12-08-2014, 10:52 AM
(12-08-2014, 02:38 AM)in3deep Wrote: Hi all
Big big resistance or sadness or whatever u can it
Since I started running the sub during 1st Nov, I did'nt have any dreams about the girl who let me down.
However, Past couple of days I had dreams about the girl who broke my heart... But it was not so much of a big deal...small dreams which din cause much emotions.. Today I had a dream about her again... This time damn... Even after waking up, I can't get rid of the sinking feeling... Dun wanna goto too much details... But it was something along the lines of "I know You are disappointed and I can't do anything to change it, but I care about u even though u think that I don't "
I'm wondering if this is due to the sub or due to something else.., if it was resistance I'm wondering y the dream made me miss the past again instead of helping me let go
Could be the sub helping to clear that subconscious sadness and fear of it happening again. AYP's should also work on your inner self to prepare you for the arrival of this wonderful woman..sounds like you're on the right track