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Life Tune Up 4.0.
Quote:Physical healing from work outs and improved stamina confirmed. I’ve been doing one of those zero to 10 k programmes, normally I’m out of breath and crying to just walk after 5 mins runnning, I had built up to 10 mins about a year ago but haven’t run since. Day before I started running again, and did what I’d gotten to without much effort, yesterday I ran for 20 mins straight and no issues - I did attempt running about a month before LTU and could only do up to a 3 min run at a time.
Soreness is minimal, feeling alert and alive with a desire to be much more active.
-Darwin said this
Life Tune Up 5.0.
Quote:This is my third day on LTU5. The main think I'm noticing is that I'm genuinely more grateful and appreciative of the opportunity to live and breathe.
I made one of my goals to get a better paying job, and I've just been contacted by someone wanting to interview me for a job which will do just that, really though I want the financial freedom to pursue what I've known all my life is my purpose. I'm deciding on whether or not to buy LTU for my partner as well, I want her to benefit in the same way and for us to grow together.
My running continues - I've not felt sore once, which seems impossible to me. Today for the first time I feel that tiredness I get on subs when change is happening where I don't even want to move.
Darwin said this
Life Tune Up 5.0.
Quote: am back to the 4 days training. The 2 days off were smooth contrary to the days off with LTU 4. During the days off with LTU 4 I was feeling like an addict who needs his dose, it was rough Wink With LTU 5, the transition has been very smooth and feeling good. But I am happy to listen to it again.
After one month of using LTU 4 and then LTU 5, I have been able to kick out one habit that I wanted to stop but did not have the will : I stopped drinking totally alcohol, not a drop Yeye I did not want to tell it on the forum at first as I wanted to be sure of that. The first week of LTU 4 I strangely increased my intake of alcohol.
But the second week I drastically reduced this consumption and I did not enjoy drinking anymore but I increased water... Then with LTU 5 I don't feel any cravings for alcohol, I even don't think of it anymore. I was not a big consumer of alcohol, drinking only at night for appetizer and diner but I felt that I had to stop as soon as possible. I started to drink 3 years ago and during these 3 years I told myself I have to stop, but I could not. In one month I could YeyeThanks Shannon ! !
Geotrouvetout said this
Life Tune Up 5.0.
Quote:Currently in the middle of my third day’s loops. So far I have noticed:
- I woke up faster, feeling a lot better emotionally, less sluggish, and more motivated than I have in a long time.
- I woke up both days without the aches and pains that I had been accustomed to for a long time.
- Both day’s I got up and got right on the things I had been planning to do.
- when I am getting ready for work, I usually have a moment where I have a hitting the wall feeling. You know where I REALLY don’t want to go. This doesn’t make much sense with my current job, there’s nothing seriously unpleasant about it. It’s more of a holdover from working in a prison for years. Anyway, I had my usual thought of “I don’t want to” but then I realized that the feeling that I had to drag myself through a wall of dread was entirely absent this evening.
- For many years, I think since I was a kid, I have had an annoying twitch in some part of my body. It’s moved around, but for the last few years it’s been a tightening of my an muscles. This isn’t an involuntary movement, but it’s a strong compulsion which is especially bad when I’m stressed. I often have this problem when I drive to and from work. I realized halfway to work that that was gone. It did happen once after that, but just once and it was light. The USLMs did a lot for me, but they didn’t even touch this.
- My wife was very angry and critical of me when she got home. I stayed outwardly calm and felt much less anger than usual.
- I felt compelled to bring fresh fruit for my work snack instead of junk food.
-Paul1131 said this
Life Tune Up 5.0.
Quote:I did choose to get up and take a walk before starting my day. Just got back. I noticed something beautiful while I was walking through my neighborhood. I work in the garbage industry presently, and I noticed mailbox numbers, a habit developed for work. I went into my work mentality for a moment......and felt a normal fear I've held, the fear of critical bosses which has made me feel less of myself, like less competent. But........the fear fell away in like 2 seconds. What? It was replaced with a feeling of freedom instantly. I like this! LTU is having some fantastic benefits.
I noticed some other changes too. When I first began walking, I felt like I was much more willing to be social. My norm is to walk feeling guarded, as I normally walk to just be in my head, away from everyone else. I felt a joy, a hope, and even some excitement for seeing others I know. This is entirely new.
