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Yes, these subs are disrupting the market.

I got attraction from girls before AOS, but I didn't believe in it that much. When I started to see freaky results my confidence got a significant boost. I was suddenly "in demand" once again, just like when I was a cocky little kid charming women everywhere.

I think it was around the time I joined this forum, had been running AOS for 5-6 months that I went into this 7Eleven store around 3 am to buy spagetti. I mean, how stupid is that. The girl at the register said and I quote "ah, you're buying spagetti. so when are we going to make that at your place?" in those exact words. Wtf? Her male co-worker was even more shocked than I was. From what I've heard, this doesn't happen to a lot of guys.

Regarding supps, glutamine and BCAA has worked well for me for over a year now. Glutamine is amazing for digestion just like magnesium supplement, actually better. Nootrpics? I've tried quite a few, but none of them worked apart from phenibut. It really does as advertised. Also yohimbe gave me a sizable boner, but none of the other natural stuff worked. Preworkouts are great tho, I mix one scoop of Neurocore and The Curse each and it's really the best of both worlds. Mental focus and pump. Maybe Noopept works for other people, but I didn't notice anything over the course of months. Even adrafinil was a huge let down compared to adderall, modafinil etc. It's like comparing Tongkat to Cialis, the entire world is the difference.
(06-19-2016, 10:53 PM)chaosvrgn Wrote: [ -> ]Wooow. I think I've discovered the perfect consumption based source to supercharge the aura.
(06-20-2016, 07:00 PM)chaosvrgn Wrote: [ -> ]My L-Glutamine idea seems to be working. I've felt immersed in the aura almost all day, from the time I first took the cocktail until now (L-Glutamine, Fish Oil, Choline, B-Vitamins).
(06-21-2016, 08:55 AM)chaosvrgn Wrote: [ -> ]Twenty minutes after consuming my latest nootropic blend and I feel the aura raging. If anyone's interested, here's the latest regiment:

L-Glutamine, 4.5g
Fish Oil - 1600 EPA / 1200 DHA
Uridine - 250mg x 2 day
B-Vitamin Complex (I use the Jarrow's B-Right Mix)
ALCAR - 500mg
And if I need an extra boost, I'll add Noopept or Oxiracetam

There were many articles to pick from, this is were I got my references.
How Much to Use:
Typically, the best dosage is between 2 to 5 grams twice daily, and up to 10 grams daily for serious power athletes.
Math: 1000mg equals 1 gram

I'm not a serious power athlete, I feel your disbelief!! I'm 50, Male. I decided to start with 2 grams. My Mom, Female (obviously), 71 y/o. She said 2 grams made her feel bloated, she's 5 feet tall and had her gallbladder removed. So I lowered her dosage to 1 gram and she feels terrific.

We both have steady energy levels, eat less because we feel full, and lost our craving for sweets and this is only day two. Also, we take the L-Glutamine before every meal.

I went to two Walgreens and two Wal-Marts to purchase the L-Glutamine. The products were on the shelves in alphabetical order and the first 3 stores didn't even have it. I don't mean they were out of stock, they didn't have an empty space for it, they didn't carry L-Glutamine!! The fourth store, the second Wal-Mart had a bottle of 100 tablets 500mg for $5.

I went online and ordered from Amazon a bottle of 180 capsules 1500mg for $20.

2 grams for me of L-Glutamine before every meal.
1 gram for Mom of L-Glutamine before every meal.
We are happy with the results, so I've decided not to use Chaosvrgn's nootropic blend.
Great stuff as usual, 4Kingdoms!

For anyone interested, here's the brand of glutamine available at (some) Wal-marts:

You can probably use the link to see if your local Wal-Mart stocks it before heading down. BUT, we may not even need it anymore once V2 comes out.

And here's pics I just took of the bottle and the instructions (hence why I was taking 10g). But I also do MMA and lift pretty heavy.

[Image: image.jpg]
[Image: image.jpg]
(06-23-2016, 04:55 PM)chaosvrgn Wrote: [ -> ]Great stuff as usual, 4Kingdoms!

You can probably use the link to see if your local Wal-Mart stocks it before heading down. BUT, we may not even need it anymore once V2 comes out.

Thanks!! Just giving credit where credit is due. I'm really glad you shared this with the forum!!

