12-24-2024, 06:10 PM
(12-24-2024, 08:01 AM)Michelangelo Wrote: [ -> ](12-19-2024, 11:25 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Cannot be influenced by others?! You are influenced by everyone and everything around you 24/7 in some way or other, my friend. All things connect with and interact with all other things, at all scales. I am influencing you right now as to what to think as you read these words that I chose, and in what you think as you comprehend the ideas I am communicating, and in response to these ideas, am I not?
You do not exist in a reality that is all your own. You do exist on a specific probability line that you are choosing to focus your awareness into and through from moment to moment, but all those around you are also in that probability line because they have done the same. Reality is not purely subjective; there is objective reality also. Everything you do influences millions and billions of others directly or indirectly, and everything they do influences you directly or indirectly.
Every moment, consciously and subconsciously, you are making choices that shift you to different probability lines, on which you experience whatever is real and true on that particular line at that particular point in time, just like everyone around you. You exist on ALL probability lines all the time, but what matters is which one you have chosen to focus yourself into and through during that particular moment.
You influence others consciously and subconsciously 24/7, and vice versa. Most of this influence cannot be seen at the conscious level, but it is there regardless. If that were not the case, the shields wouldn't be necessary or useful, and would have never been invented in the first place. More that a few ere can assure you that the shields do work, and are very useful.
An attack, very generally speaking, is any effort to harm you or work against you in some way. Magickal attack is attack via magick, the willful direction and control of specific energies which are used to achieve some desired outcome through that energy and its influence on the world. Psychic attack is attack via the psychic awareness, which is to say, the workings of the mind and emotions, usually at a subconscious level. Energetic attacks is a catch-all to cover all the other forms of non-physical attack; for example, energy drain from some sort of entity that might be feeding on your psychic energy.
A magickal attack can take many forms. It could range from the simple focusing of resentment on you to such a strong degree that it infuses you with negative energy that makes you sick, to a directed gathering of energy that is then programmed with a specific goal and focused on you, to calling on the aid of some entity to influence you in a negative way and many others. Magickal attacks are very rare for most people, but they do happen, and the more magickal types you know, unfortunately, the more likely it is you will encounter someone who knows enough to attack, but doesn't have the common sense or wisdom not to. Those who know, rarely ever resort to magickal attack because it is a double edged sword. There is always a cost, even if it doesn't always have to be paid in this lifetime.
Psychic attack is much more common, and in fact happens almost constantly at some level and to some degree. It is most commonly experienced when someone uses their personal energy, mental or emotional, to interact with you on some level or in some way that is intended to negatively affect you, influence you or control you. As an example, I have a tester who has a boss who uses this constantly to manipulate people on his staff whom he doesn't like, and that particular tester uses the Directional Reflection Shield to excellent effect to stop those attacks. I have seen emotional manipulation be a common theme as well, without anything but the influence of the emotional connection between two people. One person will try (and usually succeed) to trigger feelings of guilt, shame, fear, inferiority or some sort of debt (You owe me this!) in order to manipulate the person being attacked into acting, behaving or refraining from something according to the desires of attacker.
It is possible to trace the source, but it usually requires training. You can know that you are under attack by the effect it has on you. Some attacks are much more difficult to detect than others, especially if the attacker is skilled at stealth or the subject of attack is so used to the attack that they believe it is normal. Another excellent way to detect an attack is to use a shield and observe the difference it results in, for themselves and the attacker - depending on the particular shield. Directional Reflection Shield is so popular because it is very obvious in what it does, and how it affects the attacker.
Where did you learn all this?
It's literally basic stuff and everyone can learn from anything, literally anything.