Today's meeting went AMAZING. Like, AMAZING. I don't know how it could get any better. I was treated like a celebrity. The only "weird" thing was when the guy I wanted to make a business deal with started lightly teasing me. He's older than I am and was "busting my chops." However, a strange intuition informed me that he wasn't really trying to AMOG me or put me down -- it seemed like he was testing to see if I could deal with his very light teasing. Almost like a, "if you wanna work with me, can you accept not being in charge?" In this situation, the answer is HELL YES. This man generates $100k/month in revenue. Nope, I ain't gotta be the alpha here.
Anyway, we have two tentative deals. And tomorrow morning, I have a meeting with ANOTHER entrepreneur to work on a small e-product that will generate a few thousand dollars. Much thanks to Shannon for making me aware of this "cycle." October WILL be my breakout month!
Moving on -- I'm having A LOT of weird dreams about slavery. Being a slave. Having to endure a lashing. This is a reoccurring thing that's happened my entire life. Took a nap after the meeting. Had another one of those dreams. When I woke up, I had that fatigued "resistance" feel, but it passed. Feels like something's cleared. After a few weeks of dormancy, my "hunter" mindset is coming back in regards to online dating. I'm being bold, brash, daring and controversial. Very risk-taking. Here's a sample convo with "Mary." On her profile, she had "Why are men so obsessed with taking car selfies?!"
Me: Whaaaa? You mean car selfies aren't the secret to attraction? I've been doing it all wrong, Mary.
Mary: Man. Some days are life changing. Sorry to rock your world this morning.
Me: Yesterday, I learned I can't print my own money. Today, no car selfies. #2016becrazy.
Mary: LOLOLOL! Did you get some printed before you found out? Because I'm soooo down to try and spend it.
INTERJECTION -- At this point, I would usually go for the number. That's the subtext. But, I felt my intuition urge me to push the convo further. I personally think I'm taking it into the realm of "this guy is a hookup, not a boyfriend."
Me: Nope. Photoshop wouldn't even let me print it. Redirected me to the Secret Service website... they thought of everything.
Me: But...
Me: If it's hoodrat stuff you wanna get into, I can think of dozens of things.
Mary: Lol. I'm not sure how to even take this comment.
EDIT -- she added: So, I guess give me an idea lol.
rofl. For those of you don't know, "hoodrat" means a lot of different things in the black community. It can be a rather promiscious woman. OR, it can be people that just start trouble. I should say something else ambiguous and then go for the number. The key here is to say something hilarious so she'll forget that I called her a ho.
I don't really feel like thinking of that right now. So I'm gonna go grab some food before boxing (ironically, I'm having PORK CHOPS HARHARHARHAR).