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Life Tune Up 5.0.

Quote: Just today I was at a fairly formal event with around 100 people.  I was never a high anxiety person but today I felt almost as comfortable as being at home in my living room by myself at the event.  I didn't speak or anything but at one point I was on stage for a short period of time.  Lets just say I was pleasantly surprised.  I was so comfortable it was amazing.  Just another small instance of LTU5 working its magic.

-JakeKennedy said this here
Life Tune Up 5.0.

Quote:...Another positive... television, gaming and other pleasure inducing activities no longer seem to provide me with that psychological crutch I used to enjoy. I mentioned this before but wasn't totally sure if it was only a one timer. Alternatively I'm choosing to engage in healthier and more productive activities such as reading, exercise and social interaction...

-SaltyMeatballs said this here
Life Tune Up 5.0.

Quote:...Overall, I feel a lot happier, calmer, and more at peace and more laid back with my life and the things I'm going through.  Last year was a down year in several aspects of my life; I felt like I hit rock bottom the tail end of last year.  But things have slowly gone upwards since, and so far I'm having a really good year...

-Rebel_GQ said this here
Life Tune-Up 5:

Quote:Day 139.

Changes and improvements have become too numerous to count. I can roughly classify them into three categories, I think. Psychological, physiological and external tools.

My mental state is probably the best it has ever been. This is not only on occasional days but very much every day. And it still improves from week to week.

Some posts back I wrote about body activation. This is constantly getting better. Healthy body, healthy mind.

I invested in a lot of different tools and gadgets over the past months. Most of them items between 2 and 20 bucks. They all increase my life quality significantly. It's as if my subconsciousness is taking me by the hand and guiding me to them.

LTU is the best!

Raz said this here.
Life Tune Up 5.0.

Quote:I am becoming a better person. Not like I have been a bad person by will before, but it wasn't in my nature to be a giving and loving person, that's all. I didn't had it in me. I tried to make people to like me, look up to me, love me, etc. That was just how I though that things was. But I at the same time felt that I was different, like I didn't belong or didn't deserved to be loved for my true self, so I did all those things to make up for that I was "unlovable". Truth is I didn't know who I was, I had problems letting that guy forward and meet others other than being drunk. I feel how I am becoming more authentic, more giving, and less involved in getting others to like me, I know can be myself and still get liked, I am not perfect, but I am me and I'm deserving of love. As a consequence I see relationships with people I am friends with or have been acquainted with before is improving. They are starting to be able to meet me for who I am, and contrary from what I believed, they like that guy. My defences is getting less and less needed as my self-esteem is growing.

-Greenduck said this here
Life Tune Up 5.0.

Quote:LTU has made a profound change in the way I think and thus how I feel on a day to day basis. This morning when I got up I was thinking our money situation, and while it’s still rough when viewed objectively, I didn’t have a single negative thought. I know that I am close to a full solution. It’s a very, call it, engaged knowing. It’s not just me talking to myself and forcing positive thinking as I had been doing for many years before I started these 5.5G subs. Its just how I think now. My feelings were fully engaged with these thoughts, I actually felt a bit of the relief. Negative thinking and positive have fully switched places in my head.

-Paul1131 said this here
Life Tune Up 5.0.

Quote:Day 127!

At last… Starting to notice clear and tangible results, completely shattering every last remnant of skepticism I had towards this technology.

There is no denying; I am not the same person I was 4 months ago (even 2 months ago actually haha). My identity, morphed and shaped through a slow and steady process, sometimes I struggle to remember who I was, or who I am. Almost feels like awaking from a dream.

speaking of results;
- Able to look at myself in the mirror and smile at the person I see.
- Able to accept my shortcomings and past failures allowing me to focus more on the things I can change in the present while also looking forward to the future.
- Baseline levels of energy have increased.
- More of a "F*CK it" and risk taking attitude
- Verbal filters fading out - I'm much more comfortable saying what's on my mind - able to enjoy socializing. Assertive and stronger tone of voice.
- Probably the most growth = Higher self esteem. Seems like I executed this module extremely well and the changes were noticeable right from the beginning.

