12-25-2013, 06:35 AM
Edo - what did you get out of Psychocybernetics? I tried reading it a few times but didn't finish it. I'm guessing some "resistance" came up like with the subs!
Subliminal Talk
by Indigo Mind Labs
12-25-2013, 06:35 AM
Edo - what did you get out of Psychocybernetics? I tried reading it a few times but didn't finish it. I'm guessing some "resistance" came up like with the subs!
12-25-2013, 07:25 AM
(12-24-2013, 06:38 PM)Edo Wrote: True. Programs that explain in detail regarding inner self is vitally important (I sound like Bob Proctor). Thanks Edo I need all the luck I can get, your guys journals can be a bit intimidating at times. Funny you should mention Bob Proctor, he said the exact same thing to me the other day , well para-phased. I wake up every morning to him and that sexy Lady Gallagher, first thing i do is listen to 6 mins of they advice, tips and inspiration, as well as action plans. The program is called "Six Minutes to Success". It starts off the day right ![]() The basis of Proctors teachings come from Napoleon Hill, as he often says so himself, so i went on a rampage to study and internalize all Hill's stuff before I listened to all the new guys that came after him putting they 2 cents in. what "Think and Grow Rich" looks like in my brain ![]() "We all just Dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants" Feeding the Conscious Monster , Edo's Recommendations: - Pyscho-Cybernetics ~ Its on my NLP reading list - Real Social Dynamics ~ Will check this out - Daygame ~ Im guessing its a guy and not a "thing" - David X ~ Never heard of him, sounds like a rapper - David Deida ~ David = Seductive? eg Eben Pagan/David Deangelo - You were Born Rich ~ I have done this one, good stuff - The Science of Getting Rich ~ Read/done this with a EFT tapping Program - Cory Skyy ~ Heard him mentioned a few things on this forum - Brent Smith ~ Should have been David Smith, sounds better - Louise L. Hay ~ Spiritual Stuff am guessing, Will check her out - Abraham Hicks ~ Not sure if its there's transgender issues with Abraham, i heard an audio on YouTube, he/she didn't quite click with me - Some philosophical stuff from Osho and Rumi ~ Not at the level that I can buy they stuff yet - Anthony Robbins (The way he explain NLP is better than the creator himself - Bandler) I have been looking for a good NLP course i quit the one I was doing because of to much confusion. I've been following Ant for ages now, Personal Power II is on my to do list i have a few 30 day programs lined up, I'll get to it April maybe - Napoleon Hill works ~ Cant wait to get "How To Outwit The Devil" its in my Amazon basket right now. The basis of many motivational and inspirational speakers doctrines ![]() - Charles F. Haanel ~ Am excited about starting his "Master Key System" starting on new years day and ending in June ![]() - John Kehoe ~ Will do my research on him given the time - EndGame - LoGun, - He sounds intriguing - Your own experiences ~ The best teacher of all in your list Edo, from all your studies and experiences which one thing would you say had the most positive influence on you, as I am working on a business project and wont have time to look into many things as i had a huge business training and reading list to go through too?
