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Quote:Thankyou, Shannon. I've done only 2 days of LTU3, after having done 4 years of subliminals and hypnosis from other vendors and in those 2 days I'm feeling results I never had before.
Being disabled since 1996, a heroin OD at age 20, I suffered a whole load of trauma - broken hip, dislocated shoulder for 15 years, kidney failure, heart failure, bullying, abuse of all sorts and a whole heap of other shit. I could add in being hit by a car at age 5 and the shit life I experienced because of that, which lead up to the OD, but I think you get the picture Wink
I got LTU3 after someone I know got good results from LTU2. I expected good things, and I'm feeling results already Smile
I used to experience much fear and anxiety in relation to my health and in relation to how others would treat me - being in a wheelchair makes for some interesting interactions Smile
Anyway, after only 2 days of use, most anxiety and fear is either gone or has reduced, I'm more positive and optimistic and I don't feel that others will take advantage of my situation.
I'm lookiing forward to this year, and I was so impressed that I recommended your products to Thea Westra, owner of a popular self-help site & list Smile
Thankyou Big Grin
n0ddy said this
After some months of disorderly listening ASC, BIATBW, ESE, OGSF and many others subliminals. Finally, I decided to focus on LTU (and because I cannot afford to buy AM by now).
It´s been 10 days since I decided to listen LTU in a disciplined way. My biggest issue is about self-esteem, it has ruined a lot of great opportunities in my life: at school, at work, with women and with my family. And I have tried a lot of solutions to erradicate this problem, meditation (the best one), therapy, hypnosis, a lot of self-help books, other brands of subliminals, even being member of a famous sect. Except for meditation, all the effort and money was useless... until now.
After 1 month using ASC, I felt great, it was a breakthrough. But I was overwhelmed with depression and fear in the second month, the resistance was very very strong.
Then I rambled between BIATBW, ESE, OGSF and Carpe Diem. After that and a great economic effort on my part, I bought LTU 5g. And I am glad I did it.
After the first night I listened LTU (5-8 hours each night), I woke up with a smile in my face, I didn´t have that facial expression of worry I had along my life. Now, I have that subtle but noticeable smile in my face. After a week, my humor has increased, I don´t procrastinate more and my friends told me that I look different, "You have potential!" said one of them.
In the last 2 days I felt and I feel now a little sadness and anger, maybe it´s resistance. There are still some issues with low self-esteem, anxiety and socializing but I hope that after a month the results are more evident. My goal is to fulfill 3 months using LTU.
Zyv said this
About Life Tune-Up 3:
Quote:i'm running ltu3 aswell - about 3 weeks now.
check powerful dreams
check contagious happiness regardless
check more attention from women
check improvements in so many areas, all at once
n0ddy said this
About Life Tune-Up 3.0:
Quote:I have completed 3 months of my journey of LTU 3.
I am highly satisfied with the programme . So far I have noticed I
have improved
a. my communication skill
b. Time mgt. skill
c. self-sabotage issue
d. confidence is much better
e. I complete my task almost always within deadline
which leads me to get more hours due to boss's satisfaction
f. I become better listener
g. I have improved my bench 20 KG almost and I notice
when I exercise I try to use my time wisely.
h. OGSF improves immensely
I. I had a panting issue before it decreases a lot.
G. My relationship is better
H. I try to be more positive out of any situation
I. I try to forgive people and want to move on
J. I read everyday with keen interest
K. I am the "cool and social guy"
My procrastination is still there but it's less. Lets see how it works next 3 months.
Overall I have a feeling of high self-esteem and I love myself a lot which brings me happiness and peace all the time. A feeling of abundance and gratitude always shrouded around me . Love it.
Shannon and team thanks to all of you. You are doing amazing job. ...
jonathan4all said this
Life Tune Up.
Quote:Something weird happened to me today, it started yesterday actually. I was on my phone and just decided to check my camera and see what I look like and then I realized (Shocked) wow I actually look pretty good! (which is very strange because selfies usually frustrate me trying to get a good looking picture.) So I took a few pictures of my self, quite attractive ones at that!.
