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(06-16-2016, 11:29 AM)chaosvrgn Wrote: [ -> ]It's been 7 days since I've run AM6 + AOSI and I STILL feel the aura project when I eat. The effect isn't fading. In fact, it feels like it's getting stronger. The attention is getting to the point where, as an introvert, it's become unsettling. I feel like I have a spotlight on me when I'm out and about. I want to reiterate that I've only run AOSI a total of FOUR LOOPS. There's some kind of unpredictable synergy going on here. Every time I run AOSI, the same pattern occurs -- I go out, have a fun time and when I begin to run AM6 again, I encounter HORRIBLE resistance. Then, that resistance passes and I feel more confident and powerful than I ever have in my entire life.

Was out grabbing some produce and a rotisserie chicken earlier. One of the workers (5.5/10 -- nothing impressive) sees me, immediately darts her eyes away. I turn the corner and there she is, approaching me. We lock eyes. It's almost like we're in a trance for a moment before she lets her eyes glaze over as if she wasn't looking at me. But I saw you, chick. You got AOSI'd.

Got home, ate an absurd amount of the chicken and I felt the aura project, mainly out of my upper back and hands. 4 loops. Over the course of two weeks. This is some powerful technology. V2 is going to be absolutely amazing.

I gotta be careful, though. My libido is skyrocketing and I tend to engage in debauchery when this occurs. My good friend, his girlfriend and myself all attend the same gym. He's not in good shape AT ALL and kinda uses the gym for socializing. On the flipside, she's been working very hard on her physique, and it's really starting to show. He wasn't there yesterday, but his girlfriend was. The moment I walked in, she began to give me an insane amount of attention. Now, she and I don't hate each other, but we've always been a bit ambivalent toward each other. This kind of attention has never happened. She made sure to give me several butt displays and kept finding reasons to ask me for help on different workouts and techniques. Finally, when she left, SHE made sure to invite me over tomorrow night to chill with her and my friend. It dawned on me that me that the aura was projecting hard the entire time... as I realized that I'm starting to see her as very attractive. I'm guessing the aura is programmed to work better on women you find attractive.

Spare me the moral judgments -- I have no intention on pursuing my friend's chick. If she comes after me, however...


Yes, it is designed somewhat in v1 to focus on people you find sexually attractive. That is going to be fleshed out in V2, complete with scaling up according to the amount you find them sexually attractive.
I clearly struck a chord. I haven't lived your life, and I certainly don't see the world as you do, nor did I have your upbringing. I'm just sharing some of my perspective. I see you don't like it much, but know it wasn't my intention to get you riled up. I like hearing other people's point-of-view. Like you, I'm a man of strong convictions. I'll stop cluttering up your thread with my philosophical comments.

Onward with AOSI!
(06-16-2016, 01:58 PM)RTBoss Wrote: [ -> ]I clearly struck a chord. I haven't lived your life, and I certainly don't see the world as you do, nor did I have your upbringing. I'm just sharing some of my perspective. I see you don't like it much, but know it wasn't my intention to get you riled up. I like hearing other people's point-of-view. Like you, I'm a man of strong convictions. I'll stop cluttering up your thread with my philosophical comments.

Onward with AOSI!

Haha -- I'm just a really INTENSE individual, man. Lots of fire and air, but not enough earth, if you catch my drift. Even though it may not seem like it, I respect your philosophy and I respect a man with convictions. There's that old saying, "if you don't stand for something, you'll stand for nothing." Seems like the world is often terrified of intellectual sparring from time to time, but I'm a huge proponent of "thesis + antithesis = synthesis."

But, since I'm already posting, another little update. Again, 7 days since I've last run AOSI, and I'm BURNING UP RIGHT NOW. Can't stop eating. Super focused. Super zen. I just ate more chicken, followed by a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. This feels exactly like the first time I ran it. Is it possible that AM6 + AOSI fills the brain with so much data that it takes 7 days to process?

