Subliminal Talk

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Average how many hours you listen?
Funny you posted here after I read your journal, welcomeSmile.

Listen for 12 hours, or 10.

Wasn't afraid to tell some people to shut up yesterday after they tested my boundaries
Lol. Maybe we are connected to one another.
Yes, we are on the same forum using the same sub. Anyone who runs a program 2, 3 or 4 times over is welcome. That shows true commitment.
Agree!! Commitment is number one in the world of subliminal.
What your story today?
Lately, been feeling more complete. Today I woke up and noticed most of the areas in my life where I want them to be. Health, career, when I want things people usually give them to me right away. If I have a goal I not only get up an achieve it but do it with some finesse also. Makes things like working out feel really good. Knowing this I'm also a lot happier and initiate conversation with female waitresses with appreciation as well as a happy go lucky mentality. One thing I know is that every interaction I invest in, will be the utmost genuine.
Last night was crazy. I've been exercising everyday for the past 17. Last night some doubt crept in. I said "hey, there's three weeks till we gotta move, do I need to workout today?" Even though i plan my exercises so they are beneficial for me doing it everyday it was fucking tough to get motivated. I had been doing so well and wanted a cheat day. Before I really had to buckle down. I really wanted to go some where, wear my nice leather jacket and get hammered. In these doubt filled moments I usual binge on either drinking or spending money. I mustered up all my resolve and decided that to try and exercise atleast. I managed to reach my short term goals for the workout again! Immediately after I took an uber to a bar. Got hammered. Drank rum and cokes, double. Whiskies, tequila straight then beer. I don't know if this was rationalized as my last "hoorah". Nothing could stop me from drinking. I earned my night of cheating. However it wasn't the healthiest choice. I sure am paying for it today. I know it was me suppressing some pain however I feel this "pain removal" has been a recurring theme. I've had to work to eat healthy, work to exercise daily on my terms and it makes me feel better about myself. I'm smiling at strangers now a days. I don't think I'll drink like that ever again. There was some satisfaction but more often I realize drinks or food or spending doesn't make me the man I was happy to be. Healthy choices do
Started stage 2 today. Not too excited anymore. Maybe if these transition days land on when I'm bored. The smooth transitioning from stage to the next is really smooth I even think there's really nothing that important then what I have planned for myself.

I read some posts about ASD and I've been noticing this w some women around me. It's getting better, but still not the best sign. This awareness allows me to know this will get better

Edit Just noticed a IOI literally after typing that sentence above lol

Edit 2: maybe I'm projecting that notion that's why I noticed the IOI. Been also feeling really mature like women look at me as there father
It's no secret.

For the next five years. I'll be balancing, AM and, sex. That means running AYPL's or the new sex tech.
Wow just got asked by a girl to be her boyfriend. Lol that's never happened before. Shit is finally working. Also got hit on today by a cute girl walking her dog. Let's hope this doesn't distract me from what I have to do. Doubt it will, muahahahaha
Stage 2 day 2

Feeling a bit lost today. It's eerily quiet and too hot. I don't want to succumb to urges. Feel like I'm on a high horse. These urges don't even sound appealing when I think about it. All I want to do is sit here. Seems like some discipline from stage 1 is slippingSad. Been feeling an underlying tiredness too. Only after 8-10 hours of exposure? Glad getting my sleep pattern in order is checked on my to do list. What now