11-03-2014, 10:52 AM
Stage 2 Day 5
Depression is gone, it's now changed by crazy dreams at night. Today I got particular interesting night. I have dreamed that I was possessed by demon and got superpower and could levitate objects with my mind. Even possessed I was in control of myself, but I was scared and tried to get rid of that demon. First I have tried getting rid of it myself then looked for ways to see exorcist, but at the same time enjoyed I have playing and tossing things around with levitation (who wouldn't enjoy
). What’s strange here is that I got strong dejavu feeling that I have had this particular dream when I was doing AM5. Well at least it happens for me on occasions that when I wake up I just know, that I have dreamed that before.
Depression is gone, it's now changed by crazy dreams at night. Today I got particular interesting night. I have dreamed that I was possessed by demon and got superpower and could levitate objects with my mind. Even possessed I was in control of myself, but I was scared and tried to get rid of that demon. First I have tried getting rid of it myself then looked for ways to see exorcist, but at the same time enjoyed I have playing and tossing things around with levitation (who wouldn't enjoy