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Life Tune Up 5.0.

Quote:...All in all I flat out feel like a better more solid person than I was a couple years ago.  Am I perfect…. No.  But I’m significantly better off than I was before starting the sub.  Time is going to pass whether or not you are running a sub you might as well be running one of Shannons subs.  

Im not going to go into micro detail because I don’t have the time.  I’m currently running 3 business’s before the sub I was pushed to my limit running one.  My interpersonal interactions have significantly improved.  I have less ego.  I feel like I’m using each and every day constructively.

I was talking to an old friend last week who I don’t keep in touch with as well as I should.  She commented that Im doing the things I dreamed of a handful of years ago.  It kind of caught me off guard but after reflecting upon her words all I could think to say was, “Yeah, I can’t lie, things are really good.”

-JakeKennedy said this here
Life Tune Up 6.0.

Quote:Other things I've noticed so far is that I am starting to be more outgoing and "enjoying" being out in public more.  I put that in quotes cause I'm a little reserved and keep to myself and usually just do my thing, but so far on LTU I don't mind being out in public and being around other people.

-Bayern said this here
Life Tune Up 6.0.

Quote:It feels like LTU6 is breathing life back into me. Considering how I've been running on fumes for the past few months, this is amazing.

-NOMAD said this here
Life Tune Up 5.0.

Quote:Haven't posted in a while, I think it's time to self reflect…

Pleased to say that all the goals outlined at the beginning of this journal have been achieved. Some to a greater extent than others...

A sense of direction/purpose in life
Have set my eyes on learning to code, currently on a 58 day streak of atleast 1 hr of studying per day. To merely say it's "enjoyable" is an understatement. Often I can grind on it for hours everyday without getting tired or bored. I don't exactly know where I'm heading with this atm but intuitively I feel this is the right thing to learn and something "great" will come from it. 

Patience and determination to achieve goals
A major change I've noticed is the ability to stay focused and productive on tasks I set for myself. Procrastination virtually non existent. Also any fears or resistance towards learning and doing new things have also substantially decreased. Generally more open minded.

Emotional maturity/stability
One of the main reasons I bought the sub. (The trio… Universal detox, E3 and letting go of the past). Have been able to let go of soo much mental/emotional baggage Im still scratching my head thinking "how's this even possible lol"… Sub is extremely effective at picking out the weeds and purifying the mind, perhaps even better than long-term meditation.

Overcoming various addictions such as porn and gaming (which I use to cope with stress)
Completely lost interest in gaming. I no longer watch TV and porn use has also been reduced considerably.
- More social and happy in general (which I have seen happening already)
Yep, much more loose, witty and enjoyable to be around. 

Eliminating victim mindset… taking full responsibility and adopting a stronger growth mindset
This is a tricky one because I feel like I have either forgotten what it was like to be a victim or I never was a victim. Probably the naturalizer at work here. But generally I do feel self-assured, empowered and motivated to make changes knowing fully well that the choices "I" make will either make me or break me and there is no one else to blame.

So what next? 192 days in... You'd think I'm done Huh? No no no.. I'm still just warming up haha. The foundation has been built and as planned will continue using for 365 days to reinforce it.

-SaltyMeatballs said this here
Life Tune Up V6.0

Quote:Woke up again today feeling positive, that's two days in a row. I felt quite confident during the day. I noticed the way interacted with my coworkers and family memebers. It felt a lot more playful and interesting.

Moreover, I caught myself various times throughout the day suddenly giggling at what seemed to be minor things or past memories. This is quite unusual to say the least.

-SaltyMeatballs said this here
Life Tune Up 6.0.

Quote:LTU6 has permanently changed something in me. I'm not even sure what it is but I know that it happened intuitively. I've never experienced that on a sub. I usually change until I'm done running a sub and then go back to some degree of normal or imperceptibly changed. A tribute to my deeply stubborn self. This time it's different. For some reason I know I'm different for good. It will be interesting to see how that is and how it plays out.

-Chris P. Bacon said this here
Life Tune Up 6.0.

Quote:Stage 2, Day 23

During the entirety of Stage 2, I've experienced a non non-sense, get out of my way attitude. Now that I seem to have overcome whatever weight I was dragging around it has been even more pronounced. Today, I encountered some issues where my wife works. The solutions were simple,  but the owner and the other employees were basically clueless. I came up with a temporary solution to one issue. I could've completely fixed it and the second issue if somebody would've had the sense to communicate what the actual problem was...unbelievable. At one point, my wife told me that I look mean. She's probably right because the male employee there was clearly intimidated by me and a avoided me.

Anyway,  this us something along the lines of what I would expect from AM7. I didn't expect it with LTU6, but I'm not complaining. I feel driven and wise. I just don't have much patience for stupid sh*t and I've been pretty vocal about it lately.

-NOMAD said this here
Life Tune Up 6.0.

Quote:I want to say this because I feel like most of my posts in this thread have been negative lately.

