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Funny, I am not at all seeking balance in my life, it is the oposite.

If I want super feminine, sexy and beautiful women, I am becoming the oposite, the most masculine, strong, and sexy mother f*cker I can be ! AND the universe is balancing my life for me naturaly, and bring me feminine women. (Of course it is me who aproach them it is not like women come to my door)

If I want more money in my life, I don't wait, sit on a chair an seek balance in my body or mind before to start something. I am becoming a wolf, I am hungry, I want money so badly that I create fucking inbalance in my mind that drive me everyday to be the best in real estate ! Annnnddd I have tons of money because of it, I am working more, faster, I am bolder, and put all my mind in my work UNTIL, universe is giving me so much money that I reach this balance inside, that make me go to holidays, spend all my money and go back to work and repeat again.

Ps : @chaosvrgn look at your mp when you have time bro
Quote:Nah, Chaos doesn't cry for any reason whatsoever. In fact based off these posts I'm halfway convinced he's actually the real life version of Luke Cage. I need to stop cracking jokes on this journal before he busts through the wall like the Juggernaut,or the Kool-aid man,whichever makes more sense


I wonder which side of you that the passive aggressiveness, weird sarcasm and subtly trying to cause arguments come from?

How is writing something like this going to cause anything other than an argument or massive conflict? You're subtly trying to bait Chaos into it.
@Zerox: You made you point very clear already. So everybody who wants to take this path can do this. No need to discuss things forever.
This seems apt:

Zero: The thing is, I openly post my earnings almost monthly. I allow people to PM me and discuss business (FrenchMagnet, I saw ya bro -- time is a luxury for me right now, but I'll get to you). Now that I've switched to BASE, I'm opening an entrepreneur's thread / journal so I can help mentor budding entrepreneurs (and hopefully, CatMan, HeavySM, Ivaylo, Shannon and any other entrepreneurs I missed will help). In fact, in the inaugural post, I'm actually going to tell the forum exactly how I made $16k in one month.

While you ramble on about balance and start discord for no reason other than to make yourself feel superior without actually having the results(a feminine trait, as Ben pointed out), I'm actually causing real change in the world, truly impressing my will upon my reality -- the very essence of masculinity.

So why, for any reason, would I subscribe to your beliefs? My life has been infinitely better when I ditched such flawed beliefs and embraced my masculinity. And the thing is, you aren't making me mad at all -- I feel pity for you. And you're welcome to shut up and join the entrepreneur's thread and learn how to make some REAL money.


ANYWAY: As I've posted, I switched to BASE + UM and will be ending this journal. The decision wasn't made lightly. I've been on BASE for one day and I already miss many of DMSI's benefits. Namely, that sense of raw power and sexuality that I woke up to. On the flipside, I feel incredibly motivated and alive today. I switched because I want to capitalize on the momentum I have right now. That $16k was a half-fluke. It happened because of an incredible and ridiculous set of events that... get this, lines up EXACTLY with the cycle that Shannon's following. It literally said that I would have a breakthrough in October, and that's exactly what happened.

I now need to keep working with that cycle to make sure I can get $16k month after month and expand on that. It's possible -- the "set of events" revealed to me a new way to market my infoproducts in a way that gives me an almost inexhaustible source of traffic, unlike the incestual traffic you get in the affiliate marketing world (everyone is marketing to the same damn people, so it becomes this ridiculous race).

Anyway, will be preparing the new journal and thread as soon as I eat.
"extreme personality", the kind that get noticed easily and has been studied a lot through history.
(10-23-2016, 05:37 AM)chaosvrgn Wrote: [ -> ]In fact, in the inaugural post, I'm actually going to tell the forum exactly how I made $16k in one month.

Congratulations on your decision to keep the momentum going with your business by switching to BASE and Ultra Motivation!!

Now where is this inaugural post?? I'm on vacation!!
(10-23-2016, 02:04 AM)Benjamin Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:Nah, Chaos doesn't cry for any reason whatsoever. In fact based off these posts I'm halfway convinced he's actually the real life version of Luke Cage. I need to stop cracking jokes on this journal before he busts through the wall like the Juggernaut,or the Kool-aid man,whichever makes more sense


I wonder which side of you that the passive aggressiveness, weird sarcasm and subtly trying to cause arguments come from?

How is writing something like this going to cause anything other than an argument or massive conflict? You're subtly trying to bait Chaos into it.

Because my intentions aren't to cause conflict to begin with. I demonstrated and expounded upon my original and subsequent points (consistently) with logic and addressed every criticism,with logic.

Which apparently makes me a 'girly man'.

At this point I'm feeling more amused (at that implication) than purely logical, thus the jokes. Anyway, let that be the last of this,it's done.

Chaos, I don't believe that you should switch to BASE because well...You're already a successful entrepreneur. Anything that makes you want to switch a sub is probably subconscious resistance (which of course seems like your idea because it's the got-damn subconscious), meaning you're possibly on the verge of a major breakthrough that threatens deep-seated limiting beliefs and they're fighting to keep existing by any means necessary. Now if we can agree I know the feminine aspect of the mind better than you folks,to me it seems like manipulation,pure and simple.

Personally I have experienced an increase in money-making tendencies(productivity,creativity,taking ACTION) from running 2.4. I'm going to be releasing several more products,finding reliable affiliates,and setting up tons of streams of income by December,most likely, and all I did was sit on these ideas before 2.4.

I feel optimally speaking that were you to stick with 2.4,you would fully get through whatever the healing modules tackle AND see an increase in money,AND cement the aura into your being, at which point you could focus full force on finances assuming they weren't already steadily increasing. I just think that the healing helps everyone in ALL aspects of their life.
Cognitive dissonance is strong with this one.

Anyways, I can't wait to hear your 16k story Chaos.

And your BASE experience. Am planning to hop on it myself.
It's coming guys, promise. I wore myself out doing some boxing roadwork today. 10 miles of jogging, skipping, throwing punches, etc. Now I've got some serious nausea, lol.
(10-23-2016, 04:09 PM)chaosvrgn Wrote: [ -> ]It's coming guys, promise. I wore myself out doing some boxing roadwork today. 10 miles of jogging, skipping, throwing punches, etc. Now I've got some serious nausea, lol.

Take your time chaos, there is no rush. I too will be looking forward to reading your post about making 16k in a month. I am new to IM, a complete noob, I have read and watch many videos and tutorials but I am open to reading material from some with experience and success. Thank you in advance
(10-29-2016, 04:23 PM)sawell54 Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-23-2016, 04:09 PM)chaosvrgn Wrote: [ -> ]It's coming guys, promise. I wore myself out doing some boxing roadwork today. 10 miles of jogging, skipping, throwing punches, etc. Now I've got some serious nausea, lol.

Take your time chaos, there is no rush. I too will be looking forward to reading your post about making 16k in a month. I am new to IM, a complete noob, I have read and watch many videos and tutorials but I am open to reading material from some with experience and success. Thank you in advance

Hey bro, I already posted it:

In fact guys, that's the link to my NEW v2.5 journal. I know, confusing and I suck. Just one of those things.
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