Subliminal Talk

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Another common occurrence. Women are behaving as if it's such a pleasure that I'm even looking at them. I can tell that the attention I give them gets them horny and in touch with their sexual side. Not only obviously but even from body language. Once again it's like being in a room and all eyes are on you.
Too sexy.
I'm coming across sexier? Again out in social situations restaurants the gym there's significant interest from women. I feel more alpha and less smiley then before. The value continues to increase and my winning ways more I feel in the moment socially there's not always a motive for why I am where I am I'm just happy clubbing last night was I don't need for anything really happy to be around women tough to explainSmile
A ton of fear just got lifted I realized I will never be like how I used to
Stage 5 day 16

I'm feeling very dominant and cold towards men. And I don't care much for women but I feel a strong attraction from them when I'm present even if I'm facing their general direction it's like I'm piercing through their core and spiking interests. I would ask Shannon to chime in but I don't think he wants to.

My social circle are quite aware that I have sex on my mind. Work wise; it feels fun however I'm forced to do less then before. I don't think I sprained my ankle and had a cold which has kept me at house unless for a social is a coincidence.

There are a lot of SM3 journals now, I wish y'all luck
I am being surrounded by women again. There interest is peaked towards me and I notice some are urging to make convo and have. I feel more loving towards women and there's a natural balance between our masculine/ feminine side or energy which helps with seduction. More men and especially women stare at me on the street. I'm still recovering from this cold though hopefully tonight I make the recovery. Let me know if u need more detail
Feels like my "social life" has taken over my ego. Only think by logic and emotion balanced. I'm reporting this because I don't feel "special" anymore. And that's ok. I'm normal and by saying that I mean everywhere I go I provide value and usefulness unconsciously. I learned that effortlessly today. It seems that a lot of women go for the wrong type of guys. Too aggressive or too nice. When instead I'm me, being the man I'm supposed to be. I can't list off the bulletpoints I just am them. And this is what will make it effortless for women to seduce me. Which is what I wanted from the start. And there's ample opportunity. I was only a two dimensional sex object compared to what I am now. I feel my nerves getting better. I Beleive after atleast one run of AM a person becomes a sigma wolf but after running SM they are more of the well rounded lion. Attention from women increases
so now imagine what happens running am, wm, and sm back and forth for like several times
Yeah I guess but unlike you I have so much time to make money and freely approach women. The first three stages of SM did this for me I used to work 9-5! I guess some people are just more advanced in certain areas compared to others
I am pretty scared right now. I'm becoming this functional, emotionally healthy human being. That means no more entitled to eating junk, reckless spending, reckless driving, wasting time. I don't need that. I sense that the more I'm like this the more others notice it. I'm at the gym and two brave girls start squatting near the free weights section full of guys. My conversation has gotten so good even with a hoarse voice I point out "are you using this bench" towards the girls they are positively receptive and because of whatever social rules takes charge of their perception and whatever else this program has made me their body language is that they're comfortable near me the only guy with the balls to utter a syllabul at them. And Ofcourse the entire gym sees this and my social value has sky rocketed. I've also freestyled a bit talking about flexibility which has clear sexual undertones with a lady giving me great iois. These approaches didn't feel like reckless " I'm proving myself by taking action" conversation but was just along the lines of our social environment. It was completely "right". My life is changing a lot and it did scare me. I proceeded to turn on the subliminal again. The truth is I am changing so much.
i love it bro. you're doing great.

I had that realization too, not too long ago actually. now that i am self actualized, and am aware of behavior that is either beta, or is holding me back in some other way, i have no excuse for behaving that way anymore. if i do, i am doing it because i flat out WANT to, despite what I tell myself and other people.

so from what i see from you, you're at a point where you KNOW full well how far you've come, and you know where you came from. With that being the case, you now hold yourself up to a higher standard. Which can be a little scary to have to uphold. However, it is a learning process, and we don't become perfect overnight. prepare to make a million mistakes on the way Smile
It was scary because there's was room for nothing but absolute victory in all areas of my life.

After letting that marinade I now feel unstoppable.

Talking to my ex again, even women I meet for this first time only interpret what I say as all the progress I've made using this program and they are positively attractive.

Also house of cards season 4
Upswing from last night. I feel like the big Mack when I go to all my usual places, wether it's the gym, restaurants or other places. Sort of like going to that place where everyone knows your name. I quickly demonstrated my powerful self improvement around the group of friends I met that was mentioned earlier in this journal. I thought they were high value but in reality they were buying the pleasures of life like the company of women and even their social circle. It was evident that these people weren't as authentic as me when I rejected one of their ideas and they got extremely defensive and immature. We but heads like lions do but not resorting to screaming in another's face makes you the higher value. I'm starting to believe I met these friends to get out of my social shell. In a lot of areas I'm performing at a competitive level. Instead of only relying on self validation I'm pushing myself to succeed like never before. In the gym so that I can achieve my goals Which is important to my life. Women are just there in my social environment. They know I'm high value so they're receptive to my approach or show extreme comfort or initiate conversation. I'm still a bit wary of the unknown so I'm cranking up the subliminal swoooooooshhhh
I don't really have much to comment on here anymore. Yes the journals are inspiring and helpful but it's tough to find someone's writing that relates to me, and my thought process.

I feel like I'm being dragged into this social sincerity. For the longest time the two main factors in life were time and getting what I want. I am genuinely finding myself in situations where I don't need. I woke up today with a lost voice. Binged watched house of cards. 6 hours later somehow decided to go to the gym and further push past my plateaus. It's incredible the amount of self doubt and fear I've lost since starting this journey.

I want to focus on women. And after experiencing the pain of my workout I didn't have fear but a sense self of accomplishment being around them. I feel too entirely focused on the future and my career. I'm putting this pressure on myself so I can be where I want to be financially. I don't think anyone will ever have women as the number 1 priority over everything. It's clear I've changed a lot though but I find that it might be a while until I have so many women begging for me during the intermissions of work
. Or maybe I'm right about to break the threshold.

I am in a mindfuck right now. All I can say it's correlated between the stage description and my reaction is that I'm more focused. I think on many levels women are attracted and want to have sex. There's no room for disappointment as this entire time I've been self improving. This is not a concrete update as I'm just posting my thoughts.

I used to extremely dislike people on here who just posted their thoughts but I guarentee you guys there's progress and value in my words