-SaltyMeatballs said this here
Life Tune Up 5.0.

Quote:I am currently taking a week’s break from subs before I start on UMS or whatever it winds up being called. I plan to buy it and start it on Friday. Depending on how much extra is on my check I may buy a second copy for my wife on Monday too. If not I’ll get hers on the next check. I was surprised about how positive she was when I showed her the description. I can’t wait to see how it works to have both of us working toward the same goal.
A five month run of LTU5 has worked wonders for me. I feel like a different person with a better life even though life isn’t that different outwardly. I just read my log, and it really drove home how much has improved. The effects that I have noticed.

- Reduced aches and pains on getting up in the morning.

- I get up faster and onto what I had planned to do.

- I got rid of three nervous tics that I’ve had since I was a kid.

- I pretty much quit drinking soda.

- I no longer have extreme stress and hyper vigilance when in crowded places (this came from working as a correctional officer for a decade). I am still on the lookout for trouble, but very calm about it.

- Dramatic reduction in angry thoughts and feelings. They used to hit me randomly, but that’s gone.

- Chronic indigestion is gone.

- I can now experience my goals as a “daydream” with full emotional engagement.

- Improved social confidence in public places.

- I am able to stand my ground and calmly assert myself with my wife, and anyone who is trying to mistreat or pressure me. The “push” they’re trying to send just doesn’t get to me.

- I am now able to set things aside when there’s nothing I can do to effect a situation (IE waiting on the results of a job interview, ect) and not worry about them. This one is huge, I used to stress myself beyond belief.

- I am less derailed by disappointments and setbacks. I can now say oh well, and go back at the problem with a different plan.

- My thinking has switched polarities. It used to be that the negative thoughts were dominant and I got a positive one now and then or if I forced it. Now it’s exactly opposite of that.

- I have greater insight into what is happening in my mind. I can occasionally hear “arguments” between different levels of my subconscious, or different “voices”.

- I feel a hell of a lot less stress on a day to day basis. My bad days feel better than my good days used to.

- I feel very optimistic about the future most of the time now.

- I have been able to calmly analyze a lot of the things in my past have caused problems with how I think and feel.

- I can now consciously calm myself down when I do feel stressed, angry, ect.

- I used to make self deprecating jokes a lot. That no longer happens at all.

- My internal critic is almost entirely silent.

- I am doing a much better job at keeping up with routine tasks around the house.

- My general self confidence has skyrocketed even more than on USLM. Others have commented on this as well as it being very clear to me.

- I feel like I deserve a great life and I will have one.

It’s been awesome, I will definitely be back to this one regularly, this version or the next. Excellent work Shannon and thank you.

-Paul1131 said this here
Life Tune Up 5.0.

Quote:It’s done, I can tell that my social anxiety has been completely obliterated. I have no problem looking strangers in the eye and even starting random conversations when I’m in the mood to talk. I also have no reserves about asking for what I want and need.

Also when I drive, there no more anxiety either, although I’ve found myself the past week having to use my brain, the lack of fear has turned me back into a bit of a reckless driver, unless of course my daughter is in the car with me.

My sex life has become so regular that I’ve been having sex almost daily. Looks like for me the improve my love life module turned part of the sub into a sex life tune up.

My fears around money have decreased considerably as well, not only that but thanks to my planning, my income should be getting a good boost fairly soon.

Glad to say that UMOP did what it was supposed to. Procrastination is no longer even in my personal vocabulary.

Every time I’ve run Ltu for the past couple days, I have a feeling of serenity mixed with euphoria was over me.

-DavisMind91 said this here
Life Tune Up 5.0.

Quote:I was able to implement a technique in my business today my mentor taught me several years ago but due to fear I could just never consistently use it.  Successfully using the technique put several hundred extra dollars in my pocket today. If I can make that a habit it’s that much more money I can invest into real estate to get that income stream built up.

-JakeKennedy said this here
Life Tune Up 5.0.

Quote:Day 205

I feel like my life is only going to get better in the years to come. Ive never felt so optimistic and grateful. My relationships with people have improved drastically and im working harder than ever on projects I set for myself. This is amazing progress considering how I used to be just 1 year ago.

