]Shannon, what is the difference between being a dominant man and dominating other people?
What is the difference between a tool being a hammer, and using a hammer to drive a nail?
(04-30-2020, 03:09 PM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote: [ -> ]Shannon: "Which can be further reduced to survival/fear of death."
And yet people say I'm "projecting" when I say that people around me tend to have a fear of death they need to sort through.
You are going too far too fast. When you introduce an idea, people will accept it if they can see the steps that lead from what they understand to what the idea being presented is. If they cannot see how we got from Point A to Point Z, they will tend to reject it and seek an explanation for why it was presented which also defends their conclusion.
As an example, most people who have not been following my work for a long time would look at some of the things I claim to be doing with my subliminals (TID causing effects before the program is used, auric shields, powering up the immune system, etc.) and just laugh and claim I am a crackpot and crazy for even suggesting such things. It's bad enough that most of the world has never heard of subliminals, and the majority who have think they don't work because in the 1950's someone made up some shit to get attention, and because the people doing research studies on the topic didn't understand the topic well enough to do research studies that answered their questions, or even to correctly interpret the results in some cases, and in others, they created studies designed to show what they wanted the study to show.
Now you take someone like that and tell them my subliminals can do things like create results before the subliminal is even used in some cases, or create an auric shield, or power up your immune system and make it more effective, or alter a person's brain chemistry or state of awareness or hormone balance, etc. etc. and they're just going to laugh and claim you're a crackpot because they cannot follow you from Point A to Point Z. Their understanding is from Point A to Point B, and Point Z is just too much of a jump from what they currently understand to what is being said. They don't understand it, they don't follow how it is possible, and they tend to assume that because they don't understand how it is possible, that it isn't. When they conclude that it isn't they seek to justify that conclusion by explaining why the assertion (Point Z) was made in the first place, and to do that they tend to try to discredit the person making the assertion, so their conclusion holds water. If the person asserting Point Z is crazy, a crackpot, a scammer, just in it for the money, delusional, etc. then they have an easy way to simply dismiss what is being said, and maintain/defend their safe and comfortable point of view.
It's the same with you and them claiming you are projecting. That's a form of labeling you a crackpot, wrong, ignorant, whatever, to defend their conclusion and their understanding, because you didn't lay out and explain the steps for how they can follow you logically to that conclusion.
Not to hijack Shannon, but that reminds me of my situation with girls.
DMSI/you are saying Point Z is possible, where girls around me that I'm very attracted to, CAN be not only very sexually attracted to me after all somehow, but then proceed to drive the interaction instead of me tending to feel like I'm driving it to boot, and that they can aggressively pursue me to have sex with them. To me, a 38 year old virgin who hasn't dated a girl or kissed one before, this seems so extreme, it's so difficult, if not impossible, for me to truly get behind at least initially. It's just way too much to wrap my head around as being possible from this level is all. I think that is the biggest stumbling block, probably more so than fear. That it just seems so far out of the realm of my reality, girls I am attracted to, actually liking me and valuing me as a REAL option to them beyond some friend zone BS as usual, and somehow chasing me to have sex. The whole concept of that seems so impossible and unrealistic for me. Coming from my position, it seems so ludicrous, so it's very hard to internalise. The self esteem and self worth, self validation are always at such a low level due to this lack of success with girls. There's almost no positive, tangible, reliable feedback to those 3 things and help them grow. So, it's a sense of always feeling bogged down, chasing fumes of those 3 things, and never making progress with girls, and always feeling beneath them and that they're out of my reach. Which of course makes the design goal "Point Z" even more distant from my reality.
I think it may be so hard to imagine, because the only thing I have to go off of, is either movies or tv shows, showing attractive girls chasing guys for sex. I literally don't have any of those kinds of experiences to draw off of. It's sad...but true. But even then, it's still a third-person experience, so I really have no frame of reference for such a concept. I've seen girls do that for other guys over time, so I DO know what it looks like, but again, it's third-person. Girls just don't act that way for ME, I'm just not that "hot bad boy guy" they drool for, so I just have no idea what it feels like. Being in such a deep drought for my life with girls, being the "amazing great guy (that they aren't attracted to)" and essentially only having hugs with them my whole life (again, pathetic but it's real talk...), seeing something so far out of my furthest point of reality, is very hard to get behind I think.