Let's put it this way: I feel more AOSI'd now than I did last week when I ran it. I really wanna go out, but I'm stuck at home for the night.

EDIT: I was actually a little worried about telling the story of my friend's girlfriend, but I've received like 3 PMs telling me to go for it. Ya'll some heathens, whispering evil evil thoughts in my ear. Sad
Quote:Is it possible that AM6 + AOSI fills the brain with so much data that it takes 7 days to process?

Almost certainly not at a mental level.

But mental processing, and emotional processing, are two very different beasts.

It may be that the OGSF module is just now breaking through something it was working on.
(06-16-2016, 01:19 PM)chaosvrgn Wrote: [ -> ]P.S. The funny thing is, the notion of "entitlement culture" pretty much confirms the notion of socioeconomic and political systems. Of course, when you flip the argument back around, they yell OMG CONSPIRACY THEORIST! The double-think is astounding.

What is entitlement culture and how does it confirm those two things you mentioned?
Entitlement culture is a broad term left for interpretation. But it basically means a culture that think they have a right to every thing, and not necessarily by working for it.

It confirms both because if you think you're just an average worker that's all you'll ever be and if you strike out you're somehow an asshole. In socialist countries the government work towards dooming the population to mediocrity. So it doesn't matter what you think there, even us aspiring "uber-humans" understand that ambition won't get us anywhere. In a social aspects, all you have to do is say "I am the King" and people will either follow or it's an example of the "double-think situation" Basically you're supposed to worship celebrities, but as soon as someone else stakes a claim we're supposed to bring him down.

It's no different with the stock traders he talked about. As they say, when the average person hears about it, the smart money has long since left the building.

It confirms political systems because you can be a politician, and exactly what are politicians doing? Yeah, nada. they sit on their asses drinking latte and "reason" all day. It's just that they are usually not smarter than the average person, just more ruthless. They don't believe in hard work, a politician would have a nervous breakdown at my job, yet they have the gumption to fuck with my life by legislation. "They don't care about us" On the flip side, a lazy self proclaimed philosopher is to be mocked. In other words, hustling for a living is okay(only for politicians of course), but choosing a different path makes you a bum.

If you actually say this, some people yell "hater", "conspiracy theorist" and look at you like a crazy person when in reality it's a matter of it takes a wolf to catch a wolf.

Whatever, I'm not concerned with them. I'm concerned about morons deliberately placing road blocks infront of my life experience. Like the famous Woody Harrelsons "I feel like a run-on sentence in a punctuation-crazed world"
(06-16-2016, 11:29 AM)chaosvrgn Wrote: [ -> ][snip]
You got AOSI'd.

I think we'll be hearing this a lot more, lolBig Grin
(06-17-2016, 01:26 AM)Sickologist Wrote: [ -> ]Entitlement culture is a broad term left for interpretation. But it basically means a culture that think they have a right to every thing, and not necessarily by working for it.

It confirms both because if you think you're just an average worker that's all you'll ever be and if you strike out you're somehow an asshole. In socialist countries the government work towards dooming the population to mediocrity. So it doesn't matter what you think there, even us aspiring "uber-humans" understand that ambition won't get us anywhere. In a social aspects, all you have to do is say "I am the King" and people will either follow or it's an example of the "double-think situation" Basically you're supposed to worship celebrities, but as soon as someone else stakes a claim we're supposed to bring him down.

It's no different with the stock traders he talked about. As they say, when the average person hears about it, the smart money has long since left the building.

It confirms political systems because you can be a politician, and exactly what are politicians doing? Yeah, nada. they sit on their asses drinking latte and "reason" all day. It's just that they are usually not smarter than the average person, just more ruthless. They don't believe in hard work, a politician would have a nervous breakdown at my job, yet they have the gumption to **** with my life by legislation. "They don't care about us" On the flip side, a lazy self proclaimed philosopher is to be mocked. In other words, hustling for a living is okay(only for politicians of course), but choosing a different path makes you a bum.