LTU 6 is probably the best subliminal I've ever ran. I'm just more likely to post more when I'm doing bad. It's hard to quantify the results because there are so many little things that LTU is doing that I can't explain. I just overall feel better and healthier.

Thanks Shannon.

-Frosted said this here
Life Tune Up 6.0.

Quote:Stage 4 
Cycle 3/4 
Day 1/8 

A major change I noticed today is I don’t feel any resentment or loneliness today. I actually felt pretty happy today and was hanging out with a platonic friend with great food and company. No more feelings of wanting to have someone else fulfill me or jealous that other people are with someone and I am single.

Another chain of thoughts I noticed was the fact that I’m reconciling the different aspects of myself and accepting it. I have the darker parts of myself and I have the self aware, reflective and thoughtful parts of myself too. We are one and the same and it’s because of one aspect of myself that I was able to identify the others.

-Aventus45 said this here
Life Tune Up 6.0.

Quote:Stage 5 
Cycle 3/3 
Day 1/10

The gratitude and happiness modules are kicking in. I haven’t felt this happy in a long time. If I were to describe it, it’s sort of like a content and grateful feeling. It’s been a long road since i started LTU and I can’t imagine where I would be if I haven’t started it and did something else.

-Aventus45 said this here
Life Tune Up 6.0.


(It’s not easy for me to evaluate the results, especially on an emotional level because there have been ups and downs that are also due to external situations, 2020, you know, plus other problems I mentioned in my journal... The following however is measurable and very important.)

My financial situation improved significantly since I started LTU. It became especially obvious in the past 2 months (stage 5 and 6.) I am positive that I have to thank LTU for that because I did nothing different and it’s not like the past seven months have been good for anyone’s economy.
I received money from virtually all sides - a person who owed me since 2019 (yes, 19!) finally paid last month, another person that owed me some money, it turned out it was double what I thought and I got it in my hands, another one gifted me 10,000 (story is in another thread), a fixed passive income appeared quickly and with very little effort, I am being offered all the work I want, all of which I can do from home during the pandemic, my partner is getting a few easy jobs that are virtually non existent during the corona-crisis, I found money on a bank account that “wasn’t supposed to be there”, bitcoin quadrupled and I found out I had more bitcoins than I thought, hidden in a wallet I don’t use much, other investments went exceptionally well.

I am also spending less in crap I do not need, that’s good both for my finances and for my psychological well-being.

To be clear - the amounts are not huge by first world standards, I didn’t magically become a millionaire and I still have to watch how I spend my money but the difference is huge and almost impossible to explain away as a coincidence. We were often struggling to pay the bills, we never were poor but we couldn’t afford any luxury except a good restaurant meal once in a while. It was hard to rationalize spending more than a hundred dollars for my first sub. Now, for the first time in a decade, we went on a short vacation and for the first time in my life I picked a 5 star suite. I bought myself a sculpture by an artist I have loved for decades, we have some savings and plenty money to pay all the bills.

-Fab10 said this here
Life Tune Up 6.0.

Quote:The level of results I’m getting is insane. I don’t even know how to describe the magnitude of the changes because it is such amazing results, but at the same time entirely normal and ordinary. LTU6 is the first program I’ve ever used that have delivered the results I am experiencing. I’m experiencing the results I secretly hoped I would get from subliminals but secretly “knew” I would never “actually” achieve.

I feel like I’m exaggerating because I’m trying to communicate how awesome these changes are but it’s the kind of simple normal result that sounds boring but is fucking incredible to experience. Basically I’m pushing past fears that I didn’t even realize were fears and successfully overcoming all the fear in the way of LTU6.

The results are basically just me healing and clearing fear enough for LTU6’s goals to poke through. It’s like walking through a tunnel for 5 years only on faith and you doubt yourself all the while even though you know if you don’t walk you won’t get to the end of the tunnel. Well you push past your doubts every day for five years until you start to see the light at the end of the tunnel and fall to your knees and cry realizing that you had secretly given up on believing you could reach the exit and now feel real certainty that you are going the right way.

That’s me. And I am still way way way far away from anything remotely resembling amazing. But the fact that I have gotten to a threshold where I’m experiencing a level of results that feels so tangible is amazing. That’s the word, I just realized I had been looking for this whole post. The results feel real and I am experiencing an inkling of the results on the sales page.

I think a big part of what allowed this to happen is 5.75G. It’s taking me past my fears and resistance in an awesome way. Can’t wait till I get to try 5.8G.

-Frosted said this here
Life Tune Up 6.0.

Quote:LTU6 helped me quit smoking and get off my anxiety medication. It’s not as good at fear removal as OGSF but it was getting the job done, albeit slower than OGSF. The results that come from LTU6 are valuable to me because of its comprehensiveness. I love the way LTU6 makes me feel and people seem to like me more when I use it (likely the positive attitude I have on LTU6). LTU6 is great because it feels like it is targeting everything that matters in life and improving it. It’s literally in its name too lol (life tune up). It teaches you how to enjoy a balanced life. It does a little of everything.

-Frosted said this here
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