12-25-2013, 08:48 AM
(12-24-2013, 10:36 PM)DanAmerson Wrote: You've done a very good job at having some courage to look at your life exactly as it is, and moreso for posting it on this site. I appreciate you talking the time to review and help me plan better, as am sure with the input of all the guys on here that have been through they own transformations, i cant go wrong with mine. I am planning on writing and publishing a book when this is all over as my mum is a published author so i know how the game goes in that regard. Posting on here will help keep me motivated apart from all the other benefits. (12-24-2013, 10:36 PM)DanAmerson Wrote: But please allow me to tell you; it's also very important to give some importance to the experiencial side of life, also known as the emotional side. You're so analytical about your situation that it probably won't do you any good, given that it's an abstract assessment of your life as it is. I am not exactly sure what you mean, so i'll try clarifying my position as you have brought up some important points. (12-24-2013, 02:03 PM)Dee Wrote: So I will tackle my goals from all levels of existence: I have been using the "Emotional Freedom Technique" (EFT) for a few years now and various NLP Techniques. Needless to say its the reason I have the courage to post here. Before I would have felt like a loser and that people are laughing at my Log and some would be feeling shame and embarrassment for me. Now I don't feel that way even if some people are I have more control over my emotions. As soon as i complete my NLP Master training I will upgrade to "Faster Emotionally Focused Transformation" (FasterEFT) Am sure this would help in the real world too, as I could go somewhere discreet to tap away negative reactive feelings, and reprogram my emotional responses in a positive way. (12-24-2013, 10:36 PM)DanAmerson Wrote: I invite you to consider things like visualising, Natural Grounding, and perhaps Abraham Hicks as a spiritual teacher; she teaches manifesting through reaching for positive emotions. The hypnosis programs that I have been using usually have Guided Visualization Techniques embedded in them. The hypnotherapist/coach I will be working with is well versed in many sexual and relationship Spiritual Practices like Tantra and theirs literary 1000s of Visualization Techniques in that system alone. I find hypnosis to be more effective in that sense, as it not only creates a relaxed receptive mental state before Visualizing but it also ensures you mind stays on task and even gives you post suggestions to follow after. The One Outlawed Technique That Natural Grounding has been outlawed by Shannon if I recall correctly, as it may interfere with the AM programming. He says its cool use it after AM thought. I have been exposed to Rion Williams Natural Game Seminars, his teaching style couldn't hold my attention but the nuggets i received lead me to making my own changes. I used to be a conspiracy buff a few years ago of Rions stuff sat well with me. The problem I have with Natural Grounding is my ADD it cant watch the same stuff over and over and still have emotional reactions either than boredom, 10,000s of hours of grounding there has to be quicker ways. I will log the changes of perception he caused in me soon, I would like your feedback on it as i didn't finish his courses and am assuming you did. If I Can't Perceive it is it real? Oh Abraham Hicks is a she ![]() I am normally open minded but i don't think i'll be giving her a change any time soon. The Spiritual side of Life I have a view that my entire makeup or "being" if you like cant be separated and that everything affects everything else. I am my unconscious, superconscious, subconscious, body, soul, spirit etc all the objective "things" seen or unseen. I get confused with spirituality some times, living a Life of Love (emotion?) boosts up your immune system (psychical/body ) , increases you intelligence (mental?), makes you magnetic (spirit?). Is Love spiritual or a mixture of all things mentioned? Spiritual Alchemy Definition: Art of Transmutation of Energies and Transmutation of Self. The art of Alchemy includes: Transmuting negative energies into positive Transmutation of self and self-actualization Reaching enlightenment Keeping the body healthy and slowing aging Studying the principles of energies Studying the nature of time and creation I am a dedicated practitioner of Spiritual Alchemy, I will log my improvement too, it a bit hard to measure how much Love you feeling so i thought it would be a waste of my time Benchmarking these emotional/spiritual states. (12-24-2013, 10:36 PM)DanAmerson Wrote: Also, if I may, the distinction between effort and results must be made as well; the program about meeting 10,000 women is futile if you're not learning from your mistakes in each approach. You could, in theory, meet 200 women and have more results, if you're coming at it properly. A guy could even never approach a woman in his life, and still have better results than a guy that's approached 10,000 times. I was just looking for a way to measure Social and Seduction Mastery, using the model of "5 on 5". Every 5 women I approach I must have the social and seductive skills to sleep with all 5 ever time no matter what. The way I am considering achieving "Mastery" is by spending 4 hours a night 5 days a week going out and been social with new people/women ever night. Regardless of the amount