Findingme's post in Shannons thread about fear of failure clicked something in me. I love these kinds of posts. Well done.
Im not even caring 'bout DMSI anymore. Its possible integrating. Former statement in the first part of this post regarding fear of failure raises capability in me and an assuring mentality.
Women show intetest whetever I go. From the girl "I" to the other 3 girls synchronisticly turning themselves to me.
Broke no fap but made a promise now. Today was total greatness, chaos, revisiting to my old life, resulting in countless experiences in which I will not expand on here. Lets say it has rule 4 practices involved aswell as communication with...somethings.
As of now I again notice a subtle shift. On B im tackling still issues head on. Found myself autopiloting, looking at myself from far away and having hightened senses. Im also very much sleepy right now. I wonder if this coming back to certain lifestyles have to do with DMSI finding ways no matter in which way, including pursueing certain practices. Hmm.
Another things is; I wouldve catch up with a friend of mine but he never showed up. In ways some stuff is happening behind the scenes which might indicate that reality bending causes fall out and im so unattached, that other people are litetally brought in. Abundance. Im not even surprised. Even if lightning would strike some tree now its meant to be. Watching all fall and rebuild like some meant to be cycle-awareness. Talking about changes...
Whatever it is. Some things internally will give up, out, or in and DMSI will have its way. I dont even want to see the sub and me as separated at this point. Im shifting by the minute over and over again. If its reality bending/shifting, then its around 20+ today easily.
Sexually im broadening. Im sure in straight but notice in way more broadening, like sexually way more unlimited. The scale thing has been brought up on the forum, like a spectfum, but it sure feels enhancing.
Women stop also dead in their tracks. I had experiences of locking eyes, or rather, locking bodywise, if to call that, rather energetic getting "into hsr". This blew me away like entering her mind like it was a boundless space.
Women better brace themselves when theyre about to be fucked cuz ill ride them. Im almost turning ntmphomanic and my libido is nuclear. Im highly confident in my sexual skills as I do with my currently. Feelings seem to die off more. Its like uncaring trance states at times and pure autopiloting.
Sidenote; with 2 girls in line yesterday, who almost grinded up to me and whos breath I felt literally in my neck, I felt some conflict and anxiety. When and if I go back to A its something to h/c.
Time to rest.
Guess I also experience TID from DMSI 3.2 now. Things feel as if they kicked up a notch as of now and all is way more direct and abundant even now. Lighter even.
Perhaps h/c from 3.2 is already kickin my ass. Idk.
How long have you been off 3.1 for?
Still running 3.1 yet its as if I'm running 3.2. Having the urge to just not run 3.1 at all today.
Im now pretty much sure im having more then 5 senses. Im snipering the shit outta everyone, im hype as fuck, and am enough. form thios point of view all else escalates. not to say, im on a new path, cross roads and mastery in an mental sense is taking place aswell. 3.2 come at me brah.
Also, I am aware of some old programming now, thats about to be purged out.
The power is insane. Decided to run 2 loops B and shifts are going fast. I feel the energy full over and through me. Face, body and dick area are flaming. Also 0 hesitation but to go rampantly now. Totally abundant yet very much force driven.
Pretty much other work besides this fuells me aswell. My eyes are glowy with a distinct signature aswell. Having tons of insights today aswell.
Theme of DMSI also is, familiar places such as my hometown in which I grew up. The revisting mentally lifts direct whatever was there and shifts me into owning it up. Pretty much totally flipping the script of those places and walking almost unconnected and a literal king.
Things get interesting financially wise aswell in the sense that tides again are adjusting and turning. My whole body is covered in a warm aura now. Im a bit sleepy/dozy writing this, yet simultaneously connecting akin to a sort of trance.
Women are more and more affected. The slight feeling out of the curve is making sense now. For a while I had the sense that something was off. Like, doing kicked me off the rail. For example; wanting to be grounded and like a central point of influence and totally being set. Now, understanding that the flow will get me there is huge. It was a kind of paradoxial mindfuck.
I walk like a king. Next up is to build the empire further and focus on other things.
I have so much frustration and anger to set narratives. "Your always growing" right now this feels like a cop out. Im dead set. Burn it all. Im proclaiming my will is law.
This girl "R" who is a redhead was very restless legwise. As soon as she came in, after not seeing her for a while, and wishing me happy new year, she grabbed me to kiss her. Like a wild animal. She smelled real good aswell. Green eyes, engaging me.