So, piggybacking off your previous post and concept, how can the sub take someone from such a low level of aptitude and understanding and even belief in it's premise, to fully achieving the goal of said program? I know it may naturally not be reality yet in a sub of course. I just mean, conceptually, how can that be achieved in a sub? Or rather, CAN that be achieved? Perhaps it is just too far of a leap, which I can respect if so.
Just trying to allow a window into my thought process etc. in the hopes that something of value can be gleamed since FRM/DMSI work is ongoing now. I have no intention of an argument or debate, I just wanted to open up a window for R&D sake.
Thank you for everything, Shannon. I look forward to the next installment of both FRM and DMSI.
EDIT: Perhaps it the next version doesn't result in a large change in results for many, the "dam breaking" like you say, it might be worth it to explore another option. I saw your post about a "stage 0" for AM7, great idea. A step up stage, to prepare people for the program. That might be a good idea here. Maybe it's just too much of an ask for some of us initially I guess, unfortunately. Hopefully not, one stage is best, but in the end, that's a solid option, better than nothing.
(04-30-2020, 04:05 PM)CatMan Wrote: [ -> ]Not to hijack Shannon, but that reminds me of my situation with girls.
DMSI/you are saying Point Z is possible, where girls around me that I'm very attracted to, CAN be not only very sexually attracted to me after all somehow, but then proceed to drive the interaction instead of me tending to feel like I'm driving it to boot, and that they can aggressively pursue me to have sex with them. To me, a 38 year old virgin who hasn't dated a girl or kissed one before, this seems so extreme, it's so difficult, if not impossible, for me to truly get behind at least initially. It's just way too much to wrap my head around as being possible from this level is all. I think that is the biggest stumbling block, probably more so than fear. That it just seems so far out of the realm of my reality, girls I am attracted to, actually liking me and valuing me as a REAL option to them beyond some friend zone BS as usual, and somehow chasing me to have sex. The whole concept of that seems so impossible and unrealistic for me. Coming from my position, it seems so ludicrous, so it's very hard to internalise. The self esteem and self worth, self validation are always at such a low level due to this lack of success with girls. There's almost no positive, tangible, reliable feedback to those 3 things and help them grow. So, it's a sense of always feeling bogged down, chasing fumes of those 3 things, and never making progress with girls, and always feeling beneath them and that they're out of my reach. Which of course makes the design goal "Point Z" even more distant from my reality.
I think it may be so hard to imagine, because the only thing I have to go off of, is either movies or tv shows, showing attractive girls chasing guys for sex. I literally don't have any of those kinds of experiences to draw off of. It's sad...but true. But even then, it's still a third-person experience, so I really have no frame of reference for such a concept. I've seen girls do that for other guys over time, so I DO know what it looks like, but again, it's third-person. Girls just don't act that way for ME, I'm just not that "hot bad boy guy" they drool for, so I just have no idea what it feels like. Being in such a deep drought for my life with girls, being the "amazing great guy (that they aren't attracted to)" and essentially only having hugs with them my whole life (again, pathetic but it's real talk...), seeing something so far out of my furthest point of reality, is very hard to get behind I think.
So, piggybacking off your previous post and concept, how can the sub take someone from such a low level of aptitude and understanding and even belief in it's premise, to fully achieving the goal of said program? I know it may naturally not be reality yet in a sub of course. I just mean, conceptually, how can that be achieved in a sub? Or rather, CAN that be achieved? Perhaps it is just too far of a leap, which I can respect if so.
Just trying to allow a window into my thought process etc. in the hopes that something of value can be gleamed since FRM/DMSI work is ongoing now. I have no intention of an argument or debate, I just wanted to open up a window for R&D sake.
Thank you for everything, Shannon. I look forward to the next installment of both FRM and DMSI.
EDIT: Perhaps it the next version doesn't result in a large change in results for many, the "dam breaking" like you say, it might be worth it to explore another option. I saw your post about a "stage 0" for AM7, great idea. A step up stage, to prepare people for the program. That might be a good idea here. Maybe it's just too much of an ask for some of us initially I guess, unfortunately. Hopefully not, one stage is best, but in the end, that's a solid option, better than nothing.
