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Now that is awesome.
I met the petite, blonde again (4 days after) yesterday on my way to crossfit and this time I gave her my number and she said, "I'll send you a text".

After my training late night, I get this;

Her: "Hii was it a good training?Big Grin"

Me: "Hi xyz:-) yes, I died slowly..."

Her: "Haha :b where is you are training?"

Me: "At xyz. Why? Are you doing sports?"

Her: "Just wondering about the bus you took to get thereBig Grin hmm I am cheerleader and I play music in the garden.

Me: "I also prefer to fly to get there, but it's so cold in the winter! Hehe. And interesting :-) what are your plans friday night?

Her: "ThihiBig Grin hmm I have work till 17:30 but else I don't think I have anything to do.

Me: "Ok. I'm going to xyz at abc friday night. Why don't you come and join me over a drink? :-)

Her: "Unfortunately, no I will have many guests Saturday, so it isn't going to work out if I get hangoverWink"

Her: "Otherwise, it sounds really niceBig Grin

Me: "Hmm.. Do you have anything else in mind?"

Her: "I don't think at all anymore sweetie am too tiredWink"

Me: "Sweet dreams"

Her: "Thanks"

What do you think about this situation? Her plans wasn't in alignment with mine. (which was made up anyways Tongue) I don't know. I think I like this girl.
She seems interested, but she also seems to be shit testing you by being slightly unavailable to see what you'll do, from my assessment. Play it cool. Give her some time before you suggest getting together again. Tell her by doing that, that you're not desperate for her, even if you stay in touch with her. Then casually mention where you'll be at some point when she could join you, without specifically inviting her, and see what she says. If nothing, or she's seeming interested, say something like, "You know you're welcome to join me if you like." And see what she says. If it's another "schedule conflict", I would then say, "Well tell you what. If you want to hang out, let me know. We'll figure something out." and then just let that aspect of it go. Two strikes and then she can make some effort if she's interested.

That's what I'd do in most cases. If I was really interested, I might try to influence her interest level to motivate her to pursue me, also. But if she's like "Gotta have her" hot, I would be very direct and immediately try to get her to spend time with me. The key there is to be direct without being rude or overly aggressive, and not come across as needy, but bold and interested.
I was really interested the first time I met her but it has faded a bit and now it's more I like her and I would like to get to know her before I make up my mind even though she's a very beautiful girl.

Quote:The key there is to be direct without being rude or overly aggressive, and not come across as needy, but bold and interested.

Shannon, you got to teach me this! I've had TONS of mistakes in this and it seems like I've only learned very little from the mistakes...

Quote:If I was really interested, I might try to influence her interest level to motivate her to pursue me, also.

I have no idea or sense on how to do this on text. I think also especially when I don't like to use my time on something that turns out to not being mutual or real.
Quote:The key there is to be direct without being rude or overly aggressive, and not come across as needy, but bold and interested.

Shannon, you got to teach me this! I've had TONS of mistakes in this and it seems like I've only learned very little from the mistakes...

Let's say I meet someone I am extremely interested in. Let's say we're on a bus or a flight, and she strikes me as potential wife material, and I know I can't let her get away without trying. I would talk her up as much as possible to make my assessment based on as much info as possible, and then say, for instance:

"Look, I normally don't do this, usually I spend a while getting to know someone beforehand. But I think there's something extraordinary about you, and given the short amount of time I have left to do this, I think we should stay in contact and get to know each other better. In fact I'd like to give you my phone number, and if you have some time, I'd like to have coffee with you when we get off the plane/bus/whatever. You strike me as being the kind of woman a guy could spend his whole life looking for, and I'd really hate myself if I didn't at least try to get to know you better."

That of course would depend on the circumstances as to how it was worded, but that's an example of bold and direct in my style. Just be direct, honest, and let her know that you're being so forward because you see that she's obviously an exceptionally good catch and you only have a little bit of time to make this possibility happen. She'll appreciate the compliment and as long as you're respectful and not too push, she'll let you know if she's interested or not. If she is, take it from there, and exchange contact info ASAP.

Quote:If I was really interested, I might try to influence her interest level to motivate her to pursue me, also.

I have no idea or sense on how to do this on text. I think also especially when I don't like to use my time on something that turns out to not being mutual or real.

Through text, it's not as easy as what I do. I usually use PSE or pheromones (or both) to do this part, if I have a short amount of time to get her interested. I hate texting and I avoid it whenever possible. I prefer to be IN PERSON when I attract a woman. If I have more time, multiple encounters, etc. I will just feel her out and figure out what is required and then go for that.

You really have to learn to read body language, vocal cues, facial cues, cues from actions, choices of words, etc. to be able to know how to game a woman in a way that is right for her. There is no one way that works for every woman, although the Mystery Method does come close, from what I am told.
Stage 6 - Day 8,

Thanks Shannon. I appreciate you are taking your time to help me out. I'm sticking through with AM2011. I've just checked and I have seen there are a lot of new subliminals. Amazingly specific too. So many options! I've already bought SM, so I'm pretty sure to stick through with that after this unless something very inspiring catches my thoughts for the standards (old ones which I had forgotten) I have on myself...

It ended up with this: She texted me when she got off from work;

Her: "So whats up. Are you going to abc tonight?Smile"

Me: "Hi xyz :-) not anyway. My friend doesn't work there tonight."

