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Still using the COVID-holidays to do H&C work, and it's progressing just fine, I think! At least the clearings I've been doing recently are no longer physically painful, lol, and I'm beginning to feel better and better. Lottsa stuff to clean out though. Apparently, I've got a *ton* of internalized abandonment and loss/grief [EDIT: and betrayal] that's never been properly fixed because whenever they'd get hit on, I'd start feeling terrible shame at even having such (as if it all was "my fault" in some way or another, *shamefur dispray* and such), and that's unpleasant enough that it became warded by our old friend fear. Heck, I actually never ran all that much from situations which could potentially lead to this, I just kept repressing... and repressing... and then repressing some more. Big Grin

Doing 8 loopity loops of DMSI, as I've got shit else to do until the Black Death passes, plus DRS. Them 8 loops actually feel very good!

Still, I think we're nearing the 6 month mark on this version of DMSI, so I guess it's going to be bye-bye with this one soon. It's extremely close to being able to do what it's been designed to do with *gusto*. Big Grin I'll most probably be switching to the updated USLMaxx once it's out, and running it together with the DRS. Have some ideas on how to use it as well (or, rather, what goals to set for it).
Funny, had one of those "song playing in my dreams" thing, and more amusingly it was Kaczmarski's "Epitafium dla Włodzimierza Wysockiego", lol ("Epitaph for this guy:"). The lyrics are kinda, hmm. I don't really know what to make of it. Big Grin

Took a little break from subs, went to get some shopping, noticed an increase in *shamefur dispray* worries (slight though), noticed some negativity hanging about me, currently listening to the DRS and about 90% of that stuff went away instantly (and also had me chuckling to myself like a maniac, harhar). And now I've got Kult's "Hej, czy nie wiecie" going through my head (it's "a protest song" I believe you would call it Big Grin).

Fancy playlist of polskie przeboje for today, lol.

DRS would indicate that "the moron squad" is up to some sort of shenaningans (we're supposed to have a staff meeting on Friday, unless it gets postponed due to the corona-holidays), with designee "smarmy little girl" at the helm as always, but they're gonna get DRSed hard, oy. Ahh, I love it.

Anyroad, on break from DMSIng until Friday. Feelin' good.
I like the chakra healings/clearings I've been doing lately, they appear to be most effective. F. in. whilst when working on the solar plexus and heart areas, I still get these unpleasant sensations 'round the liver and on the right side of my ribs, and I get unpleasant emotions and recollections surfacing (I guess that's the main problem when doing clearings absent the "subconscious masking" component that Shannon-subs have had for some time now), it feels like I'm progressively getting there and it appears to be working pretty swiftly as well. So I decided to add the throat chakra into the mix as well, seeing as I have the time, to assist with bardic practice and to potentially help out against upper respiratory infections (my sinuses, to be exact. BTW., the sinusitis I've been getting every now and again seems to have been mostly related to inflammation caused through undue muscular tension in the face caused by unhealthy singing "technique"... fucking maestros, man Big Grin ). I'm actually going kinda *banzai* on this due to having the time; wanna get as much done in this... erm... slow period, to put it mildly, as I can.
Staff meeting got cancelled, lol. More time to DRS some fools, I guess! It would also appear we're on pretty friendly terms with director-chick despite our "divorce", as she put it, and the little verbal spanking I had to give her for being a naughty girl.
Hmm. So, I won't be making any money this month, but I'll be getting a tax rebate for last years' income which should allow me to not starve and buy lots of toilet paper. Not bad, I guess!

Also, had a very... interesting dream today, directly related to DMSIng and some of that *shamefur dispray* stuff going on. Movement, perhaps..? Seems like it. I'll keep doing what I've been doing for a bit more and then we'll see; seems like 8 loops are capable of pushing on through a bit, and the clearings may be helping as well.
The COVID-holidays are being extended until the end of this week. Frankly, I'm pretty impressed with how the govmn't has been handling it around here; and the people here seem to be approaching the whole shebang somewhat responsibly; f. in. stores are open, but there's restrictions on how many people can be inside of one at the same time, the staff wears rubber gloves, there's even hand sanitizer for public use at some, lol. Still, we're used to, like, martial-law and isolation, so... Big Grin

Although, frankly, I'm kinda beginning to walk on walls, lol. I'm bored. Re-watching Better Call Saul, haha, even though I hadn't really been watching any shows, TV or movies for a pretty long time now. Still, my physical regimen's gone way up (because I've got nothing better to do, heh) and I'm getting pretty fabulous because of it.

Been doing 8 loops of DMSI + DRS, and well, depending on the time of the day, I feel either very fine or very tired. It's not really physical exhaustion, it's like some part of me is tired of DMSIng - perhaps it's some resisty part about to reach a turning point? I dunno. Maybe I've been running it for too long a stretch now and I'm getting bored of it. Anyhow, my dreams would indicate that, yup, that *shamefur dispray* stuff is being worked on still. The outside negative judgement component seems to be taking the form of that lovely ex of mine in the dreams, lol. But they're not negative, these dreams. Been receiving some flirty phone-calls from some of my responders, I guess they're as bored as I am, lol.