I'm not interested in arguing or debating either. But I'll say this. In your case, I have said it before and I will say it again. The problem you have is that you subconsciously refuse to allow yourself to do the things that will result in the goal you consciously want. Saying that you can't imagine it, can't accept it, etc. is just saying that you're not willing to change in the ways that are needed, and that unwillingness is a choice designed to keep you here you are, which it is doing very effectively.
It's not hard to allow yourself to have an open mind to new experiences and new opportunities. It's how a lot of people change, and achieve growth and change, but you refuse to do it, and you have always refused to do it. The programs were succeeding at making that change for a little while, and then you crushed that response. Ever since, you've been refusing to unlock yourself to change, while trying to say you have no point of reference, no way of believing it, etc.
If you can imagine it happening, it can happen. If you can't imagine it happening, then you're not letting yourself imagine it, and the only reason for that is to prevent it from happening. Simple as that.
The first step to any change is to have that change form in your mind. You become aware of it, you contemplate it, you imagine it. Without that, you're dead in the water. No building was ever built that was not first imagined before building started. What we cannot imagine, we cannot achieve. And you can literally imagine it, but you refuse to allow yourself to accept that it is a possibility. Again, to prevent it from happening, because some part of you is apparently vested in preventing it at any costs. The only reasons I can think of for that, given what you've said, are that you have to let go of the emotional scars you bear concerning your childhood broken arm. Realize that that threat is not universal, does not apply anymore.
I have already done everything I know how to do to change that for you. Quite literally, the only thing left that I think might work is FRM. And so far even that has failed.
As I said before, the key to all of it is to be willing to accept it as being possible. When you can do that, you can achieve it because the door won't be closed, locked, barred and barricaded anymore. You use that as a defense against DMSI succeeding, because it's one of the only ways that you can stop DMSI from succeeding.
I hope you can make that change, and I also hope that I can figure out how to advance FRM to help you do it if need be. But that is how I see the situation. You don't need to go from Point A to Point Z, you need to open your mind to the idea that Point Z was have been targeted because it is
I hear you. I think if I had some positive experiences with women, that would be enough to help me make the transition to believing design goal is indeed possible for me. Something irrefutable to counter decades of precedent to the contrary. It's hard to balance the scale in that other direction with what I've had so far with girls.
I will try more to make myself see it is possible. I'm trying with women still, trying to make moves. Recently, one went badly, again, so it's set me back a bit on this thought process of believing it's possible. I know her and her sister, always had an awesome vibe with her so I decided to ask her out to push myself. Didn't go well. Unfortunate. What's strange is, a few days ago, I had a dream about her and I. I went to visit her at a house. She was showing me around, and looked back over her shoulder hugely smiling and blatantly said to me "so, are we having sex?". I was taken back, a bit shocked by the bluntness. Keep in mind, on all of these subs ever, I've only had 2-3 dreams where there is any implied sexual content or something like this in the dream, so that was notable. I said, after thinking, I didn't have a condom, she seemed to accept that, and we went on with the tour and very shortly after, I woke up. That same night I had a dream about another girl I know and have liked a lot but didn't succeed with. In the dream, I was going to a really nice house to see her or pick her up, I don't know. I didn't actually get to see her in the dream maybe I don't recall, I remember being outside the house and "knew" I was going there for her for some reason. Two dreams about girls in one night was notable. Girl dreams at ALL are very rare for me on these subs, for some reason. Even attraction subs rarely give me girl dreams. Odd.
It isn't just my old broken arm, it's been the constant failure with girls despite lots of effort since that has demoralised me I think. Positive vibes are great, but they can't be self-sustaining forever with no fuel I guess is what I mean. That has been my problem, the lack of positive experiences with girls during my life. So with DMSI, perhaps it's like going from not knowing a word of a language, to fluency. Like one extreme, to another. Hard to wrap the head around.
I will continue to try to believe it's possible, and try with girls again. If I "try" too hard, they don't seem to like that either. That's been a big problem too, "over pursuing" or "liking them too much" somehow. So, I have to "try"...but not "too much"...very annoyingly over complicated. Oh well.
Just wanted to post that in case anything could be used for the program going forward. I know we've discussed it before. Just felt it was worth a post.
Thank you for everything, regardless of the outcome. It's a painful shame that such a thing, design goal for DMSI, is such a terribly foreign concept to me and seems impossible to me. My mind just does not believe women I am attracted to, would ever be capable of acting such a way towards me, which pains me to write out.
I'll try to work on that somehow.
