Wed 30th May 2018
Im Back
I havent listened to DMSI since 20th April - so upto today its been 41days.
I have no idea if this is due to resistance or not but the desire to listen disappeared even though I knew consciously it made sense to listen to it.
I however have been reading Shannon's Journal and realised that some here are increasing loops and getting some effect while others are still persisting and may be noticing some effects.
I dont feel however that DMSI 3.2 is anywhere near where it hopes to be and this is also 1 of the conscious reasons I felt listening wasnt a priority.
I also felt it was going to be tricky to listen with my headphones, turning phone off etc - it just doesnt fit into my normal daily routine which has been some what erratic due to nearing exam times etc.
1 thing being on DMSI did do - though ive no idea if it was indeed due to DMSI or not - and that was make me far more out going at the expense of staying in and doing uni work/goals etc and it also made me grow a beard as per the advice of a close friend who said grow the beard to hide the round fat face I evidently have that I dont see whenever I look in the mirror.
Honestly I seem to find myself hot whenever I see my face in the mirror but clearly that is an illusion.
Since being on DMSI I hadnt fapped but since coming off im back to fapping and porn. I now see how it does take time away from other tasks but its probably just as time consuming as sitting infront of my laptop watching tv shows etc.
I have realised more - again is this due to DMSI I dont know - that I am a Beta Male, even though I do feel Alpha, because I make girls friends rather than lovers. I however do believe this HAS alot to do with my image and no matter what anyone says LOOKS do matter to women as much as they do to men.
A women needs to be attracted to a man in the same way a man needs to be attracted to a female. Its basic common sense. If you are a good looking man then you will get the girl. - if anyone wants to challenge this then please do. - I may post this on Shannon's journal to see what he and other say regarding this.
Anyway that being said what is always on my mind is how will I lose weight.
The personal trainer I had initially found wasted months of my time whilst I had hoped that this time was being spent well in my patience to be rewarded by him calculating my macros.
I fall in the heavy obese category so macro calculators never take this into account.
I found another trainer that told me he was out of the country and would be back in 2 weeks - this was 1 month ago so i messaged him lastnight once again in the hope that he would get back to me on his ETA (estimated time of arrival).
I will be joining the gym near to my uni apartment soon though, just waiting on some funds to come through as well as June to start when they may have a better promotion for me to use.
I know diet is just as important and was hoping with the macros that my portion sizes would be easily stuck to as right now I have no clue about this but its clear I need to just clean up whatever I can until that day for macro/portion knowledge opens up to me so I will be planning this soon.
Drinking water as I was trying to of 5L stopped, due to logistics. Its difficult to carry that much water outside whilst being outside and also drinking that much when not near a toilet. That being said, uni has no stopped, all I have will be 1 day a week of exams. I am sure I can afford 1 day a week of not drinking water but must get on the water wagon asap.
I also have been looking at how to change habits rather than studying as I know this is also very much on my mind.
Now onto DMSI:
Since reading Shannon's Journal as a catch up I have decided to try and listen to 2 loops a day of DMSI which seems very unlikely since I would only listen to US at night and I dont want to listen to US. So it may be that I need to remain on 1 loop via headphones of US or masked. Im unsure but I may try masked now.
I was hoping to listen to DMSI at night via speakers but clearly thats not the way for me to go since US seem useless for me, going on past stonewalling experience.
I do hope that 3.3 will help clear alot of garbage out for me and make me execute alot more.
The big test now of DMSI will be to see if I stop fapping again which will give me firm proof that its not a placebo and its worked.
here is a quote of what I just posted on Shannon's Journal:
(05-30-2018, 03:08 AM)Jake2015 Wrote: [ -> ] (05-30-2018, 12:18 AM)thor2014 Wrote: [ -> ]Its my 3rd day of doing 7 loops on dmsi version A. I had the feeling that i am not that good looking. I feel insecure my mind tells me AMS will cure this but will continue with dmsi on 7 loops.
Im back after a long time away, so been trying to read and catch up on all the news here. This got my attention however because I also had that same experience during my brief run of DMSI A.
I recall mentioning in my journal how I didnt feel attractive and knew I had to work on it which ive always known but have been unable to actually start on due to lack of time, ability on where to start etc.
So now im assured it was DMSI and ill try and get back on to it.
Since stopping DMSI ive had very little desire and urge to actually get back on to it. It could be major resistance and wonder if Shannon thinks it is but consciously I felt since all I thought I was getting was no fapping then why stay on it - thats what my mind has been saying to me.
I am also eager and hoping that 3.3 will allow me to execute alot more of the sub and allow me to consciously notice this since its now clear to me that a feedback of some sorts to help encourage my hope will keep me wanting to continue using DMSI which I think is a better form of attack for all forms of resistance - in other words, if we can see it is working, and working in the right direction then we will continue to persist.
what do you think @Shannon ?
and hope all here are well
EXTRA: I also feel that my main issue now seems to be how to get again 1 hour of listening in. I cannot do it at night as Hybrid or Masked may keep me awake. I have headphones so I need to find 1hour (approx) of time in my day where I can turn off all distractions and listen to the sub. I couldnt do this when I went home to the UK, as I hardly ever get 1 hour alone to myself at home. I always feel I have to be out of my room and around my family and I have no idea why I feel this though im sure its due to some childhood experience.
So now im going to have to make the decision to start DMSI again and try and keep at it all the way through the summer.
I do hope that 3.3 is even easier to run, perhaps shorter in length.