Well. It's been quite awhile since I've updated this. So many things have happened that I'm not sure where to start, and that's the problem. Every time I start to write an entry, I get overwhelmed and end up trashing the entire thing.
So... to fix that, I'm just going to ignore the fact that I haven't posted in awhile and just start talking about the big things I can remember and let the rest come out in conversation.
I'll start the report off by stating: v3.1 has completely altered the trajectory of my life toward unlimited abundance, success and women. I feel like I'm living in a dream, just how different my life is compared to what it was before.
In regards to women's attraction, it's either all or nothing. They're acting completely gaga for me, or just outright pretending I don't exist. I suspect the aura is filtering out women that aren't good for me and drawing in those who are.
An example of the former: For seemingly no reason at all, in mid-conversation, this chick began dancing extremely seductively for me. I mean, she dropped the booty, started popping it, licking her lips -- while we were in the middle of the gym. It was so shocking that I didn't know what to say. I just stood there, shit eating grin on my face. I guess it really hurt her feelings that I STILL didn't pursue after that (I don't date at the gym -- that's my place of training and refuge) because she started doing the whole "I'm gonna pretend you're a beta, then" shit and began subtly disrespecting me. Of course, I ignored that shit, and she began flirting again. It's insane.
Then, there's this chick at work, who sends IOI's all day long, like wrapping her entire hand in her ponytail and twirling it, while staring lovingly into my eyes. And I wasn't talking about sh*t! Wasn't like I was even flirting. Was just staying some blah-blah and she's looking like she's creaming her pants. She goes to the bathroom every 30 minutes or so, and I see her shooting me glances. I wouldn't be shocked if she's going to clean up or rub one out once. She also acts weird when it's time to leave. Like, we used to leave together and chat, and now she avoids me. At first, I thought she was creeped out by me or some sh*t, but now I'm not sure. I suspect she's rationalizing her feelings as me flirting with her somehow and she's avoiding me or whatever. Don't really care.
Speaking of IDGAF. Man, I really don't give a f*ck these days. People can say sh*t and I'll just ignore them. In fact, I don't even hear the hating. I suspect Shannon added some kind of mental fortitude module and didn't tell us about it because this is different than any IDGAF feeling I've felt on any version of DMSI. This... feels so real and organic, like it's woven through the fiber of my being.
Putting US / UM / LM / etc. in the skeleton script was a GREAT idea on Shannon's behalf. I feel like I'm absolutely unstoppable in my day-to-day interactions. I'm slaying at work. I'm slaying in the gym. I'm killing it on online dating (got two dates next week with a 7.5/10 with an AMAZING body and a 6/10).
I literally feel like I can't f*cking lose.
There is ONE downside. As I raise in value, I'm encountering more and more random moments of disrespect. It's like EVERYONE is shit testing me at times. I think it's because I'm raising in value so fast and it's showing through my body language, aura, word choice and general demeanor that people don't know how to react. The celeb vibe is real.
On the flipside, I'm also getting people holding doors for me, moving out of the way, giving me DIHL looks (even today while I was washing clothes, wearing some OLD exercise gear). Getting discounts and free food. I could run v3.1 forever.
However... once MLS comes out, I gotta give it a try. By the end of the year, my goal is to be the Black Tony Stark.
So yeah... that was lots of rambling. Ask questions or something.