Subliminal Talk

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Nah just plan B
She was clean
Talking a lot more during sex looking straight into her eyes saying sexual and dirty things more then can you imagine made sex very hot also a huge confidence boost this must be ultra sexual success
Noticing more of the bad in people. Compared to now, much more un-seductive 6 months ago. Used to look for the good in ppl lol! Sure it correlates with winning. Loving the effect on women right now. Anyone know how to get cum stains out of car seats? Note to self, time for leather. Easy to see how sexy women feel from my gaze.
Hahaha, what's happening bro! You've gone through so many changes man (and not just name changes either lol). Glad to see you making so much progress!
Took a break from posting for a bit.

Wanted to see how it would affect my results. Can't really put a finger on what's going on. There's so much from this stage but my mind is fully involved with the sub programming.

Had sex w the Fwb the day before last. It was frustrating. Fucked for an hour with a condom. She sucked me for another 30 then went raw but for the life of me just couldn't cum... Even porn absolutely bores me. Just go into
Shut down when that home screen comes up. Masterbation does the trick but even then it seems like there's nothing sexy enough. Steadily getting more advanced from women. In weird ways also. See a friend and her female friend is there then get a call later from her asking for me to pick her up. Respond w "ask someone in your area" then realize this was another indirect way for me to pick up a chick. Feeling really bored earning money is effortless. However it's not huge amount. It's enough. Feels like there was this fear inside of me but now it makes me reconsider everything. Seems like my only stimulation is when something manifests from the subliminal or people directly give me my desire however each day feels closer to my vision
How much porn do you watch a day? And what's the most unusual or extreme types of porn that you watch, if any? Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction and/or Delayed Ejaculation is possible.
dont watch porn man, i stopped porn when starting to fuck porn like women...

ps do you listen to trickling stream because this might be a reason too
Lmao porn sucks. Seduction and emotion is the real excitement.
Sometimes listen to trickling stream in my car

@ dissonance your pic in comparison to that model lol thought tht was hilarious
Lmao why's that? My developing stomach gut?
Honestly it feels so tough even though the sub is doing the work it feels like a tough future ahead. In the best place of my life and when that fear got lifted it was so good. Too many mixed feeling everything also feels like one big party at the same time
Fun fact: traditionally speaking most women expect to be married before the age of 25. This is an important factor in seduction because the possibility of being "the one" for this relationship is an easy heart string to pull on.

Like my previous post on here before. Those who allow the pressures of life impact their decisions are low value.
Ppl are telling me " you tend to be successful in your endeavours, you have high expectations and dreams, and desires. You don't take life for granted and appreciate it fully. You don't sit back and watch things happen you get involved. You love luxury and all the finer things in life. You are happy and content with yourself"

But my feeling within is not the same. Not even sex solves it. Only being a magnet will.
No matter how logical a woman can be there will always be a side that believes in love and fairytales which they Beleive transcends their everyday reasoning. It is convuluted with all types of emotion but like a child it attracts them because they truly feel something whatever fantasy that might be this program turns you into a person that embodies that you can go around do whatever you want and express desire and this feeling it sounds pretty amazing but it's true
Hardcore Henry everyone just a must watch entertainment at its finest