Now that im thinking about it, "R" would make a great sub.
2 other girls I engaged today aswell. One blond, slim 8/10, all giggly.
Milf E was very much feminine in her vehaviour.
Feeling vibrant now. Looking clean and fresh aswell. 0 fucks. Its that low. Having my dom /sub dynamic carving out now way more clearly and am about to order some pink cuff set along with black bdsm toys. Its giving me sense of peace, dominance and expansion, learning. It comes natural to me.
Im looking very good now, feeling amazing.
still not running DMSI in anticipation of 3.2. Im pretty sure yesterday I felt the sub running, yet it didnt play on my pc. Im noticing how tired I am, yet in a sense I am sorta hopefull that I am getting better when out of this. Its apathy and depression right now, like, total directionless deathground. Motivation seems also low. The girl that replaces `G`at the gym was very engaging, its like a set pattern now with women. like, penetrating and fucking their mind. it consistency.
Right now, im very tired, I only want to sleep and am hella down. im also indulging into junkfood, so I seem to run from it, like ravenous indulging into sweets and stuff. its pretty much an escape mechanism. On the other hand, women are just attracted to me like crazy more and more and am already anticipating new messages of women who cannot witheld themselves.
Thinking back what "A"told, like some sort of shittest, which is shattered pretty much easily, is the "Oh you dated "S", now I cant date you, girly things ( some sort of bs girlcode bs )" lol, your fucking loss, I aint chasing you lmao. You're missing out babygirl

Its true tho, I aint chasing, cuz my abundance is to gawddamn big.
Having no direction, being mentally dead ( dead on the inside, dead on the outside lol * insert crwln soundtrack right here ) is one of those horrible things I simply cannot stand. Its as if the blooming says "sit your ass down boy, things are to be handled right now"
but yeah, wasting time, while nowing there is shit to do, life to be created in one way or another, value to be shared, given and brought in, does my head in and pisses me off.
Yesterday evening I also broke almost down tears, like some post MDMA dip kind of thing, in which everything was just sort of causing me to shed tears. It made me also recognize some part of me is hurt still, like pretty hurt, which also causes me to break down now almost in tears, while another part of me is just stonecold hitman. overal very much sensitiveness for a lack of better description, more of an :"seeing people cry, now ima cry aswell"kinda dynamic.
The other part of me is just cocky cold and fucking around. Pretty much being non caring, non chalant and mocking it out of self-amusement.
The blooming does stir up some emotional floods now, like a whole well to deal with still at this point.
Im now sort of coming to terms aand threesomes are all there is lol.
TID takes me whole now?
Im feeling awesome and energy flowing from me. Anxiety is non existent to me now and am feeling amazing.
This morning my car gave issues. I directed it to the side, called out from work. Called the garage without any caring. Just doing what has to be done and closed the deal. No twitch or anything. Presence purely and clarity.
Im very present, direct. When closing the deal for my car I flowed. Hectic uncalibrated yet. The guy told me I went to fast and wasnt on his spot. After that we walked through the steps to close the day and time.
Im waking up with tindr matches. Every morning now. Superlikes and all. Yet when opening its nowhere to be found.
Im willing to tackle all patterns that wont serve me. Having experiences of limitlessness and building my laws and boundaries up. Making me dominant further. Am followed on insta by subs and doms alike. Im growing even now.
Last night I was flooded with sex visions and these are real. Abundance. Also atm aswell. The IOIs shooting through the roof including girls doing stuff for me like a king.
In the field of TID. my focus and tuning in is strong. Im good good good. Tuning in on 3.2 for example. Im now torally flooding in abundance and free to build up more, such as looks, socially further and realize in ways im already there.
I do still have triggers. Words that set of experiences. As someone with an spiritual and occult past involving certain praxises, I wonder if DMSI breaks down walls.
Life's to good to sit still. I deserve all. It does go deeper still.
My life is turning around for even more betterness. I want to get pierced, im blissing out. Im fine af. In ways im colder and with a snap of my fingers I put things on hold cuz I know with a snap of my fingers I get and have what I want. Like Duke.Tugo wrote, putting women on ice so to say. Its coming. It was coming lately aswell. Being all non needy.
I am sex.