Clearings etc. are progressing smoothly as well. It's gotten to the point where the thingies I'm using are no longer focused on full-out clearing as it comes to the base and sacral chakras and the throat chakra, but more on tuning them up, so to speak. Heart and solar plexus, well... there's still work to be done there when it comes to clearing. Big Grin

I think I'll finish up this week, and then do another one, and it'll be full 6 month, and then it's time for a break.
By the by, the Interwebz say that Placido Domingo caught that COVID, heh. He's had a bad year all around; first they kicked him out of the MET for trying to bone unwilling females from the orchestra (bad idea, Placido, lol. They have a strong union. Go for chorus girls or something if you wanna pull rank to abuse some girl into sexual favors, maybe try to strong-arm a soprano from a young artists program, don't go for the orchestra, you're not a conductor. Heh. Frankly, fuck those showbiz MAESTROs and serves him right, lol), and now he's COVIDed.

Thus legends die.
Okaaay, so the govmn't just released info that the COVID restrictions on stuff are going to be in force until April 11. So... any good TV show recommendations? Big Grin
İf you didn't watch "The x files" is a good series,
I like cartoons for adults, Rick and Morty is a good one, if you like cartoons you will like this too,
Dark, is a good and very mysterious series,
Haha, haven't watched The X Files since I was a kid. I like David Duchovny, but I don't think I could stomach this much mysterious camp right now. Big Grin

I'll check out the other two though, thanks!
I second Dark. Great show.
So now I'm watching Fargo. Good show!

Anyway, still doing that 8 loops DMSI + DRS thing and them fancy chakra clearings and whatnot and flirting with my little quarantines. That lovely ex of mine is intimating she's really, really bored and even wants to invite me over for "company". Eh, I guess I'll think about it. Big Grin It's a 20-minute walk from my place, lol.

I'm hitting upon various things apparently. F. in. I've been noticing recently that now several times as I've gone out to do some shopping, I get really, really annoyed by smelly drunken bums being obnoxious towards people, being smelly and unhygienic, getting in people's faces and being all-around annoying, as smelly drunkards sometimes are. I think it's becoming more prominent and noticeable because the streets are very empty and morons of this ilk probably feel like it gives them leave to be a nuisance. F. in. yesterday I noticed one such dude being obnoxious towards some kind of mum with her kid on a walk, I snapped at the guy and told him to stop harassing people on the streets and in return he called me names, lol. I'm kinda on edge lately due to pent up energy so I erm, may have called him human offal in return, lol. Afterwards he seemed to have followed me for a bit and tried being all tough, but retreated soon thereafter after speaking some incoherent nonsense.

Trouble is, this seems to have stirred up some sort of fear of being attacked, I'm even halfway tempted to start arming myself before leaving my apartment just in case even though drunken bum harassment isn't really anything to be all that worried about. But it did hit upon something; base chakra clearings seem to be helping. Maybe it's also due to all the corona-fear in the air, heh.
Arranged to borrow some pepper spray from my bro just in case (as well as a filtering mask, he's brought some serious equipment over from South Korea, heh), as I'd rather not engage in melee or fisticuffs with smelly bums, especially not during a quarantine, all things considered. Big Grin Better safe than sorry and all that jazz.

Feeling pretty good, but still bored. I will probably visit that lovely ex of mine in a couple of days (currently staying on the safe side as I've had sinusitis recently, I'd rather give it some time yet) and see whether she wants sex or something.

Finishing up this ASRB session of DMSI on Saturday, then it's a break until Wednesday, another 8 days of loopity loops (so pretty much until the end of this quarantine thing) and then it's a wrap for this version for now, I think. Honestly, it'll be nice to take a little break from this listening regimen and see what happens as it's weaning off. The DRS stays right where it's at, though - I should be able to start using it according to the instructions, though (mixed with a program that has another shield in it, I learned very quickly that I have to use it daily, otherwise the other shield takes over Big Grin). Should be nice and relaxing.
Hey Have at Ye,Man. great reading your posts here.... I Played UMS ,yesterday,it was the 3rd and final day of playing it. IM taking a week off,until I get DRS next Friday,as such. I was taking a look at my array of USLM, I have several incarnations of this program going all the way back to 3G on up..... I was thinking of running.... USLM of some sort. thers a 5.5 G thats 1:06 minutes and then later the more advanced one at 1:20 minutes. the FIRST USLM, and 2nd one I got some amazing results,so I think I'd love to repeat that again,while taking some time off of UMS and utlizing DRS.
Any recommendation Have at ye? since you're running DMSI and DRS,during the same time periods???
I dont wanna over load myself,but a moderate version of USLM outta be OK during this time...I may just lay low and ONLY utlizie DRS,alone,and see what the results become. any suggestions/feedback? thanks and have a great weekend man. Im so glad both DMSI and DRS are both serving you so well. Happy Trails!! Keith.
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