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Full Version: The razors on my lips, the poison in my kiss (AM6 Second Run - S6)
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The main differences are definitely the eyes/expression (less heavy and possibly more focused in after), fist flex/relaxation difference, and lighter forehead in after pic (possibly the glow others are referring to).

Also, do you have history with the AOSI predecessors?
The chick who started kissing on you and then pulled away probably got lost in the aura and came to her senses at the last minute. As far as the married chick running away and avoiding you...yeah she felt it and knew she might be do something regretful so she ran from the source.

Other than that out f*cking standing bro!
Yeah, as far as the married chick goes - she doesn't know that YOU know what's going on. I would have made every excuse to go up to her and say, "What's going on over here!?" I would have so much fun just doin' that over and over, lol.
Resistance is coming. Can feel it. That intense resistance from before. This time, it's tapping on another one of my deep rooted fears that I'm not quite comfortable putting out there. Point is, I believe the OGSF in AOSI is enhancing the OGSF in AM6. I for one, welcome the resistance. It means that something's that's about to be overcome, something that's holding me back.

I'm so f*cking tired of my life being restrained by fear and I want it F*CKING gone.
(06-07-2016, 07:33 AM)chaosvrgn Wrote: [ -> ]Worst resistance ever. EVER. It's taking every bit of willpower I have to do anything, even just to write this update. Can't say for sure if this is the result of running AM6 with AOSI, as I'm pretty sure the AOSI programming is still floating around in my subconscious, even though it's been days since I've run it.

That sounds rough and most challenging experience; Perhaps, running side by side is too challenging. AOSI is a strong program by itself.
(06-10-2016, 10:00 AM)SargeMaximus Wrote: [ -> ]That's awesome about almost losing it tho. Have you ever let yourself crack up about something around someone? I have, I don't know if it's a bad thing tbh.

Bro -- I cracked up one time while my girlfriend was giving me a BJ. My girlfriend went to a Catholic school and was very sheltered. My homeboy hooked up with her best friend, Amanda -- who apparently was MORE sheltered than she was.

I asked him how Amanda was, and he said that not only did she take "blow job" literally and was BLOWING into his d*ck, but she also thought it would feel good to slap his balls a few times while doing it.

The next time my girl gave me one, I started thinking of what he said and CRACKED UP. Of course, she didn't like that too much.
Quote:I asked him how Amanda was, and he said that not only did she take "blow job" literally and was BLOWING into his d*ck, but she also thought it would feel good to slap his balls a few times while doing it.

Hahahaha.. that reminds me of a few years ago I was seeing this girl. And I seen this video somewhere of someone getting a bj and their dog was standing there and his head was bobbing up and down while watching and I laughed so much for some reason.

Then when I seen her she was looking after a dog and she started giving me a bj on the couch, the dog actually come over and was watching and it's head was bobbing up and down like in the video and I fucking lost it and was laughing so much I was crying.. she's like "are you finished laughing" and i'm like "ahh yeah I think so" but couldn't stop for ages. Big Grin
Animal sexuality has been censored really hard that's why you were so surprised. I watch a documentary not long ago about animals sexuality uncensored on youtube, wow I was surprised. Besexuality is rampant in the animal kingdom. There is even stuff I won't even talk here because people will think I'm crazy. The image with have in western country about animal sexuality is completely skewed, and I think it's even worst in the states.

I will let just one thing out just to shock some people. I read on a forum that if a woman masturbate around a dog then there is a good chance that the dog will come lick her pussy. It seems the dog is naturally wired to do that. If that is true it is no surprising they censor animal sexuality on TV. By saying that I'm not saying I'm for that practice though.
I can't say I really thought of it like that. It was kind of like when you're holding a ball in front of a dog or food or something.. like it seen movement and was like "what's going on".

I don't remember why it was so funny.. just one of those things I laugh at.
Since you did talk about experimenting on page 4, wouldn't it be fun to give this "line" a shot after someone is excusing herself to the bathroom?

[Image: 0xGvB7a.gif]

"My gift is my schlong, and this one's for you. And you can tell nobody (but me) this is your thong."
In the last 3 hours, I've received 4 notifications from Plenty of Fish of women who want to "meet me." At first, I thought they were fake. POF is notorious for doing that -- sending you notifications just so you'll get on, but I ended up going to the "meet me" section (which works just like Tinder for those of you who don't use POF) and kept swiping "yes" until we matched.

They're all pretty ugly. Like, the best is maybe a 5/10. However, this has never happened before, and I don't even really use the app. Manifestations? Energy being sent through the profile? I considered messaging one just to see if I could get some easy ass, but she's like an hour and a half away and I have a 30-minute rule: no driving more than 30 minutes for CONFIRMED p***y. Definitely ain't driving that far for the CHANCE @ it.
Woke up this morning to a message on OkCupid from a pretty French au pair that's here for the summer. She's, short, cute and svelte with a "wallflower" appeal. Just my type. Dunno if it's the summer boyfriend craze, OE or other manifestation tech, but I find it really odd that I'm suddenly so much dating app engagement despite the fact that my profile is empty and I haven't been using them.
(06-12-2016, 06:27 AM)chaosvrgn Wrote: [ -> ]Woke up this morning to a message on OkCupid from a pretty French au pair that's here for the summer. She's, short, cute and svelte with a "wallflower" appeal. Just my type. Dunno if it's the summer boyfriend craze, OE or other manifestation tech, but I find it really odd that I'm suddenly so much dating app engagement despite the fact that my profile is empty and I haven't been using them.

Quite odd. As you know, empty profiles are almost always passed over.

The dating sites you are using are free?? I've heard women at work say they found better quality men at the paid site, they were talking among themselves; not to me.
It's getting harder to know on POF recently. Even fake profiles have been showing up near me which is unusual being in a small place.

Usually it's got some model looking photo and they are all about how much they want sex and to hook up with random men.. so you know it's fake.

I reported a few of them and they didn't delete them, because the creator is a pussy white knight.. which is why I have my age as 5 years younger since he brought the retarded age restriction thing in on messages.
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