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Nothing wrong with a dream about something being put in your butt, right?
I almost chimed in with my dream too but listened to my horoscope's "silence is golden"
(10-23-2012, 11:27 AM)massagemaggie Wrote: [ -> ]I almost chimed in with my dream too but listened to my horoscope's "silence is golden"

I reject your horoscope and replace it with my own! "Sharing is caring."
Lmao, I'd like to think it was more about stuff coming out.
I've been having a bunch of short dreams in a row lately, each concerning different fears that I have. I'll have one addressing one thing and then it will end and switch to another dream, nothing really all that intense, but some are a little uncomfortable. "You must burn to grow" as Arnold said. I'm fine with the uncomfortable dreams.

In my waking life I keep having these short flashes where I feel completely limitless and fearless. Whenever this happens to me, my charisma is absolutely ridiculous. I feel like someone turned the limitations off for me and I am now unbound to say and do whatever I want. I like this feeling a lot and I fully expect these state changes to last longer and longer as time goes by. The feeling of God-like power gets addictive, you know...
Cortez... Rule 4... maybe "unlimited power" is better?
(10-26-2012, 05:31 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Cortez... Rule 4... maybe "unlimited power" is better?


I posted something hastily, went to bed, and realised I was a bit too rude so I'm here in the middle of the night to rephrase, make it a bit more polite.

Shannon: Wtf. Cortez's comment was secular. Totally within the boundaries of all things heathen.

Keeping the forum clean from religion is proper and appropriate (though yours doesn't seem to count) but that's taking it too far.
All due respect, and all.
I've got to fall in with Brad here. The only thing I'd correct is changing "God" to "god", making it a noun instead of a proper noun.
That would have worked as well. But I'd like to keep this place as non-inflammatory as possible. As for "my religion", believe it, you have heard nothing about that. What you have heard about is my beliefs regarding the system that is the universe.
True power, raw power, quantastical power, astronomical power, just power
Ehm what ware we talking about again?
"...Itty bitty living space."
So back on the subject of fear...I watched my best friend get shanked right in front of me tonight(He'll be alright). It's crazy how fast those things happen. I thought I was breaking up a fist fight until we were driving off and realized he got stabbed. Like I really need confirmation that my quiet country life is ideal...
Elusive, how do you manage to go right back to what I already said was unacceptable to discuss based on rule 4? You guys want to complain, but here's the deal. Mentioning anything to do with, eventually leads to breaking the rules. I'm trying to prevent that. We have other ways to phrase these things.