12-26-2013, 05:33 PM
I will clarify. In my past experiences, when I've become too gong-ho about jumping into this program, or that program, is that it tends to fall apart at the slightest inconvinience.
Like me, you seem to be an information junkie. And I think that you're digging up too many answers for the questions that you're metaphorically asking, or too many solutions for the problems that you're having, by which I mean you're using too many programs or courses.
If you prefer to jump into all these programs, and then naturally let the predominant ones work their way to the top of your priorities, then that's fine, and it's a completely valid and prospective approach. Matter of fact, you could simply leave 3 different programs on loop at different times, so that you can let it sink in and get different points of view.
But program hopping is a tell; a tell that you "rack (some) diciprine" (I have to stay humourous while badgering you). I used to do that alot; a program is having me take some steps that are inconvenient? No problem, I have 4 other similar programs on my hard drive that I could start tomorrow.
As an example, I used to program hop a lot for language learning. Italian was no problem; I finally found Michel Thomas, completed it, and now use Anki flashcards for vocabulary and LingQ for reading. For my Korean, I jumped from this grammar book to that vocab book, to that dictionary; from Teach Yourself (3ish chapters) to Assimil (first 3rd) to Pimsleur to a vocab dictionary, I was really good at "Step One"ing.
I finally decided on ONE program, and some supplementary (occasional and elective) vocabulary learning. I'm about to begin week 4 (the furthest I've ever gotten in this program).
Options beget complacency. That's the core of what I want you to know. Best of luck!
I will clarify. In my past experiences, when I've become too gong-ho about jumping into this program, or that program, is that it tends to fall apart at the slightest inconvinience.
Like me, you seem to be an information junkie. And I think that you're digging up too many answers for the questions that you're metaphorically asking, or too many solutions for the problems that you're having, by which I mean you're using too many programs or courses.
If you prefer to jump into all these programs, and then naturally let the predominant ones work their way to the top of your priorities, then that's fine, and it's a completely valid and prospective approach. Matter of fact, you could simply leave 3 different programs on loop at different times, so that you can let it sink in and get different points of view.
But program hopping is a tell; a tell that you "rack (some) diciprine" (I have to stay humourous while badgering you). I used to do that alot; a program is having me take some steps that are inconvenient? No problem, I have 4 other similar programs on my hard drive that I could start tomorrow.
As an example, I used to program hop a lot for language learning. Italian was no problem; I finally found Michel Thomas, completed it, and now use Anki flashcards for vocabulary and LingQ for reading. For my Korean, I jumped from this grammar book to that vocab book, to that dictionary; from Teach Yourself (3ish chapters) to Assimil (first 3rd) to Pimsleur to a vocab dictionary, I was really good at "Step One"ing.
I finally decided on ONE program, and some supplementary (occasional and elective) vocabulary learning. I'm about to begin week 4 (the furthest I've ever gotten in this program).
Options beget complacency. That's the core of what I want you to know. Best of luck!
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