(04-30-2020, 03:35 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ] (04-30-2020, 03:09 PM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote: [ -> ]Shannon: "Which can be further reduced to survival/fear of death."
And yet people say I'm "projecting" when I say that people around me tend to have a fear of death they need to sort through.
You are going too far too fast. When you introduce an idea, people will accept it if they can see the steps that lead from what they understand to what the idea being presented is. If they cannot see how we got from Point A to Point Z, they will tend to reject it and seek an explanation for why it was presented which also defends their conclusion.
As an example, most people who have not been following my work for a long time would look at some of the things I claim to be doing with my subliminals (TID causing effects before the program is used, auric shields, powering up the immune system, etc.) and just laugh and claim I am a crackpot and crazy for even suggesting such things. It's bad enough that most of the world has never heard of subliminals, and the majority who have think they don't work because in the 1950's someone made up some shit to get attention, and because the people doing research studies on the topic didn't understand the topic well enough to do research studies that answered their questions, or even to correctly interpret the results in some cases, and in others, they created studies designed to show what they wanted the study to show.
Now you take someone like that and tell them my subliminals can do things like create results before the subliminal is even used in some cases, or create an auric shield, or power up your immune system and make it more effective, or alter a person's brain chemistry or state of awareness or hormone balance, etc. etc. and they're just going to laugh and claim you're a crackpot because they cannot follow you from Point A to Point Z. Their understanding is from Point A to Point B, and Point Z is just too much of a jump from what they currently understand to what is being said. They don't understand it, they don't follow how it is possible, and they tend to assume that because they don't understand how it is possible, that it isn't. When they conclude that it isn't they seek to justify that conclusion by explaining why the assertion (Point Z) was made in the first place, and to do that they tend to try to discredit the person making the assertion, so their conclusion holds water. If the person asserting Point Z is crazy, a crackpot, a scammer, just in it for the money, delusional, etc. then they have an easy way to simply dismiss what is being said, and maintain/defend their safe and comfortable point of view.
It's the same with you and them claiming you are projecting. That's a form of labeling you a crackpot, wrong, ignorant, whatever, to defend their conclusion and their understanding, because you didn't lay out and explain the steps for how they can follow you logically to that conclusion.
That makes a lot of sense. I forget that what I've learned is a result of taking the necessary steps to learn it. I was a "skeptic" once myself who instantly wrote off stuff like what I'm saying, but then seeking answers to certain problems lead me to learn steps B through Y because I was interested in learning them, and that lead to getting to Z, so to speak. Many people are uninterested in leaving point A, so they won't be interested in learning how one even comes to the conslusion of point Z unless they've had point B spoonfed to them without asking first, and even then, they are likely to ignore it or not care in quite a few cases. It is simply not where they are at at the CURRENT time. Their awareness is focused on other things. Mine is not so different. IT is focused on certain things, and probably not interested in points beyond point A in other subjects. WE're all at where we're at in our development, and that development ma involve different areas of interest entirely. Thanks for pointing that out.
(04-30-2020, 06:39 PM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote: [ -> ] (04-30-2020, 03:35 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ] (04-30-2020, 03:09 PM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote: [ -> ]Shannon: "Which can be further reduced to survival/fear of death."
And yet people say I'm "projecting" when I say that people around me tend to have a fear of death they need to sort through.
You are going too far too fast. When you introduce an idea, people will accept it if they can see the steps that lead from what they understand to what the idea being presented is. If they cannot see how we got from Point A to Point Z, they will tend to reject it and seek an explanation for why it was presented which also defends their conclusion.
As an example, most people who have not been following my work for a long time would look at some of the things I claim to be doing with my subliminals (TID causing effects before the program is used, auric shields, powering up the immune system, etc.) and just laugh and claim I am a crackpot and crazy for even suggesting such things. It's bad enough that most of the world has never heard of subliminals, and the majority who have think they don't work because in the 1950's someone made up some shit to get attention, and because the people doing research studies on the topic didn't understand the topic well enough to do research studies that answered their questions, or even to correctly interpret the results in some cases, and in others, they created studies designed to show what they wanted the study to show.