of women I meet, my objective will be Mastery through practice. And the Wingman/NLP coach i mentioned will be there to shorten learning curve if I decide to go ahead with this. If I achieve "Mastery" the day after I compete WM2, trust me you will know, I will write it down in huge bold letters in my Log I HAVE MASTERED SEDUCTION What you think? am I still missing something DanAmerson? I was i bit confused about some of your points hope this clarified it a bit more. (12-21-2013, 03:32 AM)Dee Wrote: “The World changes the instance you change the way you look upon the World”, you have to experience it to fully appreciate it . (12-25-2013, 06:35 AM)stratos Wrote: Edo - what did you get out of Psychocybernetics? I tried reading it a few times but didn't finish it. I'm guessing some "resistance" came up like with the subs! Resistance while reading a book? Oh, well, buddy, you're just lazy ![]() I've share my note, it will be easier. What I get from Pyscho-Cybernetics (aside for knowledge) is of course results. Not as crazy as Geodude, I use Pyscho-Cybernetics to gradually increasing my mentality. You must apply psycho-cybernetics. It is magnificent. (12-25-2013, 07:25 AM)Dee Wrote: Edo, from all your studies and experiences which one thing would you say had the most positive influence on you, as I am working on a business project and wont have time to look into many things as i had a huge business training and reading list to go through too? [attachment=105] There you go buddy, 2 notes so it will be easier for you to learn. I can only share 2 notes, as the other notes is physical notes. And for the most influencing materials: Subconscious Mind
Napoleon Hill - Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill - Outwitting the Devil Charles F. Haanel - The Master Key System Maxwell Maltz - Psycho-Cybernetics Bob Proctor - You Were Born Rich Robert Collier - The Secret of Ages Dating
Brent Smith - Story Creation Blueprint Cory Skyy - Magnetic Mindset Real Social Dynamics - The Blueprint Decoded Daygame - Daygame Blueprint Anonymous - The Cure Jake - Stop Giving a Fuck LoGun - End Game Financial
Robert T. Kiyosaki - Rich Dad Poor DadMJ DeMarco - Millionaire Fastlane T. Harv Eker - Secrets of The Millionaire Mind Philosophies Osho and Rumi Well, I only search for Osho and Rumi Quotes on google ![]() EDIT: I remove one of the notes. I'm afraid something will happen. But the Psycho-Cybernetics Notes is still available. Edo (12-24-2013, 10:04 AM)Dee Wrote:(12-23-2013, 02:11 PM)Shannon Wrote: Alan Carr's Easy Way is the only other method for quitting that approaches the effectiveness of my Stop Smoking Forever subliminal, and that's because his research and findings largely mirror my own. and the reason his method isn't as good as mine, is that he ignores that everyone will react differently to his method on a conscious level, and aims for the largest portion only. My method takes into account all the different types of personalities, and (attempts) to deal with them all. To the best of my knowledge, my program has the highest success rate of anything, if it is used properly. The biggest issue that I have found with Alan Carr's methods is that, and that he attempts to go too fast. Transitioning to non-smoker or ex-smoker permanently are best done slowly and gently, so that the change is not a shock to the psyche. That is another big reason why my method is 6 months minimum, and why my program is so effective IF it is used according to the directions. If his method were the Holy Grail, why would I waste time trying to create something that worked? Quote:Question1: I was wondering if I could mix these programs on Adobe Audition and have batches working together at the same time as it will take for ever to do them all. What would be the results? Any other alternative solutions? No. Don't do that. You cannot know what effects that will have on making it possible for your subconscious to decode the programs. You are attempting to do what I have already done inside the program to maximize it's power, assuming that I haven't done it. This is why you cannot use two or more of my programs by playing them on different players at the same time. It will cause decoding issues and neutralize their effectiveness. The result is usually just mental exhaustion, and no benefit. Use them according to the directions. That's why I wrote the directions the way I did. Quote:I ask only because other systems I have been exposed to sort of teach the same things but in different ways, it would be interesting to know if Shannon included any step by step process in his training programs. Shannon's approach is not to put in training directly, but to create shifts than cause the natural end result to be what you want it to be. Instead of trying to push water in the direction you want it to go, it is much easier to build and shape the terrain such that it naturally flows where you want it to flow. That is what I do with the subliminals: I generate the shifts that cause the natural result to be the outcome that is desired.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
12-25-2013, 06:32 PM
While we're on the subject of Napoleon Hill, I wanted to share a product of his that you can use in every area of your life. This was the very interview that Mr. Hill had with Andrew Carnegie in 1908 to where they spent three days together discussing varying topics. I recommend reading this before Think and Grow Rich.
