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DMSI stuff is progressing, although I did have to resort to setting-up a non-DMSI auric shield due to the fact that I've started noticing negative symptoms from exposure to people who really, really dislike me for some reason (at rehearsals, obviously) and their attempts to "knock me down a peg", and the resultant resentment-vibes I get from them when that fails. Hopefully this won't interfere with DMSI too much, and I don't think it will, judging by what was occurring today, female-wise.
Anyroad, gonna do 7 loops tonight and tomorrow's break day. Afterwards I think I'll be sticking to ver. B instead of the switcharoo until and as such.
My performance yesterday went very well, did not get too much out on the DMSI front (or at least did not notice all that much, as I was pretty busy with the performance) apart from one dancer shooting me very sexual IOIs (I love it when them dancers start "warming up" their legs and thighs right in my face, lol. 'Tis a sight to behold) and fliritng (and seeking me out on Facebook, and then instantly chatting me up, etc. That's kinda "par for the course" for me on DMSI 3.2 by now, though), and then it turning out she's got some sort of boyfriend whom she brought with her to the performance (it was a festival thing, so we were traveling pretty far out). She did sometimes flirt with me even in his presence, though. Great legs on that girl.
Anyroad, I did manage to fit in 7 loops most of the time, and but 4 on one day. After doing the four (that was last night), I did notice resistance thoughts coming up fiercely, for about an hour, and I was feeling like total crap, on the point of collapsing in sobs, at that time.
I think I'll now do what I did with ver. A, as I now have the time, so I'm going back to 9 loops at a VERY HIGH volume. Apart from that, I'm noticing a tendency to kinda, mentally, *coast* through DMSI ver. 3.2 while awaiting DMSI ver. 3.3. I'll see whether the 9 loops at high volume change this.
Yeah, 9 loops at high volume, ver. B, oceansurf/silent hybrid, are going to be better than the lower number of loops I had to be doing lately. I've been getting an euphoric/elated sensation in my general gut area since I've eaten today, and also I've noticed that I had a pretty strong erection pretty much throughout my listening of the loops, lol.
The trouble with the higher volume is that it sometimes wakes up me, making sleeping difficult, due to the, well, volume, but I have some time in the nearest future where I can take a nap during the day if I need to, heh.
By the by, remembered one more notable thing from the last couple of days:
I remember reading somewhere in the Internetz (so we gotta take this with a grain of salt) that there used to be this "technique" employed in Feudal Japan times, taught to spies and infiltrators, which employed a particular vocal modulation whose aim was to induce sexual arousal and then sexual seduction of a subject. I remember that the website I read it on claimed that there are some singers who sometimes do it instinctively (the example given was Barry White, lol).
Point is, I remember right before the performance, I did my vocal warm-ups in an extremely low register (pretty much as low as I can go), with all that technical singing blah blah blah. Afterwards, I went to ask a fellow cast member where are some darn props we needed, and the make-up girl we had on standby immediately exclaimed "wow, your voice is very seductive". And, to be honest, I did notice there was some sort of frequency present while I was speaking which isn't normally present (a very low one, I think, or some weird mix of various frequencies which had that effect). The effect wore off after a time, but the make-up girl did keep flirting with me between my stage entrances, etc., until she had to leave.
I'm going to practice tomorrow, use the same warm-up routine (I usually do one very similar every time I set out to sing, but do not always go to the ultra-nether vocal register while doing it), and see what happens. Could be something, could be nothing.
Did not manage to get the same effect today. But mayhap it's because I was feeling so well singing today that I jumped headlong into hardcore repertoire action and tired myself physically in the process. Felt good, too. B)
Also, it turned out the porn novel woman hired a retarded "bilingual" editor who most probably only speaks expat borken Polish (judging from the fact that she apparently did not understand a simple e-mail I wrote to her in Polish) and does not bother to, f. in., download the files I sent to her, open them and see their content (for TWO ENTIRE WEEKS she was supposed to be working on the darn thing