Now you take someone like that and tell them my subliminals can do things like create results before the subliminal is even used in some cases, or create an auric shield, or power up your immune system and make it more effective, or alter a person's brain chemistry or state of awareness or hormone balance, etc. etc. and they're just going to laugh and claim you're a crackpot because they cannot follow you from Point A to Point Z. Their understanding is from Point A to Point B, and Point Z is just too much of a jump from what they currently understand to what is being said. They don't understand it, they don't follow how it is possible, and they tend to assume that because they don't understand how it is possible, that it isn't. When they conclude that it isn't they seek to justify that conclusion by explaining why the assertion (Point Z) was made in the first place, and to do that they tend to try to discredit the person making the assertion, so their conclusion holds water. If the person asserting Point Z is crazy, a crackpot, a scammer, just in it for the money, delusional, etc. then they have an easy way to simply dismiss what is being said, and maintain/defend their safe and comfortable point of view.
It's the same with you and them claiming you are projecting. That's a form of labeling you a crackpot, wrong, ignorant, whatever, to defend their conclusion and their understanding, because you didn't lay out and explain the steps for how they can follow you logically to that conclusion.
That makes a lot of sense. I forget that what I've learned is a result of taking the necessary steps to learn it. I was a "skeptic" once myself who instantly wrote off stuff like what I'm saying, but then seeking answers to certain problems lead me to learn steps B through Y because I was interested in learning them, and that lead to getting to Z, so to speak. Many people are uninterested in leaving point A, so they won't be interested in learning how one even comes to the conslusion of point Z unless they've had point B spoonfed to them without asking first, and even then, they are likely to ignore it or not care in quite a few cases. It is simply not where they are at at the CURRENT time. Their awareness is focused on other things. Mine is not so different. IT is focused on certain things, and probably not interested in points beyond point A in other subjects. WE're all at where we're at in our development, and that development ma involve different areas of interest entirely. Thanks for pointing that out.
It's important to remember, both so you understand what's going on, how to avoid it and how to advance them from Point A to Point Z.
Hey Shannon
I had a great experience running ARA for a few weeks this fall when I was exceptionally busy at work.
I just got a new job which is great. I assume that I will be very busy for the first month or two. At some point (around Christmas I believe) you mentioned that you were thinking about re-designing and re-releasing ARA.
Is that still on the drawing board?
(04-30-2020, 04:05 PM)CatMan Wrote: [ -> ]Not to hijack Shannon, but that reminds me of my situation with girls.
DMSI/you are saying Point Z is possible, where girls around me that I'm very attracted to, CAN be not only very sexually attracted to me after all somehow, but then proceed to drive the interaction instead of me tending to feel like I'm driving it to boot, and that they can aggressively pursue me to have sex with them. To me, a 38 year old virgin who hasn't dated a girl or kissed one before, this seems so extreme, it's so difficult, if not impossible, for me to truly get behind at least initially. It's just way too much to wrap my head around as being possible from this level is all. I think that is the biggest stumbling block, probably more so than fear. That it just seems so far out of the realm of my reality, girls I am attracted to, actually liking me and valuing me as a REAL option to them beyond some friend zone BS as usual, and somehow chasing me to have sex. The whole concept of that seems so impossible and unrealistic for me. Coming from my position, it seems so ludicrous, so it's very hard to internalise. The self esteem and self worth, self validation are always at such a low level due to this lack of success with girls. There's almost no positive, tangible, reliable feedback to those 3 things and help them grow. So, it's a sense of always feeling bogged down, chasing fumes of those 3 things, and never making progress with girls, and always feeling beneath them and that they're out of my reach. Which of course makes the design goal "Point Z" even more distant from my reality.
I think it may be so hard to imagine, because the only thing I have to go off of, is either movies or tv shows, showing attractive girls chasing guys for sex. I literally don't have any of those kinds of experiences to draw off of. It's sad...but true. But even then, it's still a third-person experience, so I really have no frame of reference for such a concept. I've seen girls do that for other guys over time, so I DO know what it looks like, but again, it's third-person. Girls just don't act that way for ME, I'm just not that "hot bad boy guy" they drool for, so I just have no idea what it feels like. Being in such a deep drought for my life with girls, being the "amazing great guy (that they aren't attracted to)" and essentially only having hugs with them my whole life (again, pathetic but it's real talk...), seeing something so far out of my furthest point of reality, is very hard to get behind I think.
