08-02-2015, 05:31 AM
Never do quick deduction. Finish then criticize. The best is yet to come.
Maybe. Maybe not. LOL
Lighten the mood shall we?
Maybe. Maybe not. LOL
Lighten the mood shall we?

Subliminal Talk
by Indigo Mind Labs
08-02-2015, 05:31 AM
Never do quick deduction. Finish then criticize. The best is yet to come.
Maybe. Maybe not. LOL Lighten the mood shall we? ![]()
08-02-2015, 05:44 AM
(08-02-2015, 05:31 AM)AlphaMind Wrote: Never do quick deduction. Finish then criticize. The best is yet to come. Haha, deduction is important, because CatMan is 30 years. I know how he feels. Easier said than done. How's your progress AlphaMind, any good? ![]()
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08-02-2015, 05:51 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-02-2015, 05:53 AM by GlaizenGold777.)
RTBoss said:
Quote:Suddenly, where before you were "safe" b/c, frankly, you were just a friend who's fun to flirt with, you are now an object of desire and they're confused. And scared. They literally don't even know how to behave around you anymore, so it's your job to approach and make them feel extremely comfortable with you. Assuage their fear. Start to look at this from a different perspective - this is a good thing! At first, I want to write the same thing, but CatMan already stated in the first place that (sentence I bold) looks perfect cop out for him, that's why I try to give different perspective to him. See this post : CatMan said: Quote:I mean, I'd love to cop out and say "those girls avoid me because they're so hugely sexually attracted to me that they're scared by it", but that doesn't feel genuine and realistic. Plus, I see them talk to other guys and they light right up and are "normal", just like they used to be with ME before subs. It's so bizarre. Somehow, subs have actually ruined that vibe and made me regress with them, I can't explain that at all. It was noted during AM6, now even worse during SM3.
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08-02-2015, 06:53 AM
CatMan we are quite close in our SM3 runs and have similarities in our story of being young and not having much of the experience. First of all I will say that while I still don't get results I want, I definitely notice the improvements and people around me does to. In last few months I had more dates than i last 5 years and it is moving into a good direction (baby steps, you still have to learn a lot without subs, you need experience). Now about girls, I noticed that I have to increase the quality of girls I go after because simply they are either not interesting to me or simply doesn't click with me anymore. I simply outgrew them. So this might be a reason why you struggle with girls from the past.
Now about hours while you try to listen for 20h a day, I do ~12h-14h and spend a lot of time not in home. Even if it is a time with a friend somewhere in cafe I believe it still presents me opportunities to meet girls and overall improve my social abilities. Also I had an improvement plan. First I wanted to learn how to text with girls ( pretty much haven't done that for 2 years before, so was totally out ;/) (bless the tinder here). Second to go and get as many dates as possible (not in pick up style, but overall through social interactions and so on), even if you don't see yourself dating that girl, as long as she is 7+ go and invite her out, you will learn something from it. Third would be to learn how to escalate and bed her (still have a hard time figuring action plan for getting her to bed, these days either she wants to date me or is not interested and I overpush). Other things I did was improve my style, find some friends who are good and popular with girls, create a life goal for myself and now I am working on raising my social status and fixing and improving my facebook profile, because I noticed that it does attract a great flow of girls if you manage it well. Basically small attention to details and practice is still the key here. Most likely I will still do immediate run of SM3 again after finishing it, so don't worry if you don't get everything you want immediately.
I definately do have negative beliefs in my sexual attraction as Boss says. Absolutely. I suppose if I had actually had some sexual success earlier in my life, I'd KNOW it's possible for me to do it. Then I wouldn't have such a mountain for SM3 to climb, but it is what it is. It's okay, I knew going into this, that SM3 would have a real war on it's hands with me. I'm a big boy, I made my bed...I'm laying in it and will do so until Halloween as I'm supposed to.
JBDefence, thank you very much for your words. And yes, I have no choice but to push forward. I will not quit this program. I'd be a coward and a hypocrite and telling others it's wrong to do it, if I do it myself. I will lead by example! Everyone else, you're absolute kings for your words. I thank you and am glad to be in the company of such fine people. I will continue to strive to be worthy of your words.
08-02-2015, 07:10 AM
(08-02-2015, 05:26 AM)CatMan Wrote: All in all, I'm both very disappointed, and very surprised by the lack of results. This was not what I was expecting. Again, it could pick up the last two stages, but as I've said before, I feel if that was going to happen I probably should've seen something other than the OGSF by now. Look at it this way, if a guy because of a lifelong programming from church, society, teachers, liberal left wing wackos everywhere; is ashamed of having/making/recieving money, feels that 'money is the root of all evil', that 'good people are modest/god loves the poor', has fear of success/fear of being judged/abandoned by his poor friends. If he is feeling and thinking all that crap, how much money do you think is flowing into this guys life? I really think that OGSF, is just working through some very fat and nasty piles in your mind. You just have to be strong and patient, Rome was not made in a day. What you talk about girls being less responsive than before is very interesting, a lot of things could be happening, maybe the cognitive dissonance going on in your mind between old and new programming is fuc*ing up your vibes, you said this happened also in stages 4,5,6 of AM6? I know from my experience that the vibes are real, during stage 4,5,6 of am6 first run and now in my 2nd run i definetly have seen more interest and catching eyes than i have ever had since i was 14yo. Up until i was 14yo i was doing ok, was an outgoing happy person, then bulliying rejection and other crap fucked me up, and it was not until i was 27 and with Am6 that i started getting the looks again. So yeah, keep on keeping on!
