Last night my son had two nightmares, after the second of which I could not fall back to sleep. I went downstairs to the couch to see if that would help, but it didn't. Thoughts of past screw-ups with certain women, or past grievances I've been holding onto all these years of various things, kept my mind chatter humming along and it just ended up pissing me off so much I decided to get up for the day.
Lifting buddy is trying to show social dominance by grabbing my shoulder and shaking me while laughing/joking. The other day while resting on a machine, which I was facing, he tickled me from behind. That was weird.
I made a suggestion to one of his lifts today, and he blew me off. His explanation made zero sense. I wanted to say, "Hey, man, if I told you - a firefighter - that I know how to fight fires better than you, what would you say? Ok, then don't try to make it sound like you know more about lifting, progression, or program design when it comes to strength & conditioning." His whole demeanor was sour. Perhaps something else caused it - I saw him talking to the married fitness model who was going to tell him to shut down his flirtations. Who knows what she said. I took my leave shortly thereafter. He was doing lifts for other muscle groups than I was today, anyway, and if his training conflicts with mine, I go and do my own thing.
My wife's coworker was working out today - I saw her briefly yesterday before she left (but not long enough for anything but a brief exposure to the SDS) - and she used the lat pulldown right in front of me to...stretch?...I don't know what she was doing, but it kept her chest out and armpits exposed for a good 90 seconds. Not gonna lie, it was nice to look at. When she was leaving, she came and talked to one of my lifting partners (the
other guy), who I know she's talked to/been friends with since before I met him. While she talked to him, I walked around her doing my thing, and her eyes kept flicking to me. We're on speaking terms, she's pretty darn good friends with my wife, but she seemed like a nervous little school girl around me. In fact, I felt she was hovering because she wanted to be around me, not talk to this other guy (though that feels kind of arrogant to say). So, she's fine talking to all these other guys like friends, but is nervous to talk to me? Hmmmm....I finally said, "Hey, how are you?" to her, and she just parroted it back to me, with a short of blank stare and little smile. I then went on to my next lift, and she took off.
Went to eat with my family after at a Cracker Barrel, and all the old ladies were staring at me. It was like the Hitchcock movie "The Birds," where the birds are all on their branches just staring, except they're old ladies instead, lol. Kinda creepy, frankly, to have 5 women all staring at you simultaneously.
Super cute waitress, maybe 20 years old, works on Thursdays. She didn't have our section, but I noticed that after we had sat there for awhile, she altered her return route to the kitchen to walk through our section, right past our table. It was the long way back, so that was notable. I don't know, for sure, if it actually had anything to do with me. I couldn't stare after her with my wife sitting right there and not get a kick to the shin, lol.
Wife has been a motor mouth, back to acting like we're dating and she's trying to impress me. It's like she wants my attention
sooo baaad. I find it a tad annoying, which I feel a little bad about - hope she doesn't sense my annoyance too much. If so, she doesn't act like it.
Ran my loops when we got home, 1 masked, 1 hybrid, wired speakers .FLAC -50 db or so. Tried to nap, but my body was buzzing with so much energy flowing, I couldn't. It ended up being more like a long meditation with visuals of faces, and lady parts, in my mind's eye. There was a special concentration on my wife's coworker, so whatever is up with that.