Not need L-Glutamine?? Are you kidding... I hope everyone tries it just to feel like I feel!!
I halved my dosage today, so I guess about 2.5g and I feel fine, guess it was a matter of building up to it.
(06-30-2016, 03:29 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Changing the name from DAOSI to Maximum Sexual Irresistibility.
4Kingdoms... interesting post Smile
Name change to reflect my life on the newly named MSI. This gon' be my life:
Except you'll have the car full of sexy girls aswell.
Alright, fam --

Just loaded up v2.2. Gonna keep editing this particular message with initial impressions. Once I get back from my date / adventures tonight, I'll go into much more detail.

@ 10 mins -- Shannon ain't playing no games. This has to be a powerful sub. I'm getting the euphoric, "I wanna float away in a dream" feeling.

@ 15 mins -- I feel the energy flooding. This is a vastly different experience than v1. This aura "feels focused," if that makes any sense. It's hard to explain. It's light and airy -- imagine a fan blowing warm, but cozy air (like sitting at the perfect distance from a fireplace) across your body. I feel sexual. Not horny, but literally, sexual. This is so powerful that my mind wants to say it's placebo, but just before I started, I did a mental alchemy technique that allows me to check my internal emotional state. Before I began, I was full of tension because of my pre-date responsibilities. v2.2 is causing me to kinda... not care. Like, whatever happens will happen. Must be state shifting.

@30 mins -- Calm. Cool. Collected. My body feels light. This feels amazing. No fear. Pure confidence. Anyone ever tried P114 pheromone? Imagine that, but much more relaxed.

@1 hr 20 mins (I think) -- Had to run to the store to grab shaving cream. Saw this really pretty blonde. I spontaneously started singing "Doin' Time / Summertime" by Sublime.

You know the song:
summmmertiiiiiiiiiiiime and the livin's easy

She cracked up, said it was her favorite song (p.s. don't think MSI makes you psychic -- every southern white girl likes this song Big Grin). We chatted in line. Didn't number close because I dunno.

Will keep updating until it's time to leave (around 7:00 - 7:30 est).
So you're running DMSI v2.2 with AM6 S5?
(07-13-2016, 01:24 PM)Vincent_Vega Wrote: [ -> ]So you're running DMSI v2.2 with AM6 S5?

OK. Let me preface this journal with the following: Shannon has stated multiple times not to mix 5G subs with anything else. Period. And he's right. If you look through my journal, you'll see that every post AOSI / MSI run was met with EXTREME, EXTREME resistance afterward. I got lucky and turned out okay the last time, but that's no guarantee that I'll get the same results this time. Look at my above message -- I dunno if it's because I've progressed in AM6 and I have less GSF or what, but this tech FEELS stronger. In Shannon's thread, he describes it as "subconscious turbulence." Yes, that's exactly what it feels like. You just... do nothing. Except mope around. Feel depressed. For like, days. And, you may potentially derail your AM6 run.

B-b-but chaos? Why are you doing it then? Well, I have a tendency to live my life like a kid running around a candy store being chased by the cops because his d*ck's hanging out, and I *could* get away, but there's a brand new flavor of Bubble Yum, so I rush back into the store to try and steal it.

I'm not going to moralize to anyone -- it's your mind, your body, your life. However, don't use my ridiculousness as an excuse to try and skirt the instructions. As always, if I report anything negative, please keep in mind that I am NOT following the instructions and have ignored multiple warnings not to mix these subs.

... I just like doin' hoodrat stuff. Smile

EDIT: On the flipside, don't preach at and moralize to me either. Clearly, I really don't give a f*ck and I'm gonna do it anyway. It's like I told another forum member: Do you argue with the sun for rising in the morning? Because this is happening. Sit back and enjoy with amused curiosity peeps.
Didn't try to moralize you. Just wanted to know if you're really running v2.2 and S5 at the same time Wink
(07-13-2016, 01:42 PM)Vincent_Vega Wrote: [ -> ]Didn't try to moralize you. Just wanted to know if you're really running v2.2 and S5 at the same time Wink

I'm not targeting you, brother. Just went ahead and got that message out of the way before anyone did. Anyone other than Shannon, of course. I'm expecting him to pop in and bonk me in the head for doing this.
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