08-02-2015, 07:17 AM
(08-02-2015, 05:26 AM)CatMan Wrote:(08-02-2015, 04:59 AM)GlaizenGold777 Wrote: This make me think about the aura, did they feel they unsafe around you because your aura from "approachable" become "unapproachable"? We don't know. I'll still run SM and let see if my assumptsion is correct or not. In AM v6, my journal is have a lot similarity with yours, great manifestation, great social circle, easily talk with women, etc, etc. I learnt much about aura, and I don't know but your result pick interest to me to that subject. Hey CatMan. I don't post much, mostly follow along with how others are doing, especially when I'm feeling the heat from these subs. I'm about 1 or 2 weeks behind you, and I've been following your progress pretty closely; silently rooting for your success. I am currently running SM after one run of AM6, and I am logging about 12-14 hours a day. I'm a little older than you, I've been married, have kids, BUT that was the result of me settling at one point, not because of my skills with women. I'm in about a 5-year dry spell after a 12-year marriage. OK - enough background I think... I realize this isn't the best thread for this - your journal would be better - but I prefer to respond to your comments directly since you made them here. I too felt like SM was giving me a lack of results. Until this past week. Then something snapped, and it's like a surreal flood of changes has come all at once. Women are coming out of the woodworks so to speak. Here are just a few examples - all this past week... While they may seem minor, I can assure you that they are not. It's just hard to convey what happened in a forum post. I have one really hot woman that I've seen in my building at work, but never approached or talked to, start pursuing me. Never happened before. I had a women in a bar start testing me while I'm sitting alone - telling me I give off a freaky ex-husband vibe, with a guy hanging on her arm. She reacts to my response so strongly that she tells the bartender that the room is "full of extreme sexual tension" while gazing right into my eyes and licking her lips. That guy still hanging on her arm - utterly confused. Reactions like this have never happened to me before. People were still talking about it the next day - about how she looked like she was going to **** me right there in the bar. I've had more than one fight with the female bartenders (21 & 29 y/o) at my usual hangout. I've never fought with them before - but I can't help calling out their BS. My BS destruction meter is pegged full-throttle. I am changing, and they don't understand their reactions to me. They are confused. Now granted, I am not having sex at the moment. But then again, these changes are clearly showing me that SM3 is working. I can feel it working now, where I couldn't feel it 2 weeks ago. Stage 3 has been hard for me. I've broken down and cried several times (which I haven't done in years). I've had massive mood swings, and what felt like a brick wall of resistance. My point is - keep moving. Start meditating just a few minutes a day (try the Mindfulness Meditation app if you have an iPhone). Begin to let go of the labels that you continue to apply to yourself. The past doesn't matter AT ALL. Concentrate on right now. Keep listening, keep growing and learning. And remember, I'm right behind you. ![]()
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.
08-02-2015, 07:33 AM
Wait a sec, is this about SM or WM?
![]() ![]()
08-02-2015, 07:40 AM
Chopp said :
Quote:My point is - keep moving. Start meditating just a few minutes a day (try the Mindfulness Meditation app if you have an iPhone). Begin to let go of the labels that you continue to apply to yourself. The past doesn't matter AT ALL. Concentrate on right now. Keep listening, keep growing and learning. And remember, I'm right behind you. Cool That's one big point Chopp, you're right. The past is the past, now is now, if your past isn't good, then change it right now, don't use past as an excuse. ![]()
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08-02-2015, 08:25 AM
Voytek is right. As I said before, this derail seemed to happen accidentally.
I apologise again to all WM2 fans/readers, ironic SM3 took over the thread ![]()
08-02-2015, 10:38 AM
Off-topic: Seeing a stanza from "Invictus" in Chopp's signature in post 38 stirred up some feelings within me. I am glad it happened.
A Better Alex (ISTJ): EPRHA → ASC → AM6 → …
A Sexy Alex (ESTJ-T): BIABWS+DAOS → DMSI → … A Better Alex (ENFJ-T): AM6 → …
08-02-2015, 10:53 AM
(08-02-2015, 07:40 AM)GlaizenGold777 Wrote: Chopp said : Thats right being in the moment is very important way of being. Wm has some scripting for being in the moment and releasing the past.
"Your purpose explains what you are doing with your life. Your vision explains how you are living your purpose. Your goals enable you to realize your vision." - Bob Proctor
"You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, or the past,but you can change yourself." -- Jim Rohn
08-02-2015, 03:24 PM
I agree with the theory that before you were kind of just the 'friend' and now you are actually becoming a 'sexual threat' so they are avoiding you now because they are seeing you differently now.
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