If you actually say this, some people yell "hater", "conspiracy theorist" and look at you like a crazy person when in reality it's a matter of it takes a wolf to catch a wolf.

Whatever, I'm not concerned with them. I'm concerned about morons deliberately placing road blocks infront of my life experience. Like the famous Woody Harrelsons "I feel like a run-on sentence in a punctuation-crazed world"

This man f*cking gets it. Hit me up when you get to the US. By then, I should be back out in L.A. doing the film thing. If you're on Skype, PM me and we can stay connected there.

In my earlier posts, I wasn't advocating playing the victim -- just pointing out that there are sociopolitical and socioeconomic systems in place that mentally conditions you to be a worker-slave, and if you ever decide to leave that system, you're shamed and bullied back into submission. As Sickologist so accurately stated: "Morons deliberately placing road blocks in front of my life experience."

Guys, I was working with multimillionaires throughout my tenure as a marketing exec. You wouldn't BELIEVE how different their realities are versus the average person, and why they laugh and mock at the middle class. I remember one instance, I was working with an emerging social media network to help them get investment funding. During an investment meeting, one of the millionaires goes, "alright, I'm sold, how much do you need?" This dude proceeded to pull out a PERSONAL CHECK and write it for $250,000.

$250,000. A personal check. My bank account has a $2000 withdrawal limit. And this dude wrote a check for a quarter mil like it was NOTHING. I call this concept the velvet curtain. There's a world that exists beyond what you think you know, but it's hidden behind this "soft curtain." And most people will never even get a glimpse of this reality because they're so attached the current system -- a system that is NOT designed for you to reach high levels of success.

But, I digress. Back to what most people are here for: The quest to getting that d*ck wet.

Stopped by Adidas this morning to grab some new workout clothes. The chick at the register, a white chick with a punk rock appeal (red hair, very artistic tattoos). Beautiful rack, and she had the top two buttons open, showing off some amazing cleavage.

I had my 3-year-old niece with me. She's super spunky and friendly, smiles and waves at everyone she sees. Total chick magnet. Anyway, I see the clerk watching me as I'm walking around the store. For a minute, I thought she was being racist and seeing if I was trying to steal. Then I remembered.

Naaaaah, chick. You gettin' them AOSI panties.

She kept asking me if I needed any help and reminding me (like three times) that there's a 15% off sale on most of the store. She seemed a bit intimidated -- odd considering the "bad girl" front she was throwing up, but still. When it was time to check out, I was behind some guys that was taking forever making their minds about things. Finally, when it came to me, my niece turned on the charm and began singing a random song to her. She asked if my niece was my daughter.

I lied. Said yes. When she asked where her mother was, I simply said: "She's no longer with us..." I mean, which is true. She went to another store while I went to Adidas, so it's not my fault if she took it as if the woman died or some shit.

Anyway, she apologized over and over about the guys taking so long. That's when I decided to try and consciously project the aura by staring at her and visualizing every nasty thing I wanted to do to her. I didn't feel the aura project, but the vibe DEFINITELY, DEFINITELY changed. She began to flush -- I know that for a fact because her skin turned a bright red, EVEN THROUGH HER TAN! Then, when she went to grab a bag to pack my stuff in, she slyly opened up her third button and bent over to get the bag instead of kneeling, letting me see down her shirt.

When she came back up, she gave me the most sexy, submissive look ever. You know, the forehead bow:

Mid P.S. -- This book, along with "What Every Body is Saying" will blow your mind in regards to body language. Studying both is how I got really good at it, and it helps A LOT in pickup / seduction.

I'm like, sh*t that actually worked? So, we finish the transaction, she asks me if there's "anything else." I told her to write her number down on the receipt. She claims that she can't, because it's store policy not to give her number out to customers. Protection from sexual harassment claims. Told her to put her number in my phone, that way we can claim we just met on the street.

She says to do something "better" -- how about I just come back when she gets off at work at 8, then we really CAN just meet on the street. I'm like, cool. And we leave.