-SaltyMeatballs said this here
Life Tune Up 5.0.

Quote:No time to do a long post but wanted to at least do a short update to this journal since my LTU5 run is approaching 1 year.  My main focus and goal has been financial.  My 2019 income increased by 50% over my 2018 income.  As a frame of reference 2016-2018 incomes were nearly identical so the 50% increase was a big change.  Going forward my goals remain financial in nature but I do not want to give up the multitude of other ways I am growing with LTU by switching to UMS.  So I will probably continue to run LTU5 until there is a 6g LTU or UMS.  I started a second business a couple months ago which I believe will start to be profitable 2020 Q1.

-JakeKennedy said this here
Life Tune Up 5.0.

Quote:Hello everybody,
So, last Friday I gave my 2 weeks notice to my boss and it went great. He was thanking me for working for him for 12 years. He told he wish he could provide a better opportunity. The new company sound great and wish me success, than told me the door is always open for me. I was doing great all day, until the drive home. I was going through all kinds of emotions like should I leave, will I be go at it, what happens if I don't pass the certification, will I like it since it is medical. This is a chance of a lifetime opportunity that took 6 months to get it. It was like it was waiting for me. My friend told me as long as she is working there nobody is going to mess with you. My new manager said don't worry about it, it a done deal you are part of the team. If you need another 3 month no problem, whatever it takes to get you ready. I am so grateful for this place. USLM must have been open doors for me. Because in the beginning they said to my friend in august he has no medical experience and don't think it will work. Her boss didn't think I was qualified. I started LTU5 in October by January all the medical people she hired either didn't like it or work out. She had my resume on her desk. I was going to give up. I thought I had no chance. But in Jan, everything was working out in my favor. I guess I was getting overwhelmed with emotions because on Friday it felt real when I told boss I am leaving. He said you couldn’t let an opportunity like this pass you by. He said you hit a goldmine. I realize that LTU5 really makes you dig deep into you emotions. Either you are really happy or working on resolving old or recent issues. The program really is working on improving your life, not just settling for what life throws your way. It want you to have a great life and work thru the fear, which is the reasons this emotions come up in the first place.
So, this Friday was little different, I was food shopping looking at healthier foods to buy. I was so happy and shopping like I was doing UMS not LTU5. Everything I want was on sale, the universe was working on my behalf. I didn’t even care how much money I was spending, if I wanted I got it. I felt like I deserve it, I just I was feeling comfortable in my own skin and loving myself. I was happy just being me. I use to have to have a drink or a girlfriend to feel this way. I felt like either of those things with mess up my night. I realized now a drink is avoiding my emotions and not dealing with them. When you wake up. My emotions are still there, I have to deal with them in a healthy way. I have enough emotions that I don’t want have to deal with her emotions. I can just focus on me now. It was great not going crazy on Valentines Day.
Happy Saturday all!!!

-Z-man said this here
Life Tune Up 5.0.

Quote:Day 42 (3rd day, 7th cycle of rerun)

I believe... this program... is one that you have to give yourself to. It works on so many fronts and does so deep work that you just have to surrender, give it time and be patient with whatever comes up. When I started it I thought that it would be great to use it for a whole year with the necessary one week breaks. I now understand even more that such action will benefit me a lot. It can literally make me a different person. Can give me a new life. I believe it is not a 3-month program. Meaning that it will do its job but not nearly what is capable of.

Healing is ongoing, self esteem boost is ongoing. The new aspect I experienced during the end of the last cycle (it subsided during the break) was the huge urge to work and the complete, 100% "blockage" of procrastination and all of excuses for working and succeeding with what I will work on. This is the first time I experienced something like that in my life and this is still another confirmation for me that, the individuals we see on the covers of magazines, at huge award celebrations have THE edge, with a very powerful supportive subconscious mind.

For some reason I knew this trait will go away as this is what I experienced at first with all new traits I got introduced by LTU but the good news is that each new trait slowly gets integrated over time. I can only say that I will be thrilled when the integration happens!

Zero_force said this here
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