Think Your Way To Wealth Book Think Your Way To Wealth Audio
12-26-2013, 05:33 PM
I will clarify. In my past experiences, when I've become too gong-ho about jumping into this program, or that program, is that it tends to fall apart at the slightest inconvinience. Like me, you seem to be an information junkie. And I think that you're digging up too many answers for the questions that you're metaphorically asking, or too many solutions for the problems that you're having, by which I mean you're using too many programs or courses. If you prefer to jump into all these programs, and then naturally let the predominant ones work their way to the top of your priorities, then that's fine, and it's a completely valid and prospective approach. Matter of fact, you could simply leave 3 different programs on loop at different times, so that you can let it sink in and get different points of view. But program hopping is a tell; a tell that you "rack (some) diciprine" (I have to stay humourous while badgering you). I used to do that alot; a program is having me take some steps that are inconvenient? No problem, I have 4 other similar programs on my hard drive that I could start tomorrow. As an example, I used to program hop a lot for language learning. Italian was no problem; I finally found Michel Thomas, completed it, and now use Anki flashcards for vocabulary and LingQ for reading. For my Korean, I jumped from this grammar book to that vocab book, to that dictionary; from Teach Yourself (3ish chapters) to Assimil (first 3rd) to Pimsleur to a vocab dictionary, I was really good at "Step One"ing. I finally decided on ONE program, and some supplementary (occasional and elective) vocabulary learning. I'm about to begin week 4 (the furthest I've ever gotten in this program). Options beget complacency. That's the core of what I want you to know. Best of luck!
UMS v2 Journal (current) || Overcoming Fear 5.75G Journal
12-26-2013, 10:26 PM
I hope that material is in the Public Domain if you're going to link to it here.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
12-27-2013, 08:18 AM
(12-25-2013, 05:11 PM)Edo Wrote: EDIT: I remove one of the notes. I'm afraid something will happen. But the Psycho-Cybernetics Notes is still available. "I'm afraid something will happen"? I didn't get to download it, I viewed it on my web browser could you send me an PM with a link? Cheers. Also its seems that a lot of Psycho-Cybernetics is used in NLP, from what I have seen in your notes. The Intriguing example of The World Richest Man (12-25-2013, 06:32 PM)spiritman Wrote: While we're on the subject of Napoleon Hill, I wanted to share a product of his that you can use in every area of your life. This was the very interview that Mr. Hill had with Andrew Carnegie in 1908 to where they spent three days together discussing varying topics. I recommend reading this before Think and Grow Rich. Spiritman have you read any of Andrew Carnegie's material (I saw a few books some time ago), if so how do they compare to Hill's? I was also curious to know what the interview contains that's Hill's material after that interview does not speak of?
12-27-2013, 10:08 AM
Options beget complacency, but couldn't it also at times create flexibility?
(12-26-2013, 05:33 PM)DanAmerson Wrote: Like me, you seem to be an information junkie. And I think that you're digging up too many answers for the questions that you're metaphorically asking, or too many solutions for the problems that you're having, by which I mean you're using too many programs or courses. Information Junkie or un-Certified Philosopher Philosophy 1. Love and pursuit of wisdom by intellectual means and moral self-discipline. 2. Investigation of the nature, causes, or principles of reality, knowledge, or values, based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods. 3. A system of thought based on or involving such inquiry: the philosophy of Hume. 4. The critical analysis of fundamental assumptions or beliefs. 5. The disciplines presented in university curriculums of science and the liberal arts, except medicine, law, and theology. 6. The discipline comprising logic, ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics, and epistemology. 7. A set of ideas or beliefs relating to a particular field or activity; an underlying theory: an original philosophy of advertising. 