Subliminal Talk

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You can DEFINITELY find a girl like that. I've ignored a girl like that before, and we were supposed to go on a date and all, but then I came across my girl Smile

I got that brown fever lmaooo
Yeah but she has to be rich as fuck Naomi woods is a example of what she'd look like anyways watching fight club and then thinking about something "perfect" makes me feel all fucked up agsin lok
Fuck it's weird I always see "1 guest" when I'm on my journal anyways another good day feelin good it was pretty awesome I was able to resist the urge to eat junk 2 hours later I feel great noticing my attractiveness a lot today
Feelin like creeping a lot of ppls fb profile recently. Before I always didn't care because my own evolution was all that mattered. I guess it's the social side of me. But seeing how much effort people put in their pictures esp some females that I know show how insecure they are
or they just gotta compete with the other girls somehow
That's shown in different ways. Just as guys see an abundance of good looking women as status raising women think the same. It's shown as overcompensating with some "tits and ass out sleazy" and others as classy. I could just post a picture of my dick but the women that are probably just interested in that aren't the right ones
I hear what you're saying about stage 5 being dark. Overall in my life im starting to lose the importance of working a few days a week for an abundance of money is a fair trade. Especially when I get a partner who has a lot of money also. This is when we realize we're not living to work

Fuck the gym is closed for construction

Imagine if Santa was a big buff guy instead of a fatass lol
I've noticed my behaviour has been surrounded around long term mating. I have to blame subliminals a bit for this thinking. It's not a bad thing. However it's so important to have that foundation and not only risk it all for the moment. I feel like I'm setting myself up for success. And and before I'm thirty I'll be able to seduce any type of woman. Unfortunately for the guys that want to drown in pussy you gotta pay dues with time to swim good rather than sink. In the end we gotta find the fine balance
Feels like everyone hates me. I don't know but me being independent feels like I'm oppositional to a lot
I'm starting to notice the phenomenon. Imagine working all day with a female and they can't even explain why their face is red and hot or that they feel funny and have to go to the washroom frequent. That you don't even have to say a word and they still have feelings for you and don't want you far. This occurs from deep, rooted, subconscious based action. It's really starting to show results now. It doesn't matter how far you're gone with the right amount of time any woman in their ordinary lives can see you as the man they want to have intense passionate sex with they'll crave it
I feel like through AM6 I always go through pain because my conscious thoughts which are based on instinct and impulsive get people around me angry which causes me stress but as time goes on people see the programming shine and what was once an issue is no longer there.
Was just thinking how great a sub would be that just specifically and powerfully focused on removal of neediness. I know it's created by negativity guilt shame fear scarcity insecurities issues but imagine if neediness was removed we could genuinely contribute here or run programs that we didn't feel was "needed" but instead from a position of strength
Had a really powerful dream last night

I feel like I make a lot of everything about me and before I thought it was a good strategy but now it's causing me a lot of strife. Someone please help
So the dream this girl I was dating we had a fight and the next morning she said she was calling the cops for sexual assault and that the cops were on the way. I was at this hospital helping some war veterans that had their limbs blown off who were apparently my friends. I heard the sirens and went out side my parents were there and arranged the whole thing as a celebration of my success and the girl I was dating bates me into it at first I shook my head because it wasn't what I wanted but then out of sheer relief I was smiling and fell to the ground. I think this was about my independence

I also noticed the alpha traits this program are not similar to the ones I see in others that are in a position of power. That's probably because I'm in their presence. But when on this journey you're really one of a kind. Tough trials when trying to fit in