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You want the truth? You can't handle the truth Wink
Ok here's a post just got out of the strip club and I'm now in the posh bar I watched this movie moonlight very refreshing to watch Such a polarizing film if any of y'all have seen it it's a bit gay but also very introspective and dominant. Believe me when I say it.
Seems like I can only post here when I've had a couple drinks

Going to get a cool 1600 at midnight feel like a fucking king
Just doesn't ever feel like I'll find a woman submissive enough again people find me so threatening when I don't intend to be
Can't answer that. It seems to just blend with the rest of the six stage sets but you'd be able to tell if a program from a different category was used before and after Wink
The hangover induced post

A lot going through the mind

Seems like a lot of things are falling into place. I guess you could call this the polishing. I'm in the best position of my life so far. Hope truly is a weapon. With this program each day there is change and you can only see yourself as the best. This is very threatening to everyone and I've been going through a series of conflict that has only brought stress. For me being nothing but the best is the only option. And that means being independent. I started off wanting what I thought was the best for Everyman. 20 million was the amount. You can imagine what that is. My ego has tamed down and now I want to be the best in my own regard. Whenever I reflect on my foundation I think of how I'm part of this movement.
A lot of the time I feel this thought of losing it all for the life I want. I feel alone and what I "want" is the only thing keeping me sane. This shows a lot about what ppl do when they can't get what they want. Settle for what they have and complain with their friends
Can't keep track of what thoughts I want to post here anymore
It's weird even though I'm making a lot more still don't feel like looking at my bank account, frequently
I know it's fucked up for me to say but it seems like the most fucked up women are attractive to me. Maybe it's because they are more submissive and easy to control.
Feeling a lot of the SM leadin effects feel like looking up the women I had drama with 8 months ago
Came here to vent. But something about the light from my phone betters my mood. Conflict at its best AM I supposed to be writing these thoughts or feeling better experiencing this conflict just exposes my subconscious for jest attracting what is bad and worse. AM is not a program to make one happy it's about improvement. I am constantly worrying about things mainly because they aren't as exactly as I want them to be. I've thought to myself though there's absolutely no doubt the change I'm going through. . I don't know what frightens me more another AM run or being off AM. Anyways feel a bit better after writing that
I'm thinking that women are similar to nice guys as they want a soemone who's a deadbeat loser because they have more of a chance to control them. Kind of like the term "going slumming"
So I guess I'll just update for the time being about how the day went

It feels as if though people are just trying to tolerate me as I tolerate them. Nothing overtly stressful today. Memes are entertaining me and I have a good impression on beautiful women. Maybe bevause they know I think they're pretty

Anyways feel pretty alpha after ten hours of work like I accomplished something. Feeling manly