8. A system of values by which one lives: has an unusual philosophy of life. I understand your concerns and they are based in practicality, and you giving me a lot to think about and refine to my action plan. I really like learning and would rather read a nonfiction book for entertainment than a novel, any day. What’s Your Purpose? More important than learning is learning for a well-defined reason in my view. A person could learn a new language as a means of excising their brains or memories, or because they want to travel or another reason could be they fascination with that language or culture that birthed it. That person would always find people that think it’s a waste of time learning a language that they won’t get to use on a daily basis, when that person could have used the same amount of time for improve on more immediate skills or gain new ones; both side would have valid points but the reasons have to be analysed has it changes everything. “30 Days to ___ and _ “Programs I was born prematurely and many spiritual systems believe that the repercussions for that is a life of prematurely competed projects and ventures. As I struggle to finish things a begin I titled myself as a “ADDer”, it’s something I have to push through and hopeful this forum will help me with accountability. In case the spiritual explanation is true am doing “rebirth” imagination/ hypnosis practices to counter that problem on that level. To counter it in a practical left brain way I have been and will continue putting myself through 30 day programs until it becomes an unconscious habit for me to finish what I start as easily as I would finish a meal I really enjoy. Aside from the benefits the programs will give me this is the main reason. Order In Chaos For the longer programs I will be undertaking it’s sort of the same thing but with a little twist, I’ll leave it to your imagination. (12-26-2013, 05:33 PM)DanAmerson Wrote: If you prefer to jump into all these programs, and then naturally let the predominant ones work their way to the top of your priorities, then that's fine, and it's a completely valid and prospective approach. Matter of fact, you could simply leave 3 different programs on loop at different times, so that you can let it sink in and get different points of view. If you mean the IML subs then yes that’s the plan, as I need a mental and self-confidence boost asap for my business ventures. I’ll start with AM5 (6 months) and the following aside with it: Balance Your Brain Hemispheres (64 days), Maximum Learning Speed 3 (64 days), Laserlike Focus & Concentration/ Maximize Your Memory (64 days). Then I’ll probably do Enhance Your Intuition and Life Tune Up 3 for 32 days while I transition into the next Six stage program which I don’t think I can use any other program. (12-26-2013, 05:33 PM)DanAmerson Wrote: But program hopping is a tell; a tell that you "rack (some) diciprine" (I have to stay humourous while badgering you). I used to do that alot; a program is having me take some steps that are inconvenient? No problem, I have 4 other similar programs on my hard drive that I could start tomorrow. Yes its true that "diciprince is haard!" for me at the moment:@, but I doubt the game of life would be as fun if we had the WalkThrough Guide and knew all the cheats. Hence the next few statements ![]() PHD in Life I have sort of planned out my personal syllabus for the next five years, which will include detailed practical and usable information on just about every topic that relates to daily life. Think about it this, what if I spend 4 hours a day on my personal PHD in Life. 1st hour – Self Improvement 2nd hour – Business and Leadership Skills 3rd hour – Relationships in general and Dating 4th hour – Spiritual, emotional and psychological materiel 1825 hours for each category in 5 years – Total = 7300 Let’s say the average book length is 64,000 words The total number of books I could read in that period in each category at my current reading speed is 456 books. Oddly enough if my business plan goes well with the fewest amounts of glitches I could read and study up to – 1824 books (oddly enough) in the next 5 years at my current reading speed of 300 wpm. Some people would say what a waste of time while others would say wow I wish I had that time to read all those books. My Reason Is Mine Alone Apart from the goals I have set in this Lo for the next five years I have an overall goal for my life that is beyond the scope of this journal. At the moment it’s bigger than my current abilities and only my imagination can match those goal. But with the wisdom of 100s of authors, training programs, courses and training subliminal sets who knows what’s possible. “A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself. What a man can be, he must be” Abraham Maslow
First You Get The Money, then ........
