(02-19-2011, 06:23 PM)Patti Wrote: [ -> ]Shannon I have a question. Would you advise someone who has a family history of cancer, but doesn't have any signs or symptoms of it themselves to use the cancer healing sub? Could it be used as a preventative or is it more like, if it's not broke don't fix it type of thing?
That is probably not a good idea, as the script is designed with the "I have cancer" mindset as a base. You want something more preventative.
(02-21-2011, 02:18 PM)AwesomeYoungDude Wrote: [ -> ]Shannon, what is the recommended and max amount of exposure to BrainWave Entertainment beta and gamma (daily and long term). I presume these should not be listened to 8 hours a day as is done with subs. Thanks in advance.
BTW, what would be the result of listening to beta and or gamma for an extended period of time?
To the best of my understanding, the maximum amount of exposure to BWE for short term periods is a couple hours at a time. Short term being one day, a couple days, or once a week for a day. Medium term... every day for a month, say, or most days of a week, I'd say half an hour a day max, and take a month off.
I don't think sustained use in the long term, without equal time for the brain to reorient without BWE, is a great idea at this point.
Beta we spend most of our waking time in, so daily exposure to Beta isn't a real problem unless you use it too late in the day and it interferes with sleeping patterns. Gamma should be used sparingly - once every few days, half an hour at a time or so, from what I understand.
Listening to Beta for extended periods of time should focus you on being conscious and awake at a conscious level while you are awake. Gamma may cause your brainwaves to remain in too-high a gear and cause stress and cascade into other things if you use it too much.
(02-22-2011, 11:30 AM)Blueness Wrote: [ -> ]Shannon, when you upgrade the Seize The Day to 4G, can you put some affirmations for waking up early in there, I think this will tie in well with Seizing the day, making the most of a full day..etc.
That's not a bad idea. There is some concern about how effective that would be for people who work at night though...
(02-23-2011, 12:54 PM)Jeff Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Shannon, I have a curious question. Do subliminals in general, create and/or stimulate neural pathways?
Subliminals are stimulus, and very repetitious stimulus. They should naturally create and enhance neural pathways in the brain as it is exposed repeatedly to the program, as I understand how the brain works. In fact, I think that part of what makes the program actually "kick in" is having created those neural pathways.
I am back, ladies and gemlenums. Please accept my apologies for disappearing without notice. There appears to have been a case of burnout that hit me rather unexpectedly and took out my ability to function effectively.
Things are all back to normal now, so I'll be back working at full speed trying to catch up.Next time, if this happens again, I'll let you all know I have taken a forced break.