) before whining that I sent the wrong ones, lol (I sent the right files, obviously). Fortunately I caught it early and intervened to cover my ass from some chit's incompetence. Author-chick's reaction seems to be of the "well, yeah, sorry for that, try to work with this one for now and we'll find a better one after, just don't let her ruin the text" variety, fortunately.
I won't lie - I've been feeling pretty great these past couple of days. Totally happy about how things are going and very secure with myself. Also feeling renewed motivation to DMSI it out, all of the script, lel.
Been listening to Judas Priest's "Rock Hard, Ride Free" song pretty much non-stop these past couple of days. It makes me wanna slap a butt or two (or twelve). Have a link:
Whew. Turns out the editor chick, albeit still slightly retarded, is actually a competent editor and did a solid editing job. We're still having fun at her expense with the author chick, though, lol, due to the fact that she apparently requires "additional micromanagement".
Very good for my purposes, it's high-time for me to get paid for all my hard work, bringing quality literary fetish erotica to the female masses, lol.
I'm doing ver. B, 9 loops, until Friday, then it's break day, then I think I'll try a week or two of ver. A at the same number of loops. The good thing is, I think I will actually manage to get two full weeks of ver. B in at this high number of loops this ASRB cycle. It seems to be guiding me towards progress, definitely, especially on the motivation-to-execute side of things (or at least that's what I'm noticing the most in my conscious thoughts), same way I had it rolling on my, I think, 3rd month with this version of DMSI.
Can't wait for 3.3, though, as the number of loops for this one that seems to work best for me is *really* high - heck, I usually wouldn't even get this much time in with a sub when doing the "playing in my bedroom 24h/day" with 4g stuff. Totally glad to hear work on the new version has begun.
Still, I do believe that once what needs to break through, breaks through, I should be able to work well with 1/2 loops, even ver. 3.2.
Huh. I'm feeling kinda angry/crappy today (break day). I think the switch to ver. A next ASRB cycle would be a good idea. I should be able to do at least two more weeks at 9 loops, afterwards work-stuff might interfere with the numbah.
I just might stick to ver. A until and as such, maybe. The shorter secondary ASRB timespan would be more practical when the time to take a break prior to ver. 3.3 arrives. And ver. 3.3 is probably going to be ver. B-only at first, so... As per the usual - we shall see!
Some recent developments: I have finally found a way to a) remove flab I do not need, b) get my physique in top-notch shape, as well as c) improve general fitness levels greatly without having to waste hours upon hours on exhausting physical workouts, and apparently it is working extremely well and rapidly (as in - I seriously need to buy pretty much an entire new wardrobe after a week of doing this, lol. Most of my current clothing is becoming very loose). Unfortunately, I cannot share the details here, as it's verging on Rule 4 stuff, and some other Rules probably too.
Also, I've had what seems like a very good idea for an effective source of physical energy to use for the purposes of DMSIng along the line while doing work stuff. Going to test it out once I acquire what I need for the purpose, and see what gives. Seems legit, as far as I can tell right now. The proof is going to be in the proverbial pudding, as usual. Also verges on Rule 4 and probably some other Rules too. Sorry. But, if it works out the way I think it should, I'll have a very easy-to-use, nigh-infinite source of physical energy to power up as needed.
(08-25-2018, 02:01 PM)Have at ye Wrote: [ -> ]Huh. I'm feeling kinda angry/crappy today (break day). I think the switch to ver. A next ASRB cycle would be a good idea. I should be able to do at least two more weeks at 9 loops, afterwards work-stuff might interfere with the numbah.
I just might stick to ver. A until and as such, maybe. The shorter secondary ASRB timespan would be more practical when the time to take a break prior to ver. 3.3 arrives. And ver. 3.3 is probably going to be ver. B-only at first, so... As per the usual - we shall see!
Some recent developments: I have finally found a way to a) remove flab I do not need, b) get my physique in top-notch shape, as well as c) improve general fitness levels greatly without having to waste hours upon hours on exhausting physical workouts, and apparently it is working extremely well and rapidly (as in - I seriously need to buy pretty much an entire new wardrobe after a week of doing this, lol. Most of my current clothing is becoming very loose). Unfortunately, I cannot share the details here, as it's verging on Rule 4 stuff, and some other Rules probably too.
Also, I've had what seems like a very good idea for an effective source of physical energy to use for the purposes of DMSIng along the line while doing work stuff. Going to test it out once I acquire what I need for the purpose, and see what gives. Seems legit, as far as I can tell right now. The proof is going to be in the proverbial pudding, as usual. Also verges on Rule 4 and probably some other Rules too. Sorry. But, if it works out the way I think it should, I'll have a very easy-to-use, nigh-infinite source of physical energy to power up as needed.
Be great to hear you expand on the Rule 4 stuff in the Chatterbox section...
(08-26-2018, 03:04 AM)Djinnni Wrote: [ -> ] (08-25-2018, 02:01 PM)Have at ye Wrote: [ -> ]Huh. I'm feeling kinda angry/crappy today (break day). I think the switch to ver. A next ASRB cycle would be a good idea. I should be able to do at least two more weeks at 9 loops, afterwards work-stuff might interfere with the numbah.
I just might stick to ver. A until and as such, maybe. The shorter secondary ASRB timespan would be more practical when the time to take a break prior to ver. 3.3 arrives. And ver. 3.3 is probably going to be ver. B-only at first, so... As per the usual - we shall see!
Some recent developments: I have finally found a way to a) remove flab I do not need, b) get my physique in top-notch shape, as well as c) improve general fitness levels greatly without having to waste hours upon hours on exhausting physical workouts, and apparently it is working extremely well and rapidly (as in - I seriously need to buy pretty much an entire new wardrobe after a week of doing this, lol. Most of my current clothing is becoming very loose). Unfortunately, I cannot share the details here, as it's verging on Rule 4 stuff, and some other Rules probably too.
Also, I've had what seems like a very good idea for an effective source of physical energy to use for the purposes of DMSIng along the line while doing work stuff. Going to test it out once I acquire what I need for the purpose, and see what gives. Seems legit, as far as I can tell right now. The proof is going to be in the proverbial pudding, as usual. Also verges on Rule 4 and probably some other Rules too. Sorry. But, if it works out the way I think it should, I'll have a very easy-to-use, nigh-infinite source of physical energy to power up as needed.
Be great to hear you expand on the Rule 4 stuff in the Chatterbox section...
Nah, it's a long story type of story, and verges on other forum rules than rule 4, anyway. Drop me a PM and I can hook you up, if you're so inclined.
It's all "at your own discretion and risk", though.