At the base of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs are most things that money can provide or buy. And there must be a direct correlation between, income, health and a positive state of well been. Most spiritual teaches tend to neglect the physical side of human beings and their material needs. Money can't buy happiness but its a damn good down payment I am working on a business with a partner of mine and we have a good support network. We have the backing of government program to stimulate the economy through assisting the growth of businesses and start ups ,which puts us in a good position. Not to mention a lot of people in my family and family’s network are business people, so I have access to mentors and priceless consultation for free. The Scope of the Assistance ![]() I obviously can’t get into details but I have a good chance of making a good life for myself and a lot of other people too in the process. Hence my need to bring myself up mentally and emotionally to the level where I can be the type of person that can handle the money, power and lifestyle of a millionaire; commanding the respect that opens doors to more opportunities . Some time ago after I managed to stop smoking marijuana, I still had mild paranoia and social anxiety so bad that I would pass up female clients. I felt they would judge my value as a man instead of the service I was providing. So in my view everything affects everything else as my confidence grows in one area it grows in all. There a thing they say in the sales world, people buy people first then products or services after. Imagine what AM, WM and SM can do to your wallet too ![]() The Ultimatum of a Billionaire The Ultimate Financial Goal most people have is to be a Millionaire, and The Ultimate Tool to assist in that goal is “Become A Multi-Millionaire”. It’s a 12 stage program, for all you who didn’t know, I can only imagine the power in wields, soon I will know. (08-18-2012, 08:00 PM)Shannon Wrote: It's aimed at doing several things to achieve wealth, including manifestation, probability optimizing, developing the traits of self-made millionaires, and others. If you want to do the entrepreneur thing, it will support you. If not, it will still support you. It seems to be an application only program, http://www.become-a-multi-millionaire.com. It will probably be some time before I make my application as I have the other programs to go through first. All the core principles of 100s of books on business, sales, networking investing etc must be contained within this program, ready to download into the mind of anyone willing to take that challenge on. I swear i must have done something right in my last life to have found this, am so excited at the possibilities not even including the fact that it must be filled with manifestation scripts. Pre-Supplementary Training I am undergoing many different training courses and I have more lined up in the next few months, from home study courses to live training. Maximum Speed Learning will come in handy. I will just list a few of the things I will study as the core of entrepreneurship, the rest will be specific to the industry am in. The Personal MBA - Master the Art of Business Personal MBA is an introductory business primer. Its purpose is to give you a clear, comprehensive overview of the most important business concepts in as little time as possible. The vast majority of modern business practice requires little more than common sense, simple arithmetic, and knowledge of a few very important ideas and principles. True leaders aren't made by business schools-they make themselves, seeking out the knowledge, skills, and experiences they need to succeed. Read this book and in one week you will learn the principles it takes most people a lifetime to master. The Personal MBA reading list It has a list of 99 business books its recommends that I have a few years to get through. I am doing this program aside my business research and other tasks, as I am good at what I do. I have other weaknesses that this course is helping me build on. After I correct my dyslexia I will be taking a speed reading course to increase my productivity . Jim Rohn One-Year Success Plan I will be undergoing Jim's 12 month plan, as am writing a already have a few weeks worth of lessons, I have chosen to begin this in Jan too as i have been clearing my to do list for this years, priority tasks. I wish i could have done these two along side BAMM2 but fate has its own plan. The Gold Membership of this program includes 52 unique weekly game plan emails, 12 exclusive pre-recorded conference calls, plus Jim Rohn's Excelling in the New Millennium 20-DVD/20-CD complete set, Brian Tracy's extraordinary Success Mastery Academy and a Jim Rohn Leadership Journal. It’s a One-Year Game Plan covering 12 Pillars of Success (one per month) geared to help achieve a 10%-40% increase in the following: Month 1) Personal Development - Become the person you truly desire to be by engaging in a life-long strategy of skills, knowledge and self-improvement (which will also place you in the upper echelon of your particular industry). Month 2) Goal-setting - Achieve a sense of purpose behind every action, as well as multiply your long-term success quotient by having a set of clearly defined 10-year goals. Month 3) Health - Spiritual/Physical/Emotional - Improve your looks, confidence, energy, quality and length of life by having a consistent health/fitness philosophy and maintaining a health plan. Month 