... but I'm supposed to be hanging out with my homebro tonight. We haven't seen each other in awhile. And if we don't hang out tonight, it'll be awhile before we'll be able to hang again. So, we'll see.

EDIT: So, apparently we've got people thinking the "2 loopers" are making up their stories. I can't provide proof of the convo I had with the chick, but I can provide proof that I did go to Adidas. That's about it. These pics will be removed soon.

Quote: $250,000. A personal check. My bank account has a $2000 withdrawal limit. And this dude wrote a check for a quarter mil like it was NOTHING. I call this concept the velvet curtain. There's a world that exists beyond what you think you know, but it's hidden behind this "soft curtain." And most people will never even get a glimpse of this reality because they're so attached the current system -- a system that is NOT designed for you to reach high levels of success.

That right there is why only a small group like us realize how much control we have over our lives. In some point in our lives, we gotten as low as we could go, took the red pill, and saw society for what it really is. But unfortunately, the vast majority of people would still continue on with their failures because it's so much easier to blame others for their faults rather than themselves. In their eyes, the system is all they know.

If you would have came to me back in my high school days and told me "Hey bro, I know a proven system that will attract anything you want in life. All you have to do is change how your subconscious mind operates.", I would have laughed at you. Why? Because I was still entrenched in the system that society portrayed in my eyes. But once I hit rock bottom, I was able to allow myself to be open-minded and only then did I see the system for what it really is. And it also showed me how people would purposely get in your way just so you don't become open-minded and an independent thinker.

You gotta love subs like AOSI. I've yet to try it, but I can already tell it can and will shift your reality when you allow it to work. And even with other subs, you're already a step ahead of at least 90% of the population. You have seen what was behind the curtain. Now you know how to get back there.
Crazy story. Made me kind of lol because of your neice. Seems like a video game type situation where you have a dog/kid/monster/whatever that helps you with your quests lol.

Anyhow, not sure what the picture of the receipt was for but the shirt looks good. You just need some gold chains, baggy white pants and white (or black) shoes. Top it off with a NYY cap and you're good to go. Tongue
(06-17-2016, 10:23 AM)chaosvrgn Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-17-2016, 01:26 AM)Sickologist Wrote: [ -> ]Entitlement culture is a broad term left for interpretation. But it basically means a culture that think they have a right to every thing, and not necessarily by working for it.

It confirms both because if you think you're just an average worker that's all you'll ever be and if you strike out you're somehow an asshole. In socialist countries the government work towards dooming the population to mediocrity. So it doesn't matter what you think there, even us aspiring "uber-humans" understand that ambition won't get us anywhere. In a social aspects, all you have to do is say "I am the King" and people will either follow or it's an example of the "double-think situation" Basically you're supposed to worship celebrities, but as soon as someone else stakes a claim we're supposed to bring him down.

It's no different with the stock traders he talked about. As they say, when the average person hears about it, the smart money has long since left the building.

It confirms political systems because you can be a politician, and exactly what are politicians doing? Yeah, nada. they sit on their asses drinking latte and "reason" all day. It's just that they are usually not smarter than the average person, just more ruthless. They don't believe in hard work, a politician would have a nervous breakdown at my job, yet they have the gumption to **** with my life by legislation. "They don't care about us" On the flip side, a lazy self proclaimed philosopher is to be mocked. In other words, hustling for a living is okay(only for politicians of course), but choosing a different path makes you a bum.

If you actually say this, some people yell "hater", "conspiracy theorist" and look at you like a crazy person when in reality it's a matter of it takes a wolf to catch a wolf.

Whatever, I'm not concerned with them. I'm concerned about morons deliberately placing road blocks infront of my life experience. Like the famous Woody Harrelsons "I feel like a run-on sentence in a punctuation-crazed world"

This man f*cking gets it. Hit me up when you get to the US. By then, I should be back out in L.A. doing the film thing. If you're on Skype, PM me and we can stay connected there.

