Subliminal Talk

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Wow I just saw some people I knew in highschool. The difference is vast. I've grown so much and felt so dominant. Epicentre of the group with the most self mastery. I could still see how much fear they were living in.

Everyday getting better listening to subs
what are you going to do after that, sm3 again?
Going to go with impulse and run AM fully again
Funny enough, I'm letting go of a lot of my preconceived beleifs of what "made me" dominant. Becoming more natural. Not being so mechanical or overzealous when holding eye contact shaking hands walking with my chest out etc. It feels right to let go of it because these things are not what makes the man. Contrary to popular beleif. However naturally progressing in the direction just feels right, and not at all the opposite of strong
Damn, that hits home to me. I'm having beliefs tied to certain states, only to shed them along the way later. Like, it smooths out and keeps changing deeper. Awesome journal man.
So you can differentiate, when you think about certain things, that means you're currently happy or sad or in an intense state? It's tough for me to know what's going on internally but what you said does resonate
Kinda. I know when I'm present and feel myself getting literally more present not caring about anything yet becoming sexual in that way. I Pointed out about the concepts I hold, the ideas that go through my head are suddenly "shed", like, it doesnt matter anymore and becomes rather something else.
There it is! Literally getting out of our old ways and acting new without limitations.
One of the things I love most about AM is the self esteem boost. Things are going great right now
It seems like I keep attracting situations where I'm being less anxious about my life. Having less stress. I love it
Whatsup guys. Thought my phone was messed up for a bit. Just restarted it and now it's fine, funny!
I've had a very productive couple weeks. Time feels like it's moving quite slow. I'm getting a lot of what I want. However with things that require third party action I'm usually thinking about it constantly until I've got my outcome. I feel like I should be able to relax a bit now. And some of the social powers of SM are showing. This am REFRESHER run has been quite different from my AM stage run through. Sort of like, building off the lifestyle I've kept during SM. Being relaxed and having time. I'm planning to travel a bit next month! However I'm starting my genuine vacation in 4 days.

I'm going to run AOSI very loud through earphones in 4 days. Just want to confirm, is this allowed? I heard the last part of the masked loop is silent ultrasonic.

Let's relax!Smile
I think this SM leadin is kicking in feeling really emotional
Feelin a bit mixed up. Find it tough to sleep. Seems like their are so many insidious things dominating me in this world. Ejaculating very powerfully again. Feels like my mind is racing all day on this refresher. I'm seeing results and real changes but I feel like maybe this tech is too
Much to handle. I'm going to continue. All I want is peace but I feel like I'm getting stressed but one thing or another these days. A vicious cycle. Fuck it seems like the more I improve the less the world wants to see me relax. Hopefully these are just the thoughts of a man progressing further.
Day 32

Getting very pissed off. It's like all these organizations around me, are meant to contain or impose negativity on me. I'm being quite confrontational these days. Especially towards my sister and dad. I can't believe how sheepish some of my own family is! Disgusting, I'm getting attention from women, but the idea that so many things in my life that were supposed to be a good example also had ways of putting me down is disheartening. Even this forum. It's Shannons baby. There's no need for me to be here. It's like I'm giving my ideas away for free when writing them here. Wow how did a quest to just get what I want turn into all this...