4) Money - Financial Independence/Getting Out of Debt/Saving/Giving - Place yourself ahead of 85% of the population and increase by 90% your odds of achieving financial independence by retirement age, simply by having a sound financial philosophy and proven investment plan. Month 5) Relationships -Improve your ability to be a more effective and loving parent, spouse and friend by improving your relational skills. Month 6) Time Management - Gain between 10 and 15 additional forty-hour work weeks per year (multiply one to two hours a day by 365 days a year) by applying more productive time management methods each day. Month 7) Networking/Referrals - Tap into one of the greatest resources we possess and have a greater, more positive influence in the marketplace by utilizing your current relationships and networking base. Month 8) Selling/Negotiating - Increase your production by 10%-50%, without investing more time or effort, by improving your selling, networking and negotiation skills. Month 9) Communication/Presentation - Increase every level of company, staff and individual performance , as well as all your personal relationships, by mastering the art of communication. Month 10) Leadership - Multiply your efforts and have a positive influence over a larger sphere of people by learning effective leadership and management skills. Month 11) Accelerated Learning - Quickly improve your skills and aptitude to gain and retain knowledge in any area (communication, time management, leadership, etc.) through Memory and Speed Reading techniques and more. Month 12) Legacy/Contribution - Take the time to apply your skills in making a difference in your community and world--something that will have an impact on future generations. Additional Training NLP, Sales training, Marketing, Communication Skills, Speed reading, Photo Reading, Accelerated Learning, Intuition. Will his Dyslexic Mind manage all this or is he just a dreamer like his personalty profiles states? ![]() “I get bored easily, and that is a great motivator,” he said. “I think everybody should have dyslexia and A.D.D.” Founder of Kinko’s, Mr Orfalea Tracing Business Acumen to Dyslexia - Excerpts Julie Logan, a professor of entrepreneurship at the Cass Business School in London, found that more than a third of the entrepreneurs she had surveyed — 35 percent — identified themselves as dyslexic. The study also concluded that dyslexics were more likely than nondyslexics to delegate authority, to excel in oral communication and problem solving and were twice as likely to own two or more businesses. The study was based on a survey of 139 business owners in a wide range of fields across the United States. Professor Logan called the number who said they were dyslexic “staggering,” and said it was significantly higher than the 20 percent of British entrepreneurs who said they were dyslexic in a poll she conducted in 2001. “Entrepreneurs are hands-on people who push a minimum of paper, do lots of stuff orally instead of reading and writing, and delegate authority, all of which suggests a high verbal facility,” Mr. Dennis said. “Compare that with corporate managers who read, read, read.” Mr. Orfalea, 60, who left Kinko’s — now FedEx Kinko’s — seven years ago, and who now dabbles in a hodgepodge of business undertakings, is almost proud of having dyslexia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. “I get bored easily, and that is a great motivator,” he said. “I think everybody should have dyslexia and A.D.D.” Founder of Kinko’s, Mr Orfalea Read Full Article: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/06/busine....html?_r=0 ![]() For further Information read: In the business world, the frustrating disorder dyslexia can actually be a prime asset. Yale.Edu
Main Goals of the “Apex-Predator Evolutionary Log ”
Shoot for the Moon An Apex Predator, is a man that is in full control of his own life, emotions, thoughts, reactions, experiences and ultimately his own destiny. He is master of his mind and therefore his environment. His actions benefit not only himself but all those around him and the people who share his world. He has mastered fear and lives every second of his life is a positive bliss. His dreams come to pass because he faithfully and relentlessly pursues them until they manifest into his reality. An Apex Predator is beyond an Alpha, has he does not have to compete or deal with the social dynamic power struggles. He does not concern himself with that status and position given to him by others for he knows the true source of POWER. He is the common denominator in his ecosystem, the ONE that keeps it everything alive, positive, healthy and ever evolving into a better state. The Apex Predator is the ultimate authority in his world, the ultimate man, the ultimate lover, the ultimate friend, the ultimate husband, father and brother, he is the ultimate son, the ultimate citizen and leader; the Apex Predator is the Ultimate Alpha Male. I am a diamond in the rough, I am an Apex Predator Total Life Transformation Goals: Social and Relationship goals: 1)Achieve Alpha Male Status – According to the objectives of the programs 2)Become a Women Magnet – Mystery’s 5 on 5 measurement of mastery 3)Become a Sex Magnet - Sleep with a different (high value) women every week that seduced me 4)Get a circle of loyal successful friends - Measured against the standards I have or will have 5)Personality Change to extrovert – Personality test will prove Mental and Intellectual Goals: 1)Correct