12-28-2013, 09:39 AM
(12-27-2013, 05:41 PM)baftis Wrote: Wow, seriously, dude. If you can actually pull this off, you're the man. I admire your drive to better yourself...scratch that, completely transform yourself and become the best man you can be. I mean your plan is unbelievable.
Thanks and I hope you mean unbelievable in a good way cause the human mind won’t let anyone undertake anything it believes is impossible. And the Wright Bros believed they could fly, imaginative minds they must have had.
(12-27-2013, 05:41 PM)baftis Wrote: However, I have a few words of caution for you.
From what I've read that you posted, you think/act/sound/want to become too much like a robot and that is what you will become. I mean the graphs, the details... they look extremely nice and it's a great way of measuring your progress, but again, you basically robotize yourself to success.
I have a feeling you are a right brain thinker, am I correct?
Cause the truth is we are all just organic cyborgs’ driven by a spiritual consciousness nobody can fully define. If that weren’t true then “subliminal programming” wouldn’t work, or it would be called something else.
Before I started Balance Your Brain Hemispheres I was the creative type that couldn’t understand how someone could go to work for 8 hours a day for 50 or more years and do the same thing every single day. But alas, comedians run the same routines, musicians play the same songs, athletes do the same drills, the list and go on.
My point been even our imaginations (the biggest part) and spontaneous actions are the computer in our heads processing all our recorded experiences and ideas and combing them into new combinations or ideas and plans, it’s a process, from a computing organic device. (Matter a fact Robots are modeled from Humans, so was the computer.)
![[Image: 2uegunp.png]](http://i44.tinypic.com/2uegunp.png)
Man VS Machine
So I guess balance in all areas of your life makes the most sense, there is a time to be analytical and logical and there’s a time to be creative and intuitive. Finding the balance is the trick all geniuses of all time have figured out to do.
Which one out weights the other on your scale between the “computing brain” and the “creative mind”?
(12-27-2013, 05:41 PM)baftis Wrote: My 2 cents on the pick-up thing.
Mystery Method : destroys more than it builds. I can vouch for this. Sure, you get girls with that, not exactly the kind of girls you'd expect, but you do. Also, the 5/5 pick-up ratio... you're chasing a goal that will leave you empty when you reach the end of the journey. Can't say I've been there, but at the end of the day, when I did try to attain such goal, it left me empty. Sure, it was great for self validation/instant gratification type of things, but in the long run it was very detrimental for overall outlook on life, goals, women, relationships, ect. You'll end up with the "now what?" type of feeling. And believe me, it will leave you empty. Furthermore, in doing this whole 5/5 thing, you disconnect yourself from women completely. You'll see them as sex objects/targets/goals/whatever instead of what you'd expect to find. You'll become sexually greedy and actually exactly like you said, you do become a predator. And in doing so, when you find someone truly great to be with, you simply won't know how to handle that stuff. Be EXTREMELY cautious with this.
Nothing can be more fulfilling than a loving relationship. Strictly my opinion, here.
What did you mean when you said you get girls but not the type you’d expect? And if you don’t mind sharing what goal you tried to attain that left you empty?
Yep I will tred with extreme caution and you may be surprised in the course of this journal, I may actually create a post containing the exact things you have said.
But note I said “Alex Predator” not “sexual predator”, huge difference

Training Wheels
Well I was going to use mystery method as training wheels. When you sticking point is not knowing what to say, a system that gives you pre-canned lines is very attractive. But I’ve got suggestions for better products from you guys who have been through more that I have so I’ll probably go with another one, but am six months away from that decision.
I may not even need any after AM5 easers my fears that PUA and seduction courses feed off, who knows?
Love is not Love, until you give it away
I understand where you coming from a few months ago before I began using IML subs and supplementing them I felt and had the same beliefs as you. I have been doing some clearing on the topic of Sex aside spiritual alchemy and I can tell you with full conviction that it may be the case for most people but I have transcended that.
We all grow up or most of us do, believing that Love is Conditional. According to our upbringings we decide when and how we are to feel love both consciously and sub-consciously in my view.
Why as it not crossed your mind that I don’t have to lie or cheat any of the 100s of girls that I will eventually sleep with? Or that I could Love them all for that one night, after we have agreed that it’s just a one night stand? Or that we both could be happy with the arrangement before, during and after?
Sex, Love Making and F**king
The average male also has a lot of negative, false or out dated beliefs around the subject of SEX. Why is it okay for a guy to have many sexual partners and be praised by men and desired by women? But for a women to do so she’s considered a sl*t or many other labels of that kind are placed on her?
It seems to me like women would possible enjoy sex more than men given the option to let go and be free of all judgement, (yes the multi-orgasim thing). So in my view I don’t see it as using women if both parties are experiencing great pleasure, it’s more of a gift that is been shared rather than a sexual predator taking advantage of women.