In my earlier posts, I wasn't advocating playing the victim -- just pointing out that there are sociopolitical and socioeconomic systems in place that mentally conditions you to be a worker-slave, and if you ever decide to leave that system, you're shamed and bullied back into submission. As Sickologist so accurately stated: "Morons deliberately placing road blocks in front of my life experience."

Guys, I was working with multimillionaires throughout my tenure as a marketing exec. You wouldn't BELIEVE how different their realities are versus the average person, and why they laugh and mock at the middle class. I remember one instance, I was working with an emerging social media network to help them get investment funding. During an investment meeting, one of the millionaires goes, "alright, I'm sold, how much do you need?" This dude proceeded to pull out a PERSONAL CHECK and write it for $250,000.

$250,000. A personal check. My bank account has a $2000 withdrawal limit. And this dude wrote a check for a quarter mil like it was NOTHING. I call this concept the velvet curtain. There's a world that exists beyond what you think you know, but it's hidden behind this "soft curtain." And most people will never even get a glimpse of this reality because they're so attached the current system -- a system that is NOT designed for you to reach high levels of success.

But, I digress. Back to what most people are here for: The quest to getting that d*ck wet.

Stopped by Adidas this morning to grab some new workout clothes. The chick at the register, a white chick with a punk rock appeal (red hair, very artistic tattoos). Beautiful rack, and she had the top two buttons open, showing off some amazing cleavage.

I had my 3-year-old niece with me. She's super spunky and friendly, smiles and waves at everyone she sees. Total chick magnet. Anyway, I see the clerk watching me as I'm walking around the store. For a minute, I thought she was being racist and seeing if I was trying to steal. Then I remembered.

Naaaaah, chick. You gettin' them AOSI panties.

She kept asking me if I needed any help and reminding me (like three times) that there's a 15% off sale on most of the store. She seemed a bit intimidated -- odd considering the "bad girl" front she was throwing up, but still. When it was time to check out, I was behind some guys that was taking forever making their minds about things. Finally, when it came to me, my niece turned on the charm and began singing a random song to her. She asked if my niece was my daughter.

I lied. Said yes. When she asked where her mother was, I simply said: "She's no longer with us..." I mean, which is true. She went to another store while I went to Adidas, so it's not my fault if she took it as if the woman died or some shit.

Anyway, she apologized over and over about the guys taking so long. That's when I decided to try and consciously project the aura by staring at her and visualizing every nasty thing I wanted to do to her. I didn't feel the aura project, but the vibe DEFINITELY, DEFINITELY changed. She began to flush -- I know that for a fact because her skin turned a bright red, EVEN THROUGH HER TAN! Then, when she went to grab a bag to pack my stuff in, she slyly opened up her third button and bent over to get the bag instead of kneeling, letting me see down her shirt.

When she came back up, she gave me the most sexy, submissive look ever. You know, the forehead bow:

Mid P.S. -- This book, along with "What Every Body is Saying" will blow your mind in regards to body language. Studying both is how I got really good at it, and it helps A LOT in pickup / seduction.

I'm like, sh*t that actually worked? So, we finish the transaction, she asks me if there's "anything else." I told her to write her number down on the receipt. She claims that she can't, because it's store policy not to give her number out to customers. Protection from sexual harassment claims. Told her to put her number in my phone, that way we can claim we just met on the street.

She says to do something "better" -- how about I just come back when she gets off at work at 8, then we really CAN just meet on the street. I'm like, cool. And we leave.

... but I'm supposed to be hanging out with my homebro tonight. We haven't seen each other in awhile. And if we don't hang out tonight, it'll be awhile before we'll be able to hang again. So, we'll see.

EDIT: So, apparently we've got people thinking the "2 loopers" are making up their stories. I can't provide proof of the convo I had with the chick, but I can provide proof that I did go to Adidas. That's about it. These pics will be removed soon.

