08-16-2024, 05:59 PM
(08-16-2024, 04:04 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ](08-15-2024, 10:06 AM)Vehe Wrote: [ -> ]Written definitions, affirmations, instructions, and so on, do work very well. I've used them for years to test scripts before committing to turn them into subliminals. First, the subconscious has to be programed to react to them, otherwise it's pointless.
The subconscious, stupid as a rock, then proceeds to program into you everything you write. So the trick is to add triggers:
for example:
*#Strt (this would mean start of definition)
*#ND (this would mean end of definition)
*#Strt Masculinity is also... *#ND
You would also need Undoing because most times, what you think you want or need comes with unwanted side effects, in this case:
*#UndoStrt Masculinity is also... *#UndoND
As for making effective programs, treating only one issue is basically pointless. Doesn't surprise me that you're not having success with healing.
I found that these are essential ingredients/foundations in every program:
* Self confidence/ Self esteem /Fearlessness /Rebirth /Healing (physical, mental, etc, because unbalanced hormones, neurotransmitters, toxins, inflammation, especially in your brain will cause havoc in subliminal results and in life.
* Success Mindset/ Victorious mindset/ Winner mindset : Self explanatory, tends to affect everything and it's the mindset that all successful people have..
* Positivity: Self explanatory, tends to improve everything.
* Readiness: Should have similar results to that new 'time management' subliminal.
* Love life /Sexual life improvement: It's a biological instinct that must be fed. When we are assexual or not sexually active /dating, we are unknowingly sending the message to our whole biology that we are ready to die, because, with the exception of our neocortex, the whole purpose of our biology is to reproduce. Without passion for sex, dating, loving and desiring, everything starts to go worse until we feel like dying. The opposite is also true. The second most powerful force in the Universe is sexual. The first is 'Spiritual' but that is a theme for another time since 99% of people aren't ready for it or aren't ready for it until their biological instincts are met beforehand. Took me years of testing this on myself. If I can approach women successfully and if I'm always aroused by them I'm always in awe of life and being alive. If I can't approach women and if I'm not aroused by them, everything starts do go downhill fast until I don't even feel alive anymore. We are pure biological creatures unless we are in the 'spirit realms'. If we are in the 'spirit realms' we cannot function in this world, therefore, our biological instincts must be taken cared of before anything else.
* Intelligence / Cognition/ Fast learning ability: This is the secret subliminal booster that subliminal producers can't seem to grasp. Each and everything that improves your intelligence, cognition, fast learning ability, memory has a brutal difference on subliminal results and in real life. Any type of performance, from sports to seduction immediately comes to mind. Having the perfect action or answer ready every time. Knowing what to say and do in every occasion. Computing millions of options in one second before committing to the best one. learning extremely fast from every mistake... This is the BOMB! In fact, I found out that my self confidence comes from this. Without a properly working brain I am never self confident.
* Anxiolytic Attributes aka stopping 'fight or flight' mode: Rather than explaining. Go read the effects of 'Propranolol' and the rating of 10/10 by most people. To be honest, there is no point in doing this one unless it can be done perfectly because one can buy 10g of Propranolol for $30 in the Asian markets.
* I'm sure I'm forgetting something, as usual.
So you see, unless every program already combines all of these at the foundations you will rarely be satisfied. You might feel satisfied but feeling is not being. One can feel like a God on earth in it's own head yet never actually do more than any other random dude in the real world. For subliminals I always say: rate them as you would in a court of law or scientific blind placebo tests.
Hey, I want a discount for this information.
One day I might tell you how to do mind control.Learnt from the very best.
I find a number of serious errors in your post here that tell me that your understanding of the subconscious and how to make safe and effective subliminals is not what you seem to think it is. I'll give you one example, because it is not possible for me to respond to everything given the restraints on my time.
You state that the subconscious is "stupid as a rock". That belief can only come from one of two things: Either you're still using research that was done between 1930's and 1980's, or you conclude that because you don't understand the subconscious well enough to know better. On the contrary, your subconscious is vastly smarter and more capable than your conscious mind is, and my decades of research and experiments have borne that out more than a few dozen times now.
Given how fundamental the understanding of the falsity of that one thing is to making subliminals, I can only conclude that you have arrived at multiple other errors in logic and judgement as to how to make safe and useful subliminal scripts.
You also state that you might one day tell me how to do mind control. My customers come to me because they trust that I will never take away their free will. Mind control is not my goal. However, I have known how to do two different forms of mind control for more than 12 years now. I have no use for mind control.
Your apparent willingness to use mind control tells me that you are not aware of the costs and consequences of using such a thing, or you don't care. Neither is a good thing.
I suggest that before you would purport to teach someone how to make subliminals, you make sure you know how to do what you are claiming to know how to do. So I have serious doubts about you really having sufficient understanding of the subconscious to make safe and useful subliminal scripts, and I have questions about your morals. This post also smacks of ego and attention seeking. I am not impressed so far.
Shannon, in an industry of big talkers, cowboy operators and magical thinking, I appreciate how methodically you communicate your ideas. This is cutting-edge tech that most of us have next to no grasp of, so having that trust in your approach and your thought process is key for me as a client.