Unconditional Love
With spiritual alchemy I am developing unconditional love for everybody, so at some point and am close to it, I won’t have that condition on love whereby I have to know someone for xxx amount of time before I can open my heart to them, and in response make them open theirs to me.
I hope you get it without having to experience it, if you haven’t already that is.
(12-24-2013, 02:17 PM)Dee Wrote: Pick Up Artist or Sex Con Man
The problem with the Pick-Up artist community is the fact that most of the guys fake confidence as you even get taught to demonstrate your higher value in a ways that makes you seem like an Alpha male.
Many gimmicks are taught too to show your dominance and trick women into sleeping with you.
It seems to me that AM, WM and SM unconsciously and effortlessly built all the stuff these good PUA and dating coaches try to teach and instil in their clients.
I totally get the Mystery/PUA thing I even asked the question before. All of the people I had sex with in my life I didn’t have romantic feelings for. I just did it because of peer pressure or because I had to lose my virginity and such reasons. And that’s the world we live in, if I had never had sex I would feel worst about myself as a man right now and would have more issues to deal with.
Anyway I never enjoyed the sex I had and all the girls I did like where so attractive and chased I didn’t have the game both internal and external to bed them. Hence the dilemma , can’t be the only one experiencing that in here.
(12-27-2013, 05:41 PM)baftis Wrote: I've also noticed that you have missed something very important : you need to delete past "programming" first, because when you build something great on top of a shaky foundation, sooner or later it will crumble to pieces. And for such high and ambitious goals, it will be a big pity for it to happen. In regards to pick-up, I highly recommend reading Robert Glover's "No More Mr. Nice Guy". Probably the most valuable piece of work for eliminating bad behavior when it comes to relationships with women.
Yep, I have been doing a lot of it and correct me if am wrong that’s a major purpose of IML’s training sets, right?
(12-25-2013, 06:12 PM)Shannon Wrote: Shannon's approach is not to put in training directly, but to create shifts than cause the natural end result to be what you want it to be. Instead of trying to push water in the direction you want it to go, it is much easier to build and shape the terrain such that it naturally flows where you want it to flow. That is what I do with the subliminals: I generate the shifts that cause the natural result to be the outcome that is desired.
Quick story I created my vision boards long before I began this journal or started with IML’s subs. One day I noticed a shift, it’s like my mind accepted the suggestions on the vision boards or just got used to the idea they where there.
![[Image: ws632h.jpg]](http://i41.tinypic.com/ws632h.jpg)
Rep to the first one that can spot Ross Jefferies or Mystery
After going AM5 and other clearings this pass month I cleared a lot of insecurities and negative conditionings and one day before I signed up to this forum. I looked at my vision board and realised that I had wanted all these things to make up for lost time, to be accepted and respected, and to feel happiness and contentment.
(12-24-2013, 11:01 AM)Dee Wrote: Section 2. Who am I, why? - know thy self
Man-child Definition:
- not "stepping up to the plate" when it's their role to.
- not to mention an overall insecurity in who he is as a man, from which similar traits sprout.
• They attempt to augment their lack and/or compete with peers with material possessions
I have cleared a bulk of my negativity and transformed my emotional states, I anchored the feelings of Love and gratitude to the floor, the air, food, and many other things. I have never felt much at peace in my life. I used to worry about everything as a kid and spend hours completing the damnation of my eternal soul because I was addicted to masturbation which caused a set of problems of its own, now I am full of faith that in the end I will return to LOVE and Oneness.
Unfortuanally or maybe not, I had filled my mind with these desires and visions to the point that I would dream of my ideal life every night. Emerson articulated better than I ever can
“The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Do you see, I must experience those things before I can move on
(12-27-2013, 05:41 PM)baftis Wrote: I seriously don't want to sound like I'm putting you off or discouraging you with anything, because it is very rare for me to see a person so dedicated to becoming what he wants. In fact, I've never ever seen such person. I admire you deeply for what you're doing, and I say this in all honesty. At the same time, be careful with going Gung-Ho with all this. If you're not doing it right, it may cost you a lot more than you can imagine, especially with the pick-up thing.
I deeply appreciate you kind words, you sound very sincere.
(12-27-2013, 05:41 PM)baftis Wrote: One more thing : I did notice how you want to become the "ultimate" of everything. Proceed with extreme caution here. Often this occurs because of fear of mediocrity that can go into a spiral and build up so much that you'll just abandon the whole thing.
Fear of mediocrity, that’s very ironic because its fear that causes mediocrity. I have been releasing a lot of my fears since a began AM5; Death, Criticism, Violence, Poverty etc
This saying is written on the back of my bedroom door; every time I leave the room I try to recite it.
