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(04-26-2021, 11:28 PM)AriGold Wrote: [ -> ]You got my support with OF V3. (pre-ordered)

+1. Lets get done with this "F"
(04-26-2021, 07:13 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-26-2021, 02:47 PM)Amann Wrote: [ -> ]Looks like I'm the only one that's pissed that we're not getting a free upgrade despite being early adopters for both OF v1 and OF v2?

OF v2 is barely 4 months old and it's being upgraded.

Why are you pissed?  OF v2 hasn't been out long enough for you to even be eligible to request a refund.  I'm upgrading it because enough of my CUSTOMERS asked me to, and because there's enough advancement in the tech to do so.  And as RTB points out, V2 is a great program, and well worth the price.

I was going to build something completely different, but I was asked by enough customers to build this instead, and they asked me to do so with the understanding that the only free upgrades would be to those who purchased v2 within 30 days of the release of v3.

This build is being done, OF v3 or whatever else it might have been, to allow me to release at least one thing this month that will bring in fresh income.  UMS v2 is taking too long, and otherwise there would be nothing at all.  The whole point would be negated if I gave free upgrades!

So why are you pissed again?

Disgruntled would be the more appropriate word.

I agree the customers asked you to do it and that it isn't eligible for a refund.
So if it hasn't been given at least 8 months for it's effectiveness to be ascertained...why are Catman and others asking for it to be upgraded already? With newer tech available (fortunately a regular occurrence) is the plan (if you're willing to divulge) to put all the bells and whistles into perfecting OF before replicating into other programs?

I fully understand the need for cashflow though by regularly updating OF you are feeding into peoples FOMO as they will naturally want the latest tech. This will mean they will own multiple copies of the same program with incremental improvements..great for IML but the customer is out of pocket 3 times for a slightly better product (I'm more interested in the results than the claim that this new version is 10 times better than the last but in actuality isn't. I'm not criticising, just highlighting that sometimes it's better to temper expectations). Consequently, no one will want to buy new subs as the possibility of a new version in a short while may be available.

As progress is a continuing will never be finished. My assumption of you is that you will always want to improve on things to better yourself and your products. Thus, improving other programs (in my opinion) would have been the better choice as it would have allowed for better test results across a variety of subs.

This is all a moot point as I won't be purchasing OF v3. But it is food for thought regarding future purchases (specifically UMS v2). Rather than jumping on the initial offering, it may be more prudent to wait a few months (though this can be a spiralling situation if regular updates are implemented at full cost).
So if you upgrade frm v4.9 to 5.0, will these also go into UMS?
I Hope so, if it warrants an upgrade from ofv2 to ofv3, surely this warrants it for UMS too?
Good luck with building OFv3Wink
(04-26-2021, 11:37 PM)Johannesbrst Wrote: [ -> ]Can OF help you feel more "grounded"? I.e. feeling more rooted in your body, being more relaxed, having a more grounded voice?

OF already does what it can to achieve those things, which is to say, it does what it can to aleviate and prevent the fear that it is working to remove.
(04-27-2021, 04:05 AM)Amann Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-26-2021, 07:13 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-26-2021, 02:47 PM)Amann Wrote: [ -> ]Looks like I'm the only one that's pissed that we're not getting a free upgrade despite being early adopters for both OF v1 and OF v2?

OF v2 is barely 4 months old and it's being upgraded.

Why are you pissed?  OF v2 hasn't been out long enough for you to even be eligible to request a refund.  I'm upgrading it because enough of my CUSTOMERS asked me to, and because there's enough advancement in the tech to do so.  And as RTB points out, V2 is a great program, and well worth the price.

I was going to build something completely different, but I was asked by enough customers to build this instead, and they asked me to do so with the understanding that the only free upgrades would be to those who purchased v2 within 30 days of the release of v3.

This build is being done, OF v3 or whatever else it might have been, to allow me to release at least one thing this month that will bring in fresh income.  UMS v2 is taking too long, and otherwise there would be nothing at all.  The whole point would be negated if I gave free upgrades!

So why are you pissed again?

Disgruntled would be the more appropriate word.

I agree the customers asked you to do it and that it isn't eligible for a refund.
So if it hasn't been given at least 8 months for it's effectiveness to be ascertained...why are Catman and others asking for it to be upgraded already? With newer tech available (fortunately a regular occurrence) is the plan (if you're willing to divulge) to put all the bells and whistles into perfecting OF before replicating into other programs?

CM is asking for it because he knows there's been enough knowledge and technology gained to make it significantly better, and he wants it to work faster and more easily.  He sees it working, but it's a slow process and it's being fought by his inner child.  CM happens to have an extremely rare personality type that makes for extreme difficulty achieving change in some directions, and especially regarding fear.  Most people will not have it nearly as bad as he does, but the goal is for this to work as well and as quickly and easily as possible for even the most difficult cases.  