my dyslexia – Acquiring the ability to Spell consistently 2)Increase my working memory – To the normal average range of a person my age, Lumosity test 3)Master attention – Measure improvements with person EEG (will add metric soon) 4)Become a whole brain thinker – Personal EEG tests will let me know when I have achieved this goal. 5)Increase all my intelligences to over 70% - Re doing my Personality test and judging changes 6)Increase me IQ to ____ from _____ - I will use the same test as I did to get the initial score My Trusty Personal EEG Device ![]() To make the tests as fair as possible I will only check my improvement after I have competed the entire Journey and gone through all the training sets stated at the beginning. Financial and Business Goals: 1)Move the F**t out of home ![]() 2)Become debt free 3)Save 10% of my income; invest and life the good life with the rest 4)Become a Multimillionaire Body and health goals 1)Achieve the perfect ratio – Perfect body for my size 2) Maintain a routine of weekly self-defence lessons – Learn to defend myself to a competent level 3)Increase height by over 3 inchs 4)Increase length of penis by over 2 inchs Secondary Goals 1)Complete all the secondary goals of doing, attending, learning and practicing all the programs, courses, classes, lessons and homework of all the additional activities I listed to support my main goals and foundational subliminal training sets. 2)Achieve all short term goals that lead to accomplishing the main goals. 3) Write and publish a book about my transformation on this forum. ENDLINE 2018: Age 30 ![]()
Wow, seriously, dude. If you can actually pull this off, you're the man. I admire your drive to better yourself...scratch that, completely transform yourself and become the best man you can be. I mean your plan is unbelievable.
However, I have a few words of caution for you. From what I've read that you posted, you think/act/sound/want to become too much like a robot and that is what you will become. I mean the graphs, the details... they look extremely nice and it's a great way of measuring your progress, but again, you basically robotize yourself to success. My 2 cents on the pick-up thing. Mystery Method : destroys more than it builds. I can vouch for this. Sure, you get girls with that, not exactly the kind of girls you'd expect, but you do. Also, the 5/5 pick-up ratio... you're chasing a goal that will leave you empty when you reach the end of the journey. Can't say I've been there, but at the end of the day, when I did try to attain such goal, it left me empty. Sure, it was great for self validation/instant gratification type of things, but in the long run it was very detrimental for overall outlook on life, goals, women, relationships, ect. You'll end up with the "now what?" type of feeling. And believe me, it will leave you empty. Furthermore, in doing this whole 5/5 thing, you disconnect yourself from women completely. You'll see them as sex objects/targets/goals/whatever instead of what you'd expect to find. You'll become sexually greedy and actually exactly like you said, you do become a predator. And in doing so, when you find someone truly great to be with, you simply won't know how to handle that stuff. Be EXTREMELY cautious with this. Nothing can be more fulfilling than a loving relationship. Strictly my opinion, here. I've also noticed that you have missed something very important : you need to delete past "programming" first, because when you build something great on top of a shaky foundation, sooner or later it will crumble to pieces. And for such high and ambitious goals, it will be a big pity for it to happen. In regards to pick-up, I highly recommend reading Robert Glover's "No More Mr. Nice Guy". Probably the most valuable piece of work for eliminating bad behavior when it comes to relationships with women. I seriously don't want to sound like I'm putting you off or discouraging you with anything, because it is very rare for me to see a person so dedicated to becoming what he wants. In fact, I've never ever seen such person. I admire you deeply for what you're doing, and I say this in all honesty. At the same time, be careful with going Gung-Ho with all this. If you're not doing it right, it may cost you a lot more than you can imagine, especially with the pick-up thing. One more thing : I did notice how you want to become the "ultimate" of everything. Proceed with extreme caution here. Often this occurs because of fear of mediocrity that can go into a spiral and build up so much that you'll just abandon the whole thing. I highly encourage you on your journey and fully support you.
What I can be, I must be!
12-28-2013, 03:56 AM
I'd say that let this guy be. Some people are born to chase for outcomes of life. The normal path this type of man undertakes is: finding great satisfaction out of success first, then he feels empty and lonely inside because he consistently depends on external factors to bring him happiness. If he is lucky enough he will realize that he can only find happiness himself. And he has the life he wants already because he has already explored & taken so much actions and is considered to be successful both by himself and others. In the end, he will be good AS LONG AS he realizes that the outcome is not the only factor that can bring him happiness, and begins to take actions to seek for happiness within.
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:idea: |
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