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(05-29-2016, 05:49 AM)Alpha360 Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-28-2016, 06:04 PM)Kibagame Jubei Wrote: [ -> ]I also feel like the more I progress, the less anyone wants to give me emotional support. Maybe that just comes with the territory. Either way, it seems like another thing I should post here

I see that as you being more a man. If people give you less emotional support it can means that they feels that you are so strong that you doesn't seem to need any. I have a friend who is really masculine and it didn't seem to need any emotional support even if it's not true but they appear so self reliant that you can tell them anything and they won't be affected. I think it's one of the thing we should strive for, it's not an easy thing to do, it's an element of sacrifice.
But knowing how women are more self interested/ self centered and like to talk about them self a lot it would make sense that men are less so, it is then a quality that men has more. The more you have this quality the more women would feel safe to share things with you because they know you can handle it more easily, they can talk all day with you, knowing you won't feel needy.
I'm surprised that SM3 build so much growth about being a man, I thought it would be much more external growth and attraction but there is a big part of character building into it and I feel it a lot.

Yes and second to that, women provide A LOT of emotional support to their gay friends, or beta friends around them. Think about the term action and reaction. Men are about action, and women are about reaction, it's quite universally true. So if a man gives a lot of reactions instead of actions, women will become the party of taking actions, which means she will comfort the man's little soul, try to save his last dignity / bad mood.

You can't say that's 100% of the time, but true enough to put in the "emotional support" analysis. While I was on stage 6 AM one woman told me that I didn't seem to need anybody's help. A lot people also tell me how I have become so cold towards anything. That's possibly the complete state of being non-needy


Great to hear that SM isn't about women only, it makes me even more enticed to step on this trip.

I get what you're saying. Generally I think this program works from the outside in. I'm at a completely different mindset from when I started AM a year ago. I used to think my value was directly correlated to the amount of money I had. This was my workaholic phase, then SM3 I became my own boss and my general lifestyle shows my value. Now it's gone a step further where I won't have to "work" in order to be self dependant. I read something you once wrote about alphas being leaders of themselves and not being responsible for other people's general success. I understood this concept however I found myself living like I wouldn't be an example to other people except in theory. I took care of myself but not caring how other people could relate. Now being a more self confident a secure man I notice I can give this advice but there's still a bit of hesitation from connecting with other people. I'm sure it will get better though.
I'm not an expert on fears or emotions and occasionally I find myself looking up psychological theories on why people act the way they do. However it does seem like the more I grow using these subs the better things get and my unconscious behaviour in social situations is getting better. Getting a lot more attention from women.

I'm 24 but I'm thinking about my own mortality. I don't need a lot to survive but I have a feeling my actions and choices will set me up for positive circumstances
18 more days left on the refresher. Feels like my days are moving slow but sweet
As a young man that is growing over the past year of running six stage subs I've managed to achieve the expectations of all (to my perspective) my external social constructs. To get the girlfriend, to sleep with multiple women at once. To be in great shape. To be independent. To live an abundant life financially. To move out. To have a stable career and to have my own business. I won't have to work this summer thanks to my upcoming cash influx but finally I feel I will be able to take care of myself. Not according to above which society made me Beleive was correct, but finally be healthy. Take care of myself and surroundings to what I feel is sufficient. Pressure free. And also pursue relationships and actions that are healthy for myself. Its a bit cliche to say working out is the first step to be happy in the situation but now that I'm stripped of all capitalistic angles I've had for working on myself I can finally strap down and get my health under control. I can already tell that once I feel great about the way I look I can move on to next aesthically and emotionally pleasing goal which is either a career I'm passionate about or a new environment but I'm getting ahead of myself. One idea that I can articulate at a time
The more I think about what I'm going to do in my free time to improve myself financially. The more I become content with just existing and being in the moment. There will always be time to earn money. I feel happy because I'm losing fear. There's a women's soccer team that plays near my house. Nice opportunity to get outWink
So the insurance settlement came in and it's going to be an extra 35-40 grand in my account. This past year I've seriously contemplated what I want to do career wise. I have a feeling the insurance money is a sign for me to save more. I've never been interested in being frugal. However money can't buy happiness. I don't want happiness from the people around me to be based on money. Maybe I'm being to cut and dry about this. Ideally we want things based on who we are. That makes me question, who am I? Stripped down I'm a man who care about his appearance. Passionate about soccer. Male development through exercise (I wouldn't say I have the most knowledge on this) and a dealing with subliminals (use) emotions and internal balance. Everything else I'm waiting for apparently.

I don't know how useful it will be to ask how you guys chose to be in your careers.

I'm constantly thinking of things where I'm my own boss. Writing a novel, house sitting.... I don't know lol

Maybe I'm being to realistic with my expectations. I could be a high priced man who sleeps with beautiful women or just spends time with them. A model sounds like an easy job, or not. Motivational speaker, expert on gratitude? A food critique? Lol I should save my posts after a while for my family to read one day
I keep feeling like this sub is taking me on a journey. I notice this from the people around me. I feel like this is going to be a major theme in my life. One year of listening to six stage subs is very short compared to a whole lifetime and it seems things get better and more noticeable as time passes.

I've noticed subtle improvements in my attracting/seducing women. For example when I'm driving pass two women walking I had an urge to sit up straight and look and them directly and seductively and I got the same response from both women as their heads turned to hold my gaze.
Do you guys rmbr when SM leadin enters the refresher? I'm over half way through the refresher and half way through the AM6(post stage 3) is when the leadin starts. I'm now noticing my body getting hotter than usual don't think it's because summer is coming but this doesn't sound nearly as potent as what the guys using AOSI r going thru
Isn't the refresher just an hour or so long?
120 but u have to run it for 32 days

It's been my perception that stages 1-6 are covered for each five days that passes. I think.

Been watching a lot of Wisecracks videos. They are awesome and mind blowing. check it out if interested
It will be interesting to see if you get same results from the AM 6 Refresher VS. Running all six stages Smile
I was thinking that!

However it's been said running the stages makes a deeper impact
Tonight I realized that everyday I'm dealing with mature and real issues. In regards to myself and surroundings. However, when things are going right and you're at the top people closest won't validate you and in fact they'll try and bring u down. It's not because they want to hurt you but society has trained people to behave a certain way, use tactics to say things to throw someone off in order to show their value. It's partly this capitalistic society. To be on top others have to be put down. It might've been naive for me to not have this mindset and think we can all empower eachother, however people who don't use subliminals and don't even have knowledge of how magnetic our universe is live in their fear. It's sad. And sometimes I wish to be analysed. I don't measure my worth by the validation of others. So many people do. And when I act it can be quite intimidating as "what other people think" does not effect me. I crave positivity from others. And so many people respond to my strength by being confrontational. In the past "surrounding myself with positive people" was the theme and fake friends dissolved. It seems my family doesn't even have a lot of positive things to say to me willingly. I'm glad to have this forum, it's one of the only outlets where I can be open. It seems like I will have genuine friends. Gotta continue listening to the subliminal