Her: "Well sad sad, I am sorry I couldn't come at leastBig Grin"

Me: "Then I am also fresh for some crossfit tomorrow noon, hehe. Yes, let's figure something out another day :-) Is it you who is running back and forth outside in stilettos? ;-p"

Her: "Haha yes you are. Yes it could be niceBig Grin Haha no no, I've just come home from work Tongue

Me: "Someone is trying to "sound" like you ;-p A stressed one! Haha

Her: Haha!

I think it's only a matter of time before I invite her to something again. Just need to find a space in time. I prefer the weekend, which means next weekend.
I've also thought about Sunday chill with her but I'm not sure if it's coming off as too aggressive...
Don't worry about being 'too aggressive'. You could have just said something like "I'm sorry, I'm not going to be there tonight. However, if you want, I'll be free Saturday and Sunday we can grab a coffee or something."

I invited her out.

Me: "hey, I am free Friday and Saturday next week. We can get a cup of coffee or a glass of wine if you want

Her: "I think I can, am not sureWink"

Me: "Ok. That sounds fairly? Haha.. I think I saw your mom, on my way to training today ;-p"

1-2 hours later

Her: "My mom? Ohh well"

Me: "She had the same beautiful deep, ocean blue eyes, like yours hehe. Anyways xyz, you can just text me when you find out if you can.

Her: "Haha! Will do that.

Her: "We can go out friday I think but it's probably going to be just as friends right now. Because I am almost together with someone else but you seem like super cool and sweet/cute so I want to go out with you as a friend. If you still are interested thenBig Grin"

I think it would be fun, with a challenge to go out with her but on the other side, I wouldn't be honest because I won't just be a friend.
What do you think about this situation?
You've been pegged a nice guy, and are now in the friend zone. That's what I think.
(01-14-2012, 04:41 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]You've been pegged a nice guy, and are now in the friend zone. That's what I think.

@Shannon, supposing this also happened to me, will the sub FYPFWB be effective to use on her? or can I adapt her mindset?, meaning I'll decide to put her on the friend zone and every time we go out and chill together, she'll be my social proof to attract hotter girls in the venue.

@LionMonkey, Good Luck to you man.
(01-15-2012, 02:15 AM)seabiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-14-2012, 04:41 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]You've been pegged a nice guy, and are now in the friend zone. That's what I think.

@Shannon, supposing this also happened to me, will the sub FYPFWB be effective to use on her? or can I adapt her mindset?, meaning I'll decide to put her on the friend zone and every time we go out and chill together, she'll be my social proof to attract hotter girls in the venue.

@LionMonkey, Good Luck to you man.

As far as I know, there are only two things you can do in this situation. Give up and walk away... I would say completely... or you can jump to full on direct aggressive sexual mode and try to de-rail her "Friend Zone" mindset.

The latter must usually be done very soon after you realize she has put you in the friend zone, unless she has an emotionally based personality core, in which case it is still possible to change her mind at any time as long as you do the right things. It's most likely to fail, and can blow up in your face quite spectacularly, but it's about the only thing that can "save the ship" at that point.

Most women have a very short "window of opportunity" for saving the ship once they've put you in the friend zone, after which it would require some pretty drastic actions to get her to change her mind. Stuff you don't want to be doing.

If she is of an emotional core personality, you can change her mind at any time as long as you are persistent and appeal to her emotions or her lizard brain consistently enough and long enough.
(01-14-2012, 04:41 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]You've been pegged a nice guy, and are now in the friend zone. That's what I think.

I disagree.

She has only known me for a very short amount of time in person. Also the way I read behind the lines, (out of this situation) is that she's not sure about me yet because we've spent very little time together and we don't know each other.

I think she told me that to not seem easy and to let me know that she wants to get to know me and see if I am compatible with her.

So I played along;

Me: "It would make me wonder if you didn't have someone you were seeing :-) Friday it is!"

Her: "Can we make it, to change to Saturday sweetie, I have work Saturday morning so Friday would be a bit sadWink"

Me: "Yes it would. Actually I also have a job-interview Saturday morning, so it fits perfectly :-)"

Her: "SuperBig Grin"

Her: "What are you doing?Smile"

Me: "Just came home from some training. Am going to take a warm, cozy shower! You?"

Her: "Sounds niceBig Grin actually I am about to drive to trainingTongue"

Me: "What training?"

Me: "Well, good training :-)"

Her: "CheerleadingBig Grin"

Me: "xyz, I like it! :-)"

I can only present my best self when we are together and she can either take it or leave it. I didn't say I would be non-sexual ;-)

I think I am doing pretty well. I've never really liked texting and most of the times I am coming off as too intrusive but it seems like that has changed.

I wonder if it's AM that is steering me to feel more deserving of everything :-)
I can certainly be wrong on this. I have only small bits of information to go on. I hope you're right.
The key points I notice is really; why would she initiate contact so often? and why would she even spend time with me, if she wasn't somewhere sexually interested? We have only met three times in person.

First - I complimented her and gave her space

Second - the same day, 3 hours after the first meeting, she initiated contact, walked towards me, back from where she came

Third - 4 days after, I meet her on my way to training and I give her my number, she says she'll text me and does it at night..

Anyways.. let's see what the following week will bring :-)
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