I feel like im executing like crazy! No stopping now. Yet was somewhat timid when out. I see it and feel it. Its hardcore attraction/attractive. The timidness is now slowly understood and I "get it" somewhat. Tbh, it feels like fighging a ghost most of the time when this shit happens. Like torn apart and clashing, while running away from it. The diamond underneath, the raw power is just marvelous.
The final frontier? 3.2 is influencing me aswell as it seems, like a sort of glitch and just killing off the bs. Like a smear, slowly moving into the world of 3.2 like no gap. Slowly transitioning.
Hey Kol,
Read most of your posts in this journal, and I am impressed. Amongst other amazing changes you wrote a lot about how woman are now magentically attracted to you on autopilot, eye-locking, eye-f******, touching accidentally etc. How did you improve with regards to escalating till the end - getting laid? I mean, do you actually exploit those new found options or is it just an approval kinda thing, making you feel more entitled? Having more choices will make you feel like a female supermodel, which is fantastic. But at one time, you wanna actually experience all those wonderful fruits, as I guess.
It came naturally and experimenting. Mind you, its never been a big isdue for me when the gravitation is there - DMSI magnified it. I kick into instinct mode and all proceeds from there. Like pulling in a club to a spot and then proceed.
In ways at times it might be that. Enjoying whats presented for example. What DMSI is doing, is having the women I actually want and am attracted to, both sides, to open up like a fluid highway.
There are times that im suddenly retreat. Blooming kicks in; HARD. pure execution. With girl E with whom I felt it just now while checkin out at the store. Instant warm up to me, giving the look and all of that. Guess there is still subC garbage to be released. Im pretty convinced 3.2 will cause me to execute like crazy. I cant go anywhere without having women physical or/and mentally being flooded. I gladly take it.
What does also skyricket is my kinklife actually. Like being a dominant this skyrockets in all ways.
I want to actually go past entitlement. Its more "organic"
Tindr is also exploding for example yet know upgrading tindr game alongside DMSI is a closed deal making it more my own. Perhaps, indeed more entitled. Taking the throne and the place of a king.
And yeah...having the makes me feel like piece of meat at times. Its natural and normal but ever evolving, growing, expanding and branching out.
Its oh so simple. Take some coffee or whatever drink, next you know you trance out, execute through autopilot and before I can even process im already "there"
(01-19-2018, 11:15 AM)Kol Wrote: [ -> ]It came naturally and experimenting. Mind you, its never been a big isdue for me when the gravitation is there - DMSI magnified it. I kick into instinct mode and all proceeds from there. Like pulling in a club to a spot and then proceed.
In ways at times it might be that. Enjoying whats presented for example. What DMSI is doing, is having the women I actually want and am attracted to, both sides, to open up like a fluid highway.
There are times that im suddenly retreat. Blooming kicks in; HARD. pure execution. With girl E with whom I felt it just now while checkin out at the store. Instant warm up to me, giving the look and all of that. Guess there is still subC garbage to be released. Im pretty convinced 3.2 will cause me to execute like crazy. I cant go anywhere without having women physical or/and mentally being flooded. I gladly take it.
What does also skyricket is my kinklife actually. Like being a dominant this skyrockets in all ways.
I want to actually go past entitlement. Its more "organic"
Tindr is also exploding for example yet know upgrading tindr game alongside DMSI is a closed deal making it more my own. Perhaps, indeed more entitled. Taking the throne and the place of a king.
And yeah...having the makes me feel like piece of meat at times. Its natural and normal but ever evolving, growing, expanding and branching out.
Its oh so simple. Take some coffee or whatever drink, next you know you trance out, execute through autopilot and before I can even process im already "there"
Thanks for elaborating, Kol. All I actually wanted to know is the bottom line: do you get laid, aka "having sex" more often than before using DMSI or do you just enjoy the fact that you have more options, but never actually exploit them? Sometimes, reading those journals gives me an impression like cats are presented with mice while they would just play with them instead of eating them, if you get what I mean; of course, I might be wrong and the guys just don't report about it. So, appreciate if you can be more specific, pls. ;-)
Short answer; yes.
I do enjoy both, which is a result from DMSI. I could write about "P" having sex with me, but overal dont feel a need or any care to write about it. I have several girls showing interest to me, till the point they enjoy and want to have sex with me. Im also feeling lotsa older.
Again, Im not fully there yet, there is still stuff to deal with it.