One other thing (I just remembered this). I've felt guilt and shame when imagining quitting my job once I have other income streams in place. I noticed I did NOT feel that guilt this morning! This guilt has restrained me from imagining and visualizing possibilities for months now, literally. That makes LTU priceless to me. undefined
I'm grateful I picked up LTU.
-Findingme said this
Life Tune Up 5.0.
Quote:I’m on my first night off after my first four days. I’ve continued to wake up feeling better than I did before and am getting out of bed faster each day.
- I have a couple of things that I plan to do each day, and I do them. Today one of them was pretty ambitious, but the task seemed easy, and I got it done much faster than I thought I could. This feels a lot less forced than it did on USLM2.
- I continue to take fresh fruit for my work snack rather than junk food, and today I chose sparkeling water over soda both with dinner and to take to work. Both of these things seemed perfectly natural and don’t seem like a big decision. I am drinking a LOT of sparkling water, more liquid than I’ve chosen to drink in a day for a long time.
- I ran into one of the line level supervisors at work who is the type who likes to make others look and feel stupid to build himself up. It’s hard to describe, but every time I talk to this guy I can sense that he’s looking for something to get on me about. He rarely finds anything legitimate, so he often makes up rules that don’t exist to get on me and others about. It didn’t bother me much before because I’m one of the more competent people here and in order to actually do I do anything, he’d have to tell his supervisor what rule I violated. Since I didn’t, I’m fine, he’s just a bit annoying. Today we had a normal conversation and I had no sense of that at all.
- I am less tired from working nights. Many days I used to feel like I was falling asleep. That doesn’t happen since starting LTU.
-Paul1131 said this
Life Tune Up 5.0.
Quote:I had a wonderful day yesterday. We took our son to the zoo for his second birthday. I was fully engaged with my family all day. The crowd didn’t bother me all day, which it would have before, and I felt genuinely happy all day. This is a new thing. Normally, I’d have been bothered by the crowd, and disengaged at some point.
Paul1131 said this
Life Tune Up 5.0.
Quote:Well, I don't know what happened but its pretty interesting as I have never experience this before.
Something just clicked after I woke up earlier today and I started cleaning my room, preparing for my trip by thinking up ways I could store my stuff, and just in general getting down with getting my courses done. I already finished and submitted 2 papers just today. Its like I was looking forward to working on it and enjoyed that more then thinking about watching youtube or playing video games. I'm going to try really hard to get as many course done as much as possible this week before my birthday on Saturday. Right now if I get my current courses done I should be down to 9 courses left. I'm going to aim for getting it down to 6 or 7 by the end of this week.
If I can keep up this momentum then I think I can probably be close to finish by the end of next week. So I should be finished in early April. Works out for me seeing as the women I've been talking to should be ending her employment by the end of April. So she should be free after that. I also felt this weird thing of like my old identity was slowly dissolving today and being replace by something new. I didn't feel any kind of resistance either to this process. I do actually feel like a new person really. I will still go through with experimenting with not taking a break because I don't want to give any potential resistance the chance to rewind the clock on these changes. Hopefully I don't experience any horrible exhaustion.
With things how they are with just this amount of FRM and the Magnus Engine I can't imagine how powerful these subs will be once FRM is complete. Anyway, thought I would mention this since it was so sudden.
-DarthXedonias said this
Life Tune Up 5.0.
Quote:I am MUCH MUCH more aware and better at keeping my thoughts, and energy aligned with my desired path. Also, my self-control in various things is better. My desire is greater. My drive (general, not sexual) is stronger. LTU is amazing. It's like as if all the stuff I learned in my spiritual awakening and things i discovered about the true nature of reality has been focused and enhanced within me, and I am now 1000% sure I will succeed in everything that I want to do and everything that i desire, in all areas of life, both short-term and long-term. I'm only 6 days in, which means 4 nights listened so far. I cannot wait to see what improvements future versions hold...
-Dissonance said this
Life Tune Up 5.0.
Quote:5 days with LTU5
So I have run LTU5 for five days now. I felt like running it more after the recommended 4 days, so I did. Have listened a total of 27 loops. And I have to tell you that the improvements that I have felt to my mood in just 5 days is astonishing. I'm so much more calmer and grounded, I'm still not there yet, but it's have just been 5 days (!). In regards on helping me become calmer and more at ease, which is the things I have struggled with the most, I actually think that LTU5 have helped me more in 5 days than E2 did in 9 months. It really have went right towards the problem inside of me and did it's magic.