Then today, I was just checked my self in the mirror and I looked pretty attractive and this stands out because it feels weird, it's like...
"Have I always been this attractive? How come I am only just noticing?....What the F/ck is going on!??" ''What voodoo magic spell has been cast upon me?!!'' ''Have people always seen me this way or has my perceptions of myself changed, which changes peoples perceptions of me also?''
Very interesting.
Today I also started working out.
Soaring said this
Life Tune Up 3.1
Quote:I really wasn't expecting it to kick in so quickly!
3 days in and while I've always thought of improvements in terms of how my fear is dissolving - I'm noticing a stark absence of shame for the first time. I didn't even realise previously how much it deprives me of life. feeling literally blissful but also concerned (expected) about how I act from this space.
In terms of results so far
- rediscovering how I used to approach things as a child, working and exploring things purely through fascination, wonder and flow; it occurs to me that this is a core motive force for work when negativity isn't in play.
- noticing the relationship between me and my partner is far more loving, happy and attentive
- absence of fear in goals I'm setting
- at work I'm more curious about what I'm doing and more enthused by it, though this is offset by a desire to enjoy myself so I'm finding myself enjoying listening to music and doing what work I feel like (which could turn problematic)
-refusal to do myself down/criticise myself...
-Darwin said this
Life Tune Up 3.1.
Quote:It's day 29 of LTU 3.1 and let me tell you it has blown my ***** mind!!! Literally, 7 days after using LTU a girl manifested in my life that vanished a month prior stating I was unforgettable and she really wants to get to know me!!! A 5 month depression with suicidal ideation has lifted completely within 29 days!!! I got laid by my ex-fiance who now wants to be friends with benefits!!! My severe social anxiety is almost becoming a thing of the past. I've been going out to the bar and socializing with random people, which is something I would have AVOIDED before the sub. In fact, you couldn't catch me dead in a bar or club drunk or sober with or without friends!!! I was completely avoidantant of social venues like bars before this sub came along. By the way, I'm posting this 29 days in because I was skeptical about Shannons subs but now that I'm nearing 32 days I really have no other choice other than to share!!!
-Mindset said this
Life Tune Up 4.0.
Quote:I feel ***** fantastic! I worked this morning and felt a stronger more warm connection with my employees than I have ever felt before. One female employee did a great job today and really worked hard. I told her what a great job she did today and her face absolutely lit up with happiness and warmth. She then gave me a very generous ass display right in front of me as she got something out of a lower cabinet. I wasn’t looking for anything in return for my compliment but the display was nice given she is about 23 with a very solid body. This all could be placebo. Time will tell. The only thing different though are my LTU loops last night. I haven’t read the product description yet outside of the instructions. I just bought it and started listening.
-JakeKennedy said this
Life Tune Up 4.0.
Quote:...I know the sub can work well, because my girlfriend has been receiving incidental exposure when I listen. Since Day 1, she has been a different person. Usually she’s a major procrastinator, doesn’t cook or eat well, is messy, stresses about her job, etc. Since the sub, she’s been happier, cooking proper meals, cleaning/tidying after herself, and has been searching for and has an interview for a new job. This is literally in the 6 days of incidental exposure she’s been getting....
-Ichigo said this
Life Tune Up 4.0.
Quote:One word for this subliminal - beauty.
Yesterday I woke up feeling a deep sense of wellness and peace. I was delayed to work but rather than get stressed, genuinely enjoyed resolving my morning meetings over the phone. My mind being clear and focussed I was able to play around and connect more with work people whilst delivering real value - I don't think I've had a more productive train journey haha.
When I got to work things were incredibly busy, but one by one challenges I face on a day to day basis just melted (not really because of anything mystical, but rather my more positive attitude just allowed me to deal with things more intuitively and not catastrophise, giving me more access to my mental faculties). I was sitting on an open plan desk with people I've not been around before and just started vibing with them. People are being kind to me, respectful and supportive. The woman sat next to me just spontaneously started sharing her lunch and connecting with me on a very friendly and human level.
