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Full Version: LionMonkeys journey to become more of a real man with AM2011
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I actually think you are doing fine. Just keep going and make sure the meeting happens. Like Shannon said, if you are pegged in the friend zone you may have to go direct-sexual to get out. If that's the case, do it in person. Take her out asap and escalate things. Don't spend time with random small-talk over text message. She texts you, she wants to meet you, lead it that way.

Honestly, I don't know what you mean by, "direct-sexual".

I will not do something that feels unnatural or not "me" but I will be myself and when I feel that she wants it too or wants it more than me, I'll make a move. Otherwise, I'll just be myself, have fun and be curious and interested about her...

I asked her about her cheerleading session and she texted me with some of her feelings about what happened. I made her think about something else and made her laugh through some creative texting.

Stage 6 - Day 17,

I met with the cheerleader girl yesterday night, we went to this cozy café.

Hmm, all in all I was pretty comfortable most of the time but I sensed that she felt un-comfortable from time to time even though she was a really confident girl.

I think I f***ed up and the attraction went into this "limbo". She asked a lot of questions every time there were silence between us.

I also had some doubts and she was way younger than I thought.

By the end of it I began to doubt too. Her body-language was very open. I had an intuition to go in for a kiss but my head said something else. I don't know why I asked about how it is with the guy she is seeing, she then told me that they've just announced officially that they are in a relationship few days earlier. It was a stupid end. We walked out and we hugged and she said, "It was nice".

I wrote this evening, "Hey xyz. Thanks for yesterday. Hope you had a good time. I know I had ;-)"

Now she is Nexted. I'm sure there were some things I took from the hang-out.

Besides that, we got moved from our table twice and we got offered our drinks for free. Good stuff, haha.

- LM
Eh. LionMonkey sounds similar to my results during Alpha Male. But you are almost done and once you get on Sex Magnet your results are going to change with your dates. I can promise that. I also stopped doing the whole "I had a good time with you" after a date. I think that if I gave her a good time she will text me... and yes, 8/10 times they do. I now believe 100% that it is a woman who should be sending you such texts, not you. Keep going.

Great to hear Ryan.

It was just a set-back for me but I am going to keep moving forward with my affirmations and the subliminal...

I see good recommendations on the Disconnect From Negativity Within - do you think it's a good idea to use that for a month before starting SM after I'm done with AM2011?

Oh and I have just got a part-time-job as a street-seller. When the mentor asked me how many subscribers I thought I could get in 1 work-day (5 hours) I said I have no idea, haven't tried something like this before. She insisted to just take a shot. I said 20. She was laughing but said that's great.. the highest people have thought they would get was around 10.

So AM2011 have definitely improved my confidence in myself (not so much in the subtle aspects in the women area)...
SM already deals with disconnecting from negativity within.
Really? Part of that script is already included? I'm planning to start it in the next 2 weeks.

Yes, it specifically deals with destroying negativity within. However, the whole script is very long and complex, and focusing on that aspect specifically can't hurt.
Sounds just.. great!
Probably going to do a few days above 32 in this last stage and then SM!

I can't wait to see whats next! ;-)
Stage 6 - Day 30,

So... this roller coaster is going to end soon.

I got a new part-time job as a street marketer and it gives me opportunity to talk to a lot of people all the time. I've done it two days (a week in between). My strengths are I am charming and good-looking and I have a good body-language. My weaknesses are not being 100% confident in my product and to be creative in the moment so people get curious and interested and wants it.

I had a evaluation with my captain and the CEO today about my "game" in this field of selling for "Save The Children" my CEO told me that I got a lot of potential but I'm not using it.
When I listen to people (coaches or someone who I directly want to learn from) they always tell me that I got SO much potential but I ain't using it. Sometimes even friends tells me.. dude.. you should be like surrounded by women everywhere you go.. because thats what they think of me...

Now I think I am in this "limbo", realistically seen. Also I tend to think subconsciously (have doubts) when I am opening people all the time.

Something like;
Being open, warm, smily, less focused and not feeling 100% confident because you are showing so much and also because you are not used to being that (feels a bit fake) = What I do at the moment..
Versus; Being focused, still, smirk / little smile and feeling 100% confident because you are feeling like a sexy motherfucker who is worthy = What I was thinking of doing.

What do you think I could possibly do to better myself in the best way with this?

Also.. is there a subliminal which can improve your "seller, instincts?"

I mean, essentially we are all selling ourselves almost all the time but it's with all the bullshit and crap out there that have confused my way of thinking. Of being myself, me, who I really am...

- LM
Thanks Shannon - I am saving that.

Yesterday night I was at a warmup. Three friends and a new cute girl. Half french and half danish. She is like every other 17-24 year old girl, loving Twilight, Taylor Lautner, etc.

She said something like, "every girl wants how Ryan Gosling is in Drive. When he takes his gloves off with the redhead girl and being a man, being in control of the situation, even though he's been all this nice all the time".

Which of course strikes me as attentive, yet not needy but manly. Later I told her that girls doesn't even know what they want, which made her eager to try explain it again, which I made fun of.

Also because I wasn't given her so much attention as all the other guys and didn't really talk with her. She began to tell me that I looked serious and when I was sitting in the sofa, she told me I looked like a serious mafia. (the worst part was I tried to smile in order to feel good when I sat in the sofa lol).

I was like what? What do you mean? and we talked a bit about it later. First, she said she thought I was shy and insecure? (which I was like.. okay...?) Then she said I looked like I own it, like.. I have this expression in my face like indifference and she thought that I could be like Ryan in the movie.

I said she made it sound like a bad thing in the start when she commented about the way I was carrying myself. She said, no it's not a bad thing (she told me that after I had interacted with her a bit and being honest with her). She mentioned "me and my girl friend(s) have been talking about such kinds of guys". Made me curious but I don't remember her tell me what theses kinds of guys are like to them...

Hmm.. guess I loss my frame and lost my power when I asked about her comments on me..
What do you think?

- LM
Sure. However, SM is going to take you to that next level. Guarantee it. All of those insecurities I had at the end were gone and I no longer cared what a woman thought. I go out and can hardly say anything and yet they want me. Stop listening to what they say (and esp. how to act!) and pay attention to how they respond non-verbally Wink

It was my curiosity that made me do that.

Great to hear Ryan! You are right again! I need to be a bit smarter and take more action!
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