So, piggybacking off your previous post and concept, how can the sub take someone from such a low level of aptitude and understanding and even belief in it's premise, to fully achieving the goal of said program? I know it may naturally not be reality yet in a sub of course. I just mean, conceptually, how can that be achieved in a sub? Or rather, CAN that be achieved? Perhaps it is just too far of a leap, which I can respect if so.
Just trying to allow a window into my thought process etc. in the hopes that something of value can be gleamed since FRM/DMSI work is ongoing now. I have no intention of an argument or debate, I just wanted to open up a window for R&D sake.
Thank you for everything, Shannon. I look forward to the next installment of both FRM and DMSI.
EDIT: Perhaps it the next version doesn't result in a large change in results for many, the "dam breaking" like you say, it might be worth it to explore another option. I saw your post about a "stage 0" for AM7, great idea. A step up stage, to prepare people for the program. That might be a good idea here. Maybe it's just too much of an ask for some of us initially I guess, unfortunately. Hopefully not, one stage is best, but in the end, that's a solid option, better than nothing.
Hi Catman,
Let me chime in for a moment. I have been absent from the forum for quite a while, but coming back here I keep seeing the same old dialog you are having. It makes me sad in a way, really...
Shannon said it most, many times, and even if DMSI doesn't do the job for everybody for various reasons, it doesn't mean your "case" is hopeless. There is a ton of things you can do in your conscious life in order to make leaps of change. And you can hit your unconscious with these changes from many different angles, not just with subliminals.
For example, it hurts me reading your language, to be honest. It's full of "trying to try". F*** trying, there it starts already with a firm commitment to execution. No strong alpha male (I hate that term 'cause we have to evolve from that stigma, but hey, it is the first step on your path to masculine evolution) would ever "try" to do things. Where is your life vision as the badass man you want to be? If you lack inspiration, go watch or read about leaders who impress you and
observe and
model the language they are using, the way they dress, the symbols they use (maybe your avatar as a "Catman" could be upgraded to a wild cat) and the posture they are using to convey that character.
Then, stop that nonsense dialog in your head that turns you crazy and as a consequence paralyzes your brain. Who cares what you think that women might want, really? It's what you hallucinate that they think, which is a bunch of BS. The thing the really want you to is to execute, go for it, no matter how you might think you look like, and of course, a real woman doesn't want you to "try too hard", just don't ever "try" anymore at all, ok! Just do it and embrace failure as much as you do success, cause "Success
consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm", as Winston Churchill knew. Put together a useful set of affirmations, decorate your walls and mirrors with that shit and catch yourself whenever you use negative language going against them in your daily use of language - and change that language incrementally for good! Courage and confidence will follow, believe me, it's inevitable!
Also, stop waiting for the next shiny object promising that huge change you were always waiting for. Use the time between new subs and upgrades with things you can do on a conscious level. Read, think, and talk right, and then walk that talk!
That was some tough love, buddy, but I really mean it! And stop the intellectualizing, analyzing and reasoning of things, step out and get wet, get a life, and if things don't always work out, screw it, who cares, next! Make it a game, exclude the bad ones as fast as possible, and have fun in the process. Remain enthusiastic always remembering that badass guy you actually are. Would that mofo wolf ever be let down by a couple of pink sheep?
I don't think so...
Take care!
That's right. If you yourself were a charakter in a computer RPG you would not let the character stay on level one. Yes, you can walk around a bit, get some experience and level up. But you cannot level up much by doing the same things in the same environment. Good speech.
"If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't you'll find an excuse." - Jim Rohn
(I am also sometimes overthinking things, that is why I like that quote, reminds me to take action. By the way LTU5 helped me a lot to take action, I was sometimes feeling unstoppable. I account that to the "overcome victim mentality"-part.)
Hey man, long time no see.
Thanks for posting your two cents. I replied in a PM, to avoid a further derail of this thread.
Sorry mods and Shannon

. That wasn't my intention.
Ohh Geezz...thank to topic's.... Shannon that new and improved Skeleton Script for MIR,sounds amazing and powerful,as its meant to be!! Yea! Real pleased that you're now working on FRM 4.9 as more of a full focus,for lack of a better expression at this time. I Know its gonna 'kick butt'. Looking forward to seeing people's unfolding results with MIR v3 !!!
Hey @
Shannon What if in FRM you sublimated the fear? Like turned it into sexual energy or something? Fear and sexual arousal seem to be very close to eaxh other.