The week have been fairly OK in regards of how the healing have felt. I have had 1 really bad day, 1 semi-bad day and the others pretty OK. Some fearful dreams but otherwise I haven't really noticed the healing going on.
I worked one full day which is a huge improvement from not being able to go to work due to my PTSD which caused problems concentrating and engaging in things with a clear head.
Yesteday I watched a movie (green book) and I could really enjoy it and laugh, which I haven't really been able to do for a really long time.
Today when I woke up I just felt at ease. I usually fibble with my phone (to ease my anxiety I guess) but today I could just lay in bed and chill and relax, which felt really good.
LTU5 is really a godsend. I'm so glad I bought it and I really feel that good things are ahead of me.
-Greenduck said this
Life Tune Up 5.0.
Quote:While I was driving home from work this morning the corners of my mouth started turning upward. I have heard of that before, I think people call it smiling. In all seriousness, in a moment, the default setting on my face changed from a slight frown or scowl to a mild smile. I was still doing it when I woke up and have been all day.
We were looking at houses again all today. This afternoon, it occurred to me that I felt REALLY good. I had felt genuinely happy all day, and I also realized how long it had been since I’ve felt that way for a full day.
-Paul1131 said this
Life Tune Up 5.0.
Quote:I'm noticing that LTU 5.0 feels a lot like AM6 in certain ways, but much more streamlined and fast and natural and effective and just i dont even know.
Self-esteem... rising.
Fear of offending people or being judged or being laughed at or being disliked (or one of the worst for me, being met with indifference or disregard or the view that I'm inferior to they) for being 100% unapologetically genuinely ME... decreasing.
Fogs of subconscious, emotional, and psychological adversity... clearing.
-Dissonance said this
Life Tune Up 5.0.
Quote:I’ve officially been on LTU for a month. Im now starting ASRB break #5.As far as new stuff, I’m getting the near euphoric bursts of positivity and optimism that I was having on USLM1. They’re happening both while I’m running the program, and at random times while I’m not, on run days and break days. These are usually coupled with a very vivid visualization of having one of my major goals accomplished or some good thing in the future after it’s accomplished. There is no negative voice saying that this may not be accomplished accompanying it. Sometimes though, I just feel really good suddenly and for no reason.
Quick recap of the effects so far.
-Three lifelong serious nervous habits (twitches, tics, tooth grinding) gone.
-Major decrease in the frequency and intensity of almost dissociative anger episodes (usually revenge fantasies or something like that that really pull me out of the present moment and involve a serious anger reaction). I don’t think I’ve had one for a few days, and the last few I’ve had didn’t cause jaw clenching, muscle tightening, or anything, they were just vivid thoughts. This is major progress, these used to be a multiple times daily occurrence.
-Parinoia and twitchyness in crowded places is gone. This used to be a real problem. I COULD stand trips to a store or whatever, but it was unpleasant and exhausting. Lately I’ve actually been feeling good there.
-My relationship with my wife has improved. She still takes her bad moods out on me occasionally, but it doesn’t get under my skin nearly as much. I recognize that it’s her somewhat disfunctional way of dealing with stress, frustration, fear and physical pain. It’s a problem with her not me, and it’s up to her to solve it. Also she’s been doing it less. Though she does seem a little confused that she can’t get a rise out of me anymore.
-Massive boost in self confidence. At least as far as knowing I can handle any challenge that life throws my way goes. I’m in a rough situation now, but I’m coming to the end of it, and once things are back on track, I can level life up in a lot of different ways.
-I have stopped drinking soda. I didn’t really plan on it, I just switched to sparkling water.
-Aches and pains that I felt on waking up are gone.
-Increased energy on waking up.
-Increased productivity toward my goals.
-Fear of failing in my job search because of past failures gone.
-The default setting on my face went from slight hostile scowl to slight smile.
-I am calmer all the time and in all things.
-My wife has noticed and commented that I am different in a good way.
I am quite impressed.
-Paul1131 said this
Life Tune Up 5.0.
Quote:Just walked around the kitchen doing morning stuff while humming "i feel good" by james brown. I'm guessing what I was feeling and am feeling right now is the Gratitude & Appreciation, and Happiness & Joy modules. A genuine excitement for the future, and a deep KNOWING that I just need to take but a few steps forward to enter the next era of my life that has been pending and being procrastinated for years. Feels gooooood. A VERY good state to be in to attract, create, and manifest my life's path into my current reality.
-Dissonance said this