01-19-2015, 02:27 AM
Stage 4, 2 weeks in
Ok it's getting a little bit too much to just think its a random thing. In last 2 weeks I got more sexual dreams than in whole last year... And I mean at least one dream a night, every night! It's interesting because a lot of them involve me approaching 10ns and being super bold with them, others just start in interesting settings there we are already in bed, or other place and it seems to go naturally to kinky stuff from there. (Normally I am not the type who is approaching girls (partially because of small city and closeness of girls here) and that makes it even more interesting)
From what I heard is that from stage 4 some sexiness programming is being introduced. It might just as well be it. Other things I am noticing is big confidence boost and new believes that I am worth the best of the best women out there. Another great believe I am noticing is that I think I am good and successful with women and I am the big catch here.
Its awesome too see some changes so early in the stage, because normally I only get to feel them at week 4. This leads me to believe that even this stage has a lot of fun for me in future
! And can't wait for stage 5 with its social enchantments and deeper SM programming!
Ok it's getting a little bit too much to just think its a random thing. In last 2 weeks I got more sexual dreams than in whole last year... And I mean at least one dream a night, every night! It's interesting because a lot of them involve me approaching 10ns and being super bold with them, others just start in interesting settings there we are already in bed, or other place and it seems to go naturally to kinky stuff from there. (Normally I am not the type who is approaching girls (partially because of small city and closeness of girls here) and that makes it even more interesting)
From what I heard is that from stage 4 some sexiness programming is being introduced. It might just as well be it. Other things I am noticing is big confidence boost and new believes that I am worth the best of the best women out there. Another great believe I am noticing is that I think I am good and successful with women and I am the big catch here.
Its awesome too see some changes so early in the stage, because normally I only get to feel them at week 4. This leads me to believe that even this stage has a lot of fun for me in future