Day 3 of no E2 continued....
So after 47 days of E2 I'm categorically saying its not worked on me
I have procrastinated all day, literally been a sloth/slug/lazy today as theres no uni.
I had a shower and then called my family back home.
I was talking to my sister about some stuff she may have to get for me, she's doing me a favour yet when we talk its either because I'm long winded or that she's impatient but theres a complete misunderstanding at what I'm saying and what she's understanding and then it got me more irate which led me to get more angry or frustrated and then led me to try and stay controlled yet my language and voice was clearly unhappy and to her credit she became passive and allowed me to speak.
I was indirectly patronising her or verbally pointing out her error in misunderstanding me but i HATED myself for it.
After the phone call I feel crap absolutely crap!!!
I know E2 hasnt worked on my procrastination issues which apparently the world believes is indicative of fear so ok it hasnt worked on this fear, however its not worked on my anger or frustration levels I don't believe. Some may say well ok you were controlled and didn't totally lose it which is true but thats because she didn't poke me back and cause me to lose it further.
So E2 hasnt worked on my anger, so Shannon already believes I have had resistance but come on with the technology upgrade in E2 from E1, as a 5G sub isn't it supposed to work on me by day 47 atleast?
I am now in the stage of course of having 7 days of no E2 and then going to start IYGSH until MLS comes out and as I've said before if MLS has no OP IYGSH and UM in it to the level I want and need then I may stick with IYGSH indefinitely UNTIL my university study habits and regime improve but right now I'm feeling very unhopeful indeed that any subs here will work on me.
Im in a sad place
So after 47 days of E2 I'm categorically saying its not worked on me
I have procrastinated all day, literally been a sloth/slug/lazy today as theres no uni.
I had a shower and then called my family back home.
I was talking to my sister about some stuff she may have to get for me, she's doing me a favour yet when we talk its either because I'm long winded or that she's impatient but theres a complete misunderstanding at what I'm saying and what she's understanding and then it got me more irate which led me to get more angry or frustrated and then led me to try and stay controlled yet my language and voice was clearly unhappy and to her credit she became passive and allowed me to speak.
I was indirectly patronising her or verbally pointing out her error in misunderstanding me but i HATED myself for it.
After the phone call I feel crap absolutely crap!!!
I know E2 hasnt worked on my procrastination issues which apparently the world believes is indicative of fear so ok it hasnt worked on this fear, however its not worked on my anger or frustration levels I don't believe. Some may say well ok you were controlled and didn't totally lose it which is true but thats because she didn't poke me back and cause me to lose it further.
So E2 hasnt worked on my anger, so Shannon already believes I have had resistance but come on with the technology upgrade in E2 from E1, as a 5G sub isn't it supposed to work on me by day 47 atleast?
I am now in the stage of course of having 7 days of no E2 and then going to start IYGSH until MLS comes out and as I've said before if MLS has no OP IYGSH and UM in it to the level I want and need then I may stick with IYGSH indefinitely UNTIL my university study habits and regime improve but right now I'm feeling very unhopeful indeed that any subs here will work on me.
Im in a sad place
OF3 5.75.7G 13/15Vol
1L-2O/3OF; (1L-2/2 5/6); (2L 19/6); (3L 27/6); (4L 9/7); (H4L 25/7)
W 19 May
MLS 5.5G: ≈70days x2, IYGSH: 54, E2: 78+48, DMSI 3.2: 56 & 22, UMOP1: 57+UMOP2: 33 = 90+10 US v12/15=100, OF: 45, OF2: 56days
1L-2O/3OF; (1L-2/2 5/6); (2L 19/6); (3L 27/6); (4L 9/7); (H4L 25/7)
W 19 May
MLS 5.5G: ≈70days x2, IYGSH: 54, E2: 78+48, DMSI 3.2: 56 & 22, UMOP1: 57+UMOP2: 33 = 90+10 US v12/15=100, OF: 45, OF2: 56days