Newer tech is the plan only insomuch as I am developing 6G.  Everything I have been doing and working towards since 2012 has been in pursuit of that singular goal.  Once we hit 6G, I'm going to stop development (because the goal of 6G is to go as far as humanly possible at that time) and then build out the entire library in 6G.  The end goal is to be able to work at my own pace and live on the residual income while I start and raise a family.  So it's not going to be constant upgrades forever, and quite frankly, I'm sick of rebuilding the same thing over and over again because of these advancements.

If all I did was to throw FRM 4.9 into the new skeleton script, as I did before, almost all the same "bells and whistles" would be added simply as a result of the difference between 5.75.6G and 5.75.7G.  But I made no advancements to the FRM last time, and there are sufficient ideas to do so this time.  It shouldn't add a lot of time to the build of OF v3 to add some, if not all, of these new ideas, but the ideas that show well in the models could make a big difference in how well the FRM and the program works. So in this case, it's worth adding some, if not all of those ideas.  Most of them - as expected - were not shown to be useful when I ran them through the models.

Quote:I fully understand the need for cashflow though by regularly updating OF you are feeding into peoples FOMO as they will naturally want the latest tech. This will mean they will own multiple copies of the same program with incremental improvements..great for IML but the customer is out of pocket 3 times for a slightly better product (I'm more interested in the results than the claim that this new version is 10 times better than the last but in actuality isn't. I'm not criticising, just highlighting that sometimes it's better to temper expectations). Consequently, no one will want to buy new subs as the possibility of a new version in a short while may be available.

First I would point out to you that I don't recall saying that V2 was 10 times better than v1.  I let the programs speak for themselves instead of trying to hype you guys up.  Second, the "slightly better": is a matter of opinion.  There are people, and more than a few, who would agree with me that V2 of OF is a big step up in power and effectiveness compared to v1.  Some people have more fear, though, or more difficult personalities or belief systems to deal with and different points of view and expectations, which will take the same program and make two people perceive it very differently.

Furthermore, I would point out that if you believe that each of these upgrades is just "a slightly better product", then you are welcome to not purchase it.  I honestly do not believe that the people who pre-ordered OF v3 are doing it just to support IML.  I think they're doing it because they want a better OF experience, and they see that the value of the goal and the value of the previous upgrades has been such that it is genuinely worth their money to do so.  When I make these upgrades, I am only willing to if I believe I can deliver that significant increase in value to make the upgrade worthwhile on it's own merits. You may not know it, but I turned down a previous request to upgrade OF from v2 to v3 because of that very thing.

On my quest to achieve 6G, I know what the goal is, but not fully how to get there.  I have developed a formula for advancing to the next step based on working out information from the previous steps, and it works.  But I don't know when those discoveries will come through or what they will be or how big a difference they will be.  I had no idea that 5.75.7G would offer so much more potential than anything that came before it.  This is not "planned obsolescence".

Quote:As progress is a continuing will never be finished. My assumption of you is that you will always want to improve on things to better yourself and your products. Thus, improving other programs (in my opinion) would have been the better choice as it would have allowed for better test results across a variety of subs.

You're right, I will never be finished.  My personality type seeks perfection, and that is an infinitely difficult goal to achieve.  One lifetime will not be enough.  But the fact remains that 6G is and has always been a definite goal beset with definite boundaries, largely because I know that about myself.  And when I achieve it, my goal is to focus on starting and raising a family first, and then developing new subliminals and technology second.  Will there be a 7G?  Maybe.  But it won't happen this decade, I'd wager.  And the plan is and always has been that when 6G comes out, I build everything in 6G and create a complete library in 6G.  Remember, 6G is designed to be "as far as I can push it for a long time", which is why I have been working on this goal since 2012.  What's that, 9 years now?  I'm pushing now, because I'm tired of developing a new gen of tech and then finding myself discovering new things every time I turn around.  Obviously I will never get a complete and consistent library built that way.

6G will be stable and consistent.  That's why it's taking so long to get there and so much work.

Quote:This is all a moot point as I won't be purchasing OF v3. But it is food for thought regarding future purchases (specifically UMS v2). Rather than jumping on the initial offering, it may be more prudent to wait a few months (though this can be a spiralling situation if regular updates are implemented at full cost).

Regular updates only happen on unusual circumstances.  This happens to be a very tumultuous time when I'm discovering huge amounts of things very quickly, and of course scrambling to implement them so I can achieve 6G faster.   The only time I do regular updates is when I have significant improvements in my understanding and abilities that result in customers asking for it and it being a reasonable proposition or if I have made a mistake that needs to be corrected.

You can rest assured that 5.75.7G and up are of such difficulty to build that regular updates will not be very likely anymore, regardless.  And in fact I am not going to be building staged subs anymore in this level of technology unless and until I can find a way to do parts of it more quickly and easily, never mind regular updates of those subs.  UMS v2 has already been a nightmare, and now everyone expects me to go back and re-do parts of a frozen script to make it match OF v3, which will un-do at least a week's work and, if I do it, delay everything even more.
(04-27-2021, 04:27 AM)Griffin Wrote: [ -> ]So if you upgrade frm v4.9 to 5.0, will these also go into UMS?
I Hope so, if it warrants an upgrade from ofv2 to ofv3, surely this warrants it for UMS too?
Good luck with building OFv3Wink

The script of UMS v2 is frozen.  Normally it would be a hard "No." But given the specifics of this upgrade, I will consider it.  The script being frozen is done for good reason; the variables I calculate for how to configure the rest of the program can only be calculated and set when the script is static.  If I change anything after that point, a whole cascade of things that stairstep from one to the next must be thrown away and re-done.  I am already dealing with stupid levels of complexity and that makes the work difficult, frustrating and slow as glass melting at room temperature.  I don't want to un-do the complex work I have already done.