Back on ver. A, 9 loops. Feels good! Everything seems to be indicating that progress has been made. Also, not noticing any lessening in outside effects, which would often occur when I'd switch versions from B to A.
EDIT: By the by: that "itchy" sensation I was getting disappeared somewhere along the way as I was running ver. B. I forgot to mention this because it disappeared and I didn't notice until I re-read some of my posts.
Also, I'm using the same volume for ver. A as for ver. B (so - pretty frickin' loud. Foobar says it's now at 0dB volume change), and - what pleases me greatly - I no longer find the volume annoying or distracting, which would occur previously.
Finished the translation job, waiting to get paid, gonna buy me some US/LM to celebrate. I have two words to say to the editor-chick: TRACK CHANGES. Gah. Seriously, she did a solid job, but I had to input the changes manually like it's the 19th century or something. Took me 2 days instead of 2 hours because of that.

Running ver. A, feeling good, outside results are not disappearing and perhaps even some things brewing, managing to stick to 9 loops. Some interesting things I've been noticing as far as internals are concerned - as in, wonky sensations that I've not felt before on this version of DMSI. This is encouraging, as it would indicate progress and/or change.
Waiting on me monies for porn work.
I sure as hell could use auric shielding back, though.

Can't stress that enough.
One "interesting" thing: I've noticed that ver. A is, sometimes, making me butthurt. As in - it's actually causing me ass pain. Noticed it two months back when I was running it, and had it return for a while a day ago or so. I am experiencing physical pain in my butt, kinda like what I was feeling waaay back with my liver and heart. It comes and it goes, and hasn't been acting up all that much this run. I am a bit leery of googling "ass pain - metaphysical implications", though.

Continuing with ver. A, 9 loops, from Tuesday to Tuesday. During the ASRB break I was feeling kinda shitty most of the time, then it passed. I've been noticing I'm feeling shittier whenever I neglect my shielding regimen, because I get pestering, annoying thoughts regarding various people whenever I don't do it for 3-4 days (and they're, like, really annoying, and fighting them takes up *a lot* of my attention), and when I let them pile up, I start feeling bad about myself. So I'm gonna keep with the shielding regimen until ver. 3.3.
The dumbest thing about the whole deal is that they're usually aimed at me by people I work with or used to hang out with, and I was actually *afraid* and *expecting* that this would happen - people would start making problems for me *because they're envious*. Heh, showbiz. Like, f. in., it turns out that this fairly young conductor with whom I worked on a project recently (and with whom I've worked previously... and who has *never* been such an asshat prick towards me like he's become this time around - we've had a pretty decent working relationship) is married to, like, designee's "sweet little aristocrat" BFF, and according to what I've learned, tried to bone said designee before getting married and got rebuked hard. And here I was wondering why is he making veiled comments regarding my dealings with said designee, lol, and acting all asshatty and AMOGy alluva sudden.
See, that's the kind of people I have to work with, lol. And they're sending bad mojo my way.
BTW., one more thing I noticed, and a possible reason for why many of my responders go with gaming/playing attempts: they're frickin' jealous. Very, very jealous. This may be a side effect of the "competing for sex" dealio I remember Shannon writing something about in his journal way back, or perhaps it's just how they are. But when I see a married woman, walking with her husband (we've always liked each other with the woman

), give me a panicked/nervous/jealous look - in such a blatant way that her husband *noticed it*, and this woman's got amazing self-control - simply because she sees me hanging out with another woman... not doing anything, just like, walking and talking... well... Yup.
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