“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”
I have a flare for the dramatic; I meant "Ultimate" only to the limits that someone can be perfect. As we all play many roles in our lifetimes, as I said; father, son, brother, friend, lover, husband, (insert your job title here). Some roles conflict with others, you may be good at some and terrible at others.
In that regard the world is a stage and we all actors.
As perfection doesn’t exist or is subjective to the person, been an excellent Actor means you would be excellent or “the ultimate” as I put it before at all the roles you play in your life. Because you would understand and live by the underlining principles of Life and not by other peoples limiting rules and beliefs.
I don’t think I would ever abandon ship as I have an internal automated drive, I may still have issues like procrastination, or with self-discipline; that would make it more difficult. But when you need something as much as you need to breathe, it’s nearly impossible to suffocate yourself or hold your breath indefinably.
(12-27-2013, 05:41 PM)baftis Wrote: I highly encourage you on your journey and fully support you.
Thanks you are right thought, I might meet the “love of my life” next week and get married next year, and abandon my goals. Who knows?
It’s not like they set in stone, I may find enlightenment or religion and decide against competing my sexual related goals.
But what I do know now is that I need to move through that phase in my evolution. I did not say that I will spend my whole life sleeping with different women every week or going out to clubs for 4 hours a day.
Those are the experiences and life lessons I want to learn and go thru before am 30 so I can completely move with my life and pursue other things. Knowing that I have faced all my fears, have had many relationships and loved many beautiful women; wisdom and spiritual growth comes thru applied experience not reading books and creating theories.
The 7 Steps of Spiritual Alchemy
Step 1 - Innocence
Step 2 - Birth of the Ego
Step 3 - Birth of the Achiever
Step 4 - Birth of the Giver
Step 5 - Birth of the Seeker
Step 6 - Birth of the Seer
Step 7 - Pure Spirit
“Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future”
― Deepak Chopra
“Whatever relationships you have attracted in your life at this moment, are precisely the ones you need in your life at this moment. There is a hidden meaning behind all events, and this hidden meaning is serving your own evolution.”
― Deepak Chopra
“The secret of attraction is to love yourself. Attractive people judge neither themselves nor others. They are open to gestures of love. They think about love, and express their love in every action. They know that love is not a mere sentiment, but the ultimate truth at the heart of the universe.”
― Deepak Chopra
I can never get to Pure Spirit without passing the Achiever stage where I feel I currently am.
(12-28-2013, 03:56 AM)Jakeb203 Wrote: I'd say that let this guy be. Some people are born to chase for outcomes of life. The normal path this type of man undertakes is: finding great satisfaction out of success first, then he feels empty and lonely inside because he consistently depends on external factors to bring him happiness.
You are right, but only when you get to that stage can you seek higher purposes, just like Maslow's hierarchy of needs without fulfilling the lower you can't get to the higher. How am I suppose to be thinking about finding love and getting married when i can't even get a date with any women?
Take a look at this, you may not believe in reincarnation, I don’t to an certain extent. But it’s an alternative explanation to why some people like Nelson Mandela could go such things that other people cannot understand how or would do that same thing if they were born in the same circumstances .
![[Image: 2mo2x6w.png]](http://i43.tinypic.com/2mo2x6w.png)
There is no better or worst in any process, as the outcome is a matter of time and experience.
My goals may seem shallow and superficial on the surface, but that's just the nature of the surface. When you look deeper you realize that The Buddha that to be born into great wealth and power to have became one of the worlds greatest philosophers.
Its one think to say lots of sex with different beautiful women every night and having more money that you can possibly spend in a life time doesn't bring happiness. When you are not rich nor sleep with a beautiful women every night. I mean how would a person really know without experiencing it for them self's?
Jakeb203, you hit the nail on the head, emotions are subjective happiness and love, hate and depression all come from within. That is true, and it means theres is no reason why I cant "chase for outcomes of life" as you put it and be happy in the process right?
I assumed I was clear before:
![[Image: 2hhlhr6.jpg]](http://i44.tinypic.com/2hhlhr6.jpg)
Self actualization comes after love, belonging, peace, happiness and the rest of the emotional need you seem to think I am doing this for.
I do not want to achieve the goals I have stated because I think they will make me happy, (I cannot achieve them without happiness or love), I am doing it because I once got to a state of Self-Actualization or a moment of enlightenment and to maintain that state I must be all I can be.
I tend to keep in mind that am a dreamer and a visionary, around 2% of the population are the same, so my Ideals won’t match many peoples reality and my cool with that, as I have started to accept myself and my uniqueness.
Shannon I would appreciate your thoughts on the issues many people brought up, as you would know better than anyone else the limitations of your programs. I would have been skeptical too a few years ago before I became aware of many “other possibilities” that derail from my original childhood programming.