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(08-31-2011, 06:36 PM)Litisthebest Wrote: [ -> ]Is it ok to use Happiness and Joy 4G with IATBW 7.1?

Yes, those will be fine together in as much as two programs together can be used together.
(08-30-2011, 02:36 PM)Adam Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:I'll be on 4G upgrades shortly. Smile

Love and Appreciate Yourself. Deep Gratitude and Satisfaction. Those two would definitely be nice to buy 4G.

How long would it take for each to sink in fully? Using one at a time for the standard eight hours.

At the moment I am finding myself unable to work on the programs due to timing restraints traveling.

Have you done a search in the FAQ section for the answer to your question? I believe it's answered there.
Hey Shannon I have question with regards to speaker position when using subliminals. I just realized I never had them at ear level by my bed, they were on the floor. I was wondering if this could have possible lowered the effectiveness of them. I don't know much about speakers, but I figure they only direct sound in the direction they are pointed, so being positioned on the floor pretty much sent the sound underneath my bed and I might have missed some of the programming. Anyway I've moved them to ear level, so I'll see how it affects me in the next few days.
(09-02-2011, 11:28 AM)mat422 Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Shannon I have question with regards to speaker position when using subliminals. I just realized I never had them at ear level by my bed, they were on the floor. I was wondering if this could have possible lowered the effectiveness of them. I don't know much about speakers, but I figure they only direct sound in the direction they are pointed, so being positioned on the floor pretty much sent the sound underneath my bed and I might have missed some of the programming. Anyway I've moved them to ear level, so I'll see how it affects me in the next few days.

I doubt that would degrade the effectiveness of the subliminal much if at all, but it is better to have them not pointing under your bed. Wink
Realized this afternoon that it's been a few days since I have used SM. Got to start that again. Building new stuff is apparently going to have to wait until I am not dealing with such social people on my trip.
Shannon is it much of an issue if I wait a couple of days before starting stage 3? I am about to go on a business trip and If I can get at least 8 hours in for the last few days of stage 2 then I can rest up for a couple of days while traveling home and then start stage 3 the first night back home. I only ask because I will be having very late nights and very early mornings during most of the trip with several hours of downtime around lunch.
Shannon the sex magnet subliminal seems very interesting and I have to ask was it designed as a continuation of alpha male or more of an optional addition? To me the alpha male sub is something that made me very independent and non-needy. Most importantly it took my view off women and directed it towards improving my life for myself. I've never been much of a seducer, I've always preferred to just chill and let things unfold. I feel that sex magnet kind of goes against the idea of alpha male, which is all about building yourself up and doing your own thing while women pursue you. I guess it's really all about the lifestyle you want to live. Regardless, I'm sure it's a very finely crafted subliminal!
(09-03-2011, 08:12 PM)mat422 Wrote: [ -> ]Shannon the sex magnet subliminal seems very interesting and I have to ask was it designed as a continuation of alpha male or more of an optional addition? To me the alpha male sub is something that made me very independent and non-needy. Most importantly it took my view off women and directed it towards improving my life for myself. I've never been much of a seducer, I've always preferred to just chill and let things unfold. I feel that sex magnet kind of goes against the idea of alpha male, which is all about building yourself up and doing your own thing while women pursue you. I guess it's really all about the lifestyle you want to live. Regardless, I'm sure it's a very finely crafted subliminal!

The alpha male is building a foundation. The Sex Magnet then takes that foundation and builds a house on it, metaphorically speaking. It doesn't go against AM, but it does significantly change the type of alpha you end up being.

AM acts as a lead in for SM, but SM is not necessary to use if you don't want to. Think of SM (and WM) as "Advanced Alpha training". It's no longer focusing on making you alpha, but making you a specific type of alpha. You can stick with AM and stay with that style of alpha, or you can choose Woman Magnet or Sex Magnet to adjust and refine the style of alpha you are becoming. Not necessary, but very much what some people prefer.

Sex Magnet does not make you needy, but it does make you more direct and more able and willing to initiate things for yourself. Most times, women expect you to initiate, and it is important to be able and willing to, before you try to induce them to do it for you. They can sense when a man is able and willing to, and that is a big part of why they will choose to initiate with such a man if he does not choose to initiate with them. The point is to make you able to do as you please, which makes her want to do it for you in some cases, and then use other methods to get her to do it for you as much as possible.
Hey Shannon, I was wondering if you could get around to answering my questions I posted a few posts back.

I also have another. You would have to read my other post first for this to make sense but since I'm going on my trip.. It is quite a possibility I may only get 5-6 hours a night of the sub for 4 nights towards the end of stage 2. Before going on to stage 3 how much more time should I give to stage 2 if I have not met the minimum requirements for hours listened in a day?
(09-02-2011, 05:25 PM)Spiral Wrote: [ -> ]Shannon is it much of an issue if I wait a couple of days before starting stage 3? I am about to go on a business trip and If I can get at least 8 hours in for the last few days of stage 2 then I can rest up for a couple of days while traveling home and then start stage 3 the first night back home. I only ask because I will be having very late nights and very early mornings during most of the trip with several hours of downtime around lunch.

It shouldn't be terrible, but it's not optimal.

Did I get the questions you wanted answered?
Hey Shannon, English is not my first language. Does it better to do more than 64 days per stage in order to get obvious result?

Thanks Shannon. I'll see how things go and if for a few days straight I don't get a the reccommended amount of hours listened then I will add another week of stage 2.
Alright Shannon, I've been witholding this information for a while because I didn't want to jinx anything. But screw it cause here goes. Luck Magnifier 4.0 is muthafrickin, AWESOME!

What the heck did you put into it? I used the LM 3.0 version for 32 full days alone (along with Active Manifestation) and then switched to the 4G version. It's definitely, more obvious in terms of effects. In fact...I sometimes have a hard time distiguishing my results from simple coincidence. For example. Last week I really wanted to have sex BADLY. Well I entered into my new lab class last Friday, and had a cute, sexy girl sit right beside me. Me and her cracked jokes periodically in class and she even initiated kino. At the end of class she said "See you friday" and she gave me a smile. Ok, maybe I'm reading into this too much but this can't be just coincidence...

There have been other events however sometimes the things that happen are so coincidental I wonder if it's really Luck Magnifier that's doing it. And it doesn't help that I seem to have MULTIPLE desires although I do try to focus them however this seems to fail.

But I wanted to thank you for a job well done sir. I've decided to give BIABW Sexually a shot for the next month to see if Luck Magnifier or maybe Active Manifestation will give it some kick. Although it'd be easier if BIABW Sexually had a visible script for me to work with. *hint hint*Tongue
(09-04-2011, 06:14 PM)Bearealman Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Shannon, English is not my first language. Does it better to do more than 64 days per stage in order to get obvious result?

You don't say which program you are referring to. But... I seriously doubt you need to worry about using it for more than 32 days, never mind 64. Never use the program more than the directions indicate for each stage. If you need more, re-run the entire set.