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Full Version: CHAOSVRGN (DMSI v2.5)
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(10-11-2016, 08:29 AM)4Kingdoms Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-11-2016, 05:25 AM)chaosvrgn Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, I've dabbled around in design a bit -- just enough to make my own landing pages and banners and the such. By no means an expert.

I was hoping that I could start a little trend, have everyone making posters and stuff, haha.

I'm not sure if you are serious or half kidding. It would probably become a trend if you instructed us how to make them, for those of us that don't know how.

I'm really not the best teacher, lol. Those two posters are just pictures that I slapped into Photoshop and put some text on 'em. If anyone has Photoshop and wants to make one, I'll upload the PSD.
Re song link - that's way more telling of the kind of person you are than one might assume; among other things, it seems to reveal the correct pronunciation of "chaosvrgn" not as "chaos virgin" with its implications of being a novice in this practice, but as "chaos sovereign" instead, complete with implications of mastery (or at least potential mastery). I know you've said you've been holding back on us, but I would think opening yourself a bit more like this to the support of this community is more beneficial than not, no? Speaking for myself at least, I respect you that much more for having the courage to open up more, and continue to look forward to seeing more updates from you!
Chaos, since you're making money, there are a number of virtual dating assistant services that will talk to the women for you on tinder and set up dates. I suppose you do want to screen them though before parceling out your time but maybe the services have something figured out to help there where you can look through the transcript before going on the date and cancel if you don't like how they communicate.
Will respond to everyone in a bit. Just an observation. I stopped v2.4 three days ago Since then, I've been crazy lethargic. It's taken so much willpower and effort just to work. I'm used to the hypercharged feeling v2.4 gave me. It's gotta be the sexual energy that was keeping me motivated. If v2.5 isn't coming today, I'm gonna have to hop back on v2.4 to plow through these projects.
rock on. i paused 2.4 for 2 days, but i used it again last night, 5 loops. i think there's something to this taking a break thing? anyway, i'm realizing i need the clearing of 2.4 even if shannon says the aura thing isn't sustainable in the long term. I'm just hoping the clearing is sustainable in the long term.
Clearing is permanent, although you can get messed up again in the future. Anything requiring constant effort also requires constant "encouragement".
v2.5 is now loaded to my phone and I'm about to begin my three loops. Let's GOOOOO.
So far, nothing REALLY noticeable. I woke up angry as fuck, couldn't find my keys (still can't) and went into an absolute rage.

Not sure if I got all my loops last night. My phone did this weird thing where it turned the volume down by itself and issued me a warning about turning it up too loud. I was like, "wtf is this stupid fucking shit?" So, gotta find out what that is and turn it off, or buy a little mp3 player that isn't acting like a fucking SJW or something.

I will say that beneath the rage, there seems to be a calmer interior, so the anger may be related to food -- I'm not hungry, but my body paradoxically does this when I'm hungry. Kills the sensation, and I get angrier and angrier. There's also a significant amount of heat irradiating from me. It's a bit different than the other auras. This one feels like body heat, only intensified. It's a light, airy aura with a solid texture. The interesting thing about it is that it doesn't feel like it's "flowing away from the body," like the other auras. This one seems like it's flowing AROUND the body. Imagine that your body is the absolute center of a vortex of energy. That's the impression I'm getting.

Sadly, no IDGAF attitude like v2.3. No extra motivation to work.

So anyway, I'm gonna eat, find my keys and then walk around for a bit, see what I get.
Found my keys... yo boy left them bitches in the front door.
Fuck me, I'm so euphoric and playful right now. Hard for me to get focused and work, lol. And man, I really wanna fuck. WOOOOOW.
(10-14-2016, 08:16 AM)chaosvrgn Wrote: [ -> ]**** me, I'm so euphoric and playful right now. Hard for me to get focused and work, lol. And man, I really wanna ****. WOOOOOW.

Calm yo tits, son. Raging 3 hrs ago to being jovial now. Jajajajaja. Just kidding, enjoy the emotions Big Grin

Roller coaster are fun.
This sub is VERY powerful. It feels like a smoother, cleaner version of v2.3. Dzemoo and Sickologist would've loved this one. Something tells me that they'll somehow grab this version though.

Anyway --

I'm starting to get ghosted by women again, but it's a bit different. It's not that I'm completely invisible. It's more like... they're either confused by what they're feeling, or they're intimidated by their sexual response. I've been getting women shooting little peeks at me, then looking down and scurrying when I look back. I'm guessing that most women can't handle the overt sexual energy. My only concern is that it's coming across as "creepy." I doubt it, because I'm getting insane respect hits from men.

I went to grab some food this morning, ran into an old colleague. He seemed very shocked to see me, and was going out of his way to greet and shake my hand. Was showing very submissive body language, even though he used to be the "alpha."

Anyway, business motivation skyrocketed and I bet it's only going to get better. It's hard to explain, but I just made a new deal with my business partner on how we're going to approach future launches. It should actually make my business sustainable -- exactly what I've been looking for all this time.
Anyone else getting the urge not to journal?

Today was... interesting. I didn't get a chance to go around many women. Hopefully, that'll change tomorrow. However... I was very bold and brash all day. As I mentioned earlier, I pretty much confessed to my business partner that I was considering getting a full-time / part time job to supplement my business income until it stabilized (something he's against -- he wants me to be "all in"). After I confessed that, he confessed that he was actually wanting out of the business altogether. We ended up working together to address both our issues, and now we have a solid plan for the next few months. It may not seem like a huge hit, but it is. I've been avoiding that talk for months. Something in v2.5 gave me the boldness to address it and tackle it now. We'll both be better off because of that convo.

In boxing today, my performance was off the charts. I was in such an amazing flow state while doing pad work and while sparring. The coach was giving me personalized attention and was showering me with compliments. He did seem a bit confused by my aura at first. Was ignoring me until I started joking with him. Almost like he was intimidated. Keep in mind, this is a 6 foot 5, 300 pound dude that's just as fast as a lightweight. He could seriously kick most people's asses. Being intimidated by someone half his size, haha. Anyway, I was very in the zone, playful, and kinda flirty with this young Latina chick. She's a little big, but she has a really beautiful face, personality... and some killer thighs. Unfortunately, she's like 17, soooo...

Looking forward to seeing how the sub progresses. I just started my three loops. I'm about six minutes in and I'm getting sleepy. Misspelling words and the such. Hopefully, I'll have some crazy stories soon to live up to the thread's opening poster.

(10-14-2016, 08:20 PM)chaosvrgn Wrote: [ -> ]Anyone else getting the urge not to journal?

yes. i had this feeling during the break from 2.4

for me, it feels like journaling about the experiences became dicksizing, and i didn't contribute anything worthwhile for shannon.

whatever i experienced so far with 2.5 isn't novel and others have reported similar already so i haven't bothered to update yet
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