I left work early and met some friends for half an hour - I would never make time for this as I 'never have time' - with LTU I just feel good enough that I feel like reaching out, even half an hour shooting the shit with friends is worth it...
Quote:I wanna add, I’ve had a bunch of people directing negative energy toward me, talking about me , making jibes at me - all of this is having zero impact on me right now.
-Darwin said this
Life Tune Up 4.0.
Quote:End of Week 1
I am currently on my 3 day break after having completed the first 7 day session. First few nights were tough on sleep; the last couple saw some improvement, though there has not been a night with a complete interrupted sleep. However, it had gotten better as the week progressed. I also felt very tired and lazy during parts of the day.
On Day 5, I had a job interview. The night before that, I attempted to prepare myself for the interview. However, the more I attempted to prepare and research what all is needed and what to say, the more unmotivated I became. I felt it was overwhelming and too much to do. I finally said to myself "screw it, I'm going to bed; I'll just be myself tomorrow, if they end up liking me, then great. If not, then it's not meant to be."
On the way to the interview I felt some anxiety/stress/tension/nervousness. This reached a peak when I was waiting in the lobby for the HR lady to come get me. As soon as she greeted me, all forms of anxiety/stress/tension/nervousness melted away instantly.
I first interviewed with the technical team. In my interviews and social interactions in general, I am quite serious as well as a bit boring. To my surprise, I was naturally cracking jokes during the interview, and there were several times where everyone laughed. It made me feel at ease and made the interview a lot more relaxed for both me and the interviewers. I did not have an answer to some of their technical questions, but at least I felt comfortable and at ease during the whole process.
Immediately after the interview, I then had lunch with the senior director and CIO. Before lunch was over, the CIO offered me the position. (Note, I was previously informed by the technical team that there were other interviews they had to conduct before making their recommendation.) But looks like the CIO liked me enough to just offer it to me on the spot.
I was pretty happy and excited the rest of the week, and am looking forward to what session 2 of LTU4 will manifest.
-Rebel_GQ said this
LTU 4.0:
Quote:Muhahahaha - feeling good man. So I’ve been thinking about goals and turning them into bitty daily steps I can fit in around my work. I’ve broken them down into tiny implementable daily tasks. Just one or two things which I can do, rather than go nuts and say I want it all right now without building the foundation - which I’m sure has caused much of my burn out on success oriented programmes like USLM and BASE.
ION, I had a weekend with a bunch of friends and it was genuinely a touching weekend where they showed a lot of love for me and my family. Things with my partner are great, and I came across a solution to a problem at work which means I should be able to solve a previously thought to be near impossible problem.
Darwin said this
Life Tune Up 4.0.
Quote:Until LTU 4 I never socialized for the sake of socializing. My dad was an engineer who worked long hours and when he was home was building a new barn, on one of our tractors or something similar. He was good about allowing my brother and I to help him as we got older. Growing up I had a great work ethic because of my upbringing but was very unbalanced. All I really did growing up was study and practice sports. I was popular and had jock friends but didn’t really hang out with them outside of sports. I had nerd friends I studied with but didn’t hang with them just to hang either. If I went to a party it was to get a girl and that was it. All of this has carried through to present. I have work friends and workout friends. People consistently asked me to hang out consistently through the years but I have never made the time. Improving a sport, business, learning something new, etc. was always a higher priority. Productive... yes. Balanced.... no. Only since beginning LTU has socializing for the sake of socializing ever seemed appealing.
-JakeKennedy said this
Life Tune Up 4.0.
Quote:...I am finishing the second cycle of 7 days of LTU. I really stopped several bad habits linked to stress, like nail biting Thumbsup and it is totally natural, I don't force myself, it seems a part of me ... Some friends I met recently told me "Oh you look younger !"
On the side of luck and success : I have been given a special privilege from my employer... to travel abroad on the 5 continents. Normally in my company, at my level, we are not allowed to travel abroad, only big bosses will do. And you know what ? It was one of my goals but I imagined I will have to resign and go to another company if I wanted to realize this goal.
I am waiting with impatience the LTU 5 !!!
-Geotrouvetout said this