Pic 1: Receipt
Pic 2: Me wearing the shirt I bought (Sorry about the nightmares)

Where do artists fall in all this categorization? As in writers, singers, music producers, actors, DJs, painters? And are they perceived as "trying to leave the system"?
(06-17-2016, 11:36 AM)JJ54 Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote: $250,000. A personal check. My bank account has a $2000 withdrawal limit. And this dude wrote a check for a quarter mil like it was NOTHING. I call this concept the velvet curtain. There's a world that exists beyond what you think you know, but it's hidden behind this "soft curtain." And most people will never even get a glimpse of this reality because they're so attached the current system -- a system that is NOT designed for you to reach high levels of success.

That right there is why only a small group like us realize how much control we have over our lives. In some point in our lives, we gotten as low as we could go, took the red pill, and saw society for what it really is. But unfortunately, the vast majority of people would still continue on with their failures because it's so much easier to blame others for their faults rather than themselves. In their eyes, the system is all they know.

If you would have came to me back in my high school days and told me "Hey bro, I know a proven system that will attract anything you want in life. All you have to do is change how your subconscious mind operates.", I would have laughed at you. Why? Because I was still entrenched in the system that society portrayed in my eyes. But once I hit rock bottom, I was able to allow myself to be open-minded and only then did I see the system for what it really is. And it also showed me how people would purposely get in your way just so you don't become open-minded and an independent thinker.

You gotta love subs like AOSI. I've yet to try it, but I can already tell it can and will shift your reality when you allow it to work. And even with other subs, you're already a step ahead of at least 90% of the population. You have seen what was behind the curtain. Now you know how to get back there.

Very true. I used to be mad and spiteful about my past and shit I went through, but now I'm thankful for the lows that I fell to. Otherwise, I wouldn't be on the path that I am right now toward the highest of highs that I can dream or will dream of.

I'm also seeing more and more of what you guys mentioned too about people being stuck in a system and pigeonholed into a certain perspective and view on life and existence and purpose etc. It truly is mindboggling how many sheep there are.
(06-17-2016, 11:41 AM)SargeMaximus Wrote: [ -> ]Crazy story. Made me kind of lol because of your neice. Seems like a video game type situation where you have a dog/kid/monster/whatever that helps you with your quests lol.

Anyhow, not sure what the picture of the receipt was for but the shirt looks good. You just need some gold chains, baggy white pants and white (or black) shoes. Top it off with a NYY cap and you're good to go. Tongue

I was trying to cover the chick's name with my thumb, and realized that I ended up covering the damn date too -- which is why I posted in the first place, to prove that I went this morning, as stated. Re-uploading in a sec, lol.

And lol, that's my workout gear, man. My "going out" style is a bit more "artsy." People always think I'm some millennial liberal type until I start talking. Not really conservative either. I'm not sure wtf I am politically.
(06-17-2016, 11:54 AM)chaosvrgn Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-17-2016, 11:41 AM)SargeMaximus Wrote: [ -> ]Crazy story. Made me kind of lol because of your neice. Seems like a video game type situation where you have a dog/kid/monster/whatever that helps you with your quests lol.

Anyhow, not sure what the picture of the receipt was for but the shirt looks good. You just need some gold chains, baggy white pants and white (or black) shoes. Top it off with a NYY cap and you're good to go. Tongue

I was trying to cover the chick's name with my thumb, and realized that I ended up covering the damn date too -- which is why I posted in the first place, to prove that I went this morning, as stated. Re-uploading in a sec, lol.

And lol, that's my workout gear, man. My "going out" style is a bit more "artsy." People always think I'm some millennial liberal type until I start talking. Not really conservative either. I'm not sure wtf I am politically.

Oh, lol. Well I appreciate you providing proof. That's definitely lacking in these kinds of forums.

But I think the "50 Cent" look would be awesome for you. Not sure if you figured out what your style is, but if I was black, ID be all over that. Heck, I still might. I've always been tempted to sport that look. Tongue
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