But I will consider it.  The answer will depend on how much work I find that I have to throw away if I do the change.

Do you think the next version of "Overcoming Fear" will be better to handle resistance ? I have tendency to quitting from subs when resistance come to surface.  From there, it also has side effects like make me feel less excited about life, less motivated to do improvements, and wants to just lie down.
(04-27-2021, 08:38 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-27-2021, 04:27 AM)Griffin Wrote: [ -> ]So if you upgrade frm v4.9 to 5.0, will these also go into UMS?
I Hope so, if it warrants an upgrade from ofv2 to ofv3, surely this warrants it for UMS too?
Good luck with building OFv3Wink

The script of UMS v2 is frozen.  Normally it would be a hard "No." But given the specifics of this upgrade, I will consider it.  The script being frozen is done for good reason; the variables I calculate for how to configure the rest of the program can only be calculated and set when the script is static.  If I change anything after that point, a whole cascade of things that stairstep from one to the next must be thrown away and re-done.  I am already dealing with stupid levels of complexity and that makes the work difficult, frustrating and slow as glass melting at room temperature.  I don't want to un-do the complex work I have already done.

But I will consider it.  The answer will depend on how much work I find that I have to throw away if I do the change.

Thank you for considering! Making UMSv2 work even better will be beneficial for you in the end, as people will be able to buy higher priced subliminals.
Or people who out of gratitude buy subliminals for other people, as I will be doing when I reach ultimate financial success.

Cheers and good luck!
Pre-ordered OF v3 yesterday. Thanks for the discount!  At least Ben has plenty of time to get Paypal sorted!

I must admit I've been feeling strange today, but it's a good strange. What popped into my head when I was at work is that OF v3 engenders not only a temporal impact, but also a multi-dimensional impact. This title specifically...
(04-27-2021, 09:23 AM)MagicalAlchemist Wrote: [ -> ]@Shannon

Do you think the next version of "Overcoming Fear" will be better to handle resistance ? I have tendency to quitting from subs when resistance come to surface.  From there, it also has side effects like make me feel less excited about life, less motivated to do improvements, and wants to just lie down.

5.75.7G will handle resistance better than before.  OF v3 will be based on that.  Also, the new ideas being incorporated into FRM 5.0 should better help to deal with resistance.  But in the end, everyone is unique, so I cannot give you a black and white answer.
(04-27-2021, 10:22 AM)Ruffian Wrote: [ -> ]Pre-ordered OF v3 yesterday. Thanks for the discount!  At least Ben has plenty of time to get Paypal sorted!

I must admit I've been feeling strange today, but it's a good strange. What popped into my head when I was at work is that OF v3 engenders not only a temporal impact, but also a multi-dimensional impact. This title specifically...

5.75.7G is... different.  That's for sure.  But I've been careful not to say much so that you guys are able to see for yourselves what it does without hype.
Two cents from a customer who almost begged Shannon to publish v3.
Quote:With newer tech available (fortunately a regular occurrence) is the plan (if you're willing to divulge) to put all the bells and whistles into perfecting OF before replicating into other programs?
The reason for 3 versions in a few months is that OF is not just another program. Most users seem to agree that it is more foundational than any other program in the catalog, and that a successful OF run is very likely to make all other programs work better. As for the future, Shannon made it very clear that this is the last update to OF until 6G.

Quote:the customer is out of pocket 3 times
Many customers wanted to be out of pocket two or three times. Those who don’t want to be out pocket more than once are not affected since they already have a fully functional excellent product.

Quote:Consequently, no one will want to buy new subs as the possibility of a new version in a short while may be available.
Quote:Rather than jumping on the initial offering, it may be more prudent to wait a few months (though this can be a spiralling situation if regular updates are implemented at full cost).
I think it’s very clear that the same will not happen with any other product.

I don’t mean to be confrontational or disrespect your feedback but I felt obligated to say something because I am in part responsible for this upgrade.
Will the new UMS also be available for a discount with pre-orders?
(04-27-2021, 08:21 PM)AbundanceCH Wrote: [ -> ]Will the new UMS also be available for a discount with pre-orders?

Discount?  No.  Pre-orders?  Only if I have no choice.  Which, so far, is not the case.

For the record, don't mistake this for a discount on OF v3.  It's not.  It's the introductory price at which, according to the models, certain very important variables take on specific values that significantly benefit me and all of you for a long time to come.  It is also an extremely rare event, which I have never seen before in the models, and I seriously doubt I will ever see again.  So as I said in the announcement... don't expect this to happen again.
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