02-27-2017, 08:18 AM
Day 28:
It seems that people are consciously finding reasons to resist their subs. Two months ago, I could barely walk up or down a flight of stairs without my knees being in intense, crippling pain. I had to down 2-3 Goody powders just to make it through boxing class. As of today, I've been officially invited to join the local MMA fight team, sponsored by UFC gym. I've been attending the place for two weeks, but the coaches noticed my dedication to martial arts (I show up every day, taking all three classes -- BJJ, Muay Thai and MMA). Means I get to train with UFC and kickboxing pros and possibly have some fights later this year.
From near crippled to emerging fighter. In one month. And what happens? 360 gets up here and suggests that it's placebo from HYPNOSIS. HYPNOSIS? WTF did that even come from? It can't be that the sub really is THAT awesome if you'd STFU and just let it do it's work.
No. It's hypnosis or placebo. But whatever. Ya'll do ya'll and enjoy substandard results.
ANYWAY, I'm reaching "Wolverine healing" status now. I'm able to workout extremely hard 3-4 days in a row with minimal DOMS or any kind of over training syndrome. I mean, VERY minimal. Like, Saturday's conditioning workout was as hard as my 1st degree black belt test, and I got right back up on Sunday and went hard as hell in Muay Thai. Then, got up today and went to the MMA tryouts, which was meant to make you feel like sh*t. Will be going to BJJ and MT tomorrow morning too.
Now, here's where the weird stuff comes in that I won't actually care if you discount because it sounds odd. I'm starting to develop some kind of... ESP or psychic awareness or some shit. It's really weird. I think it's the result of my physical brain being healed, but there's DEFINITELY something going on here. I mentioned this before, but I'm able to sense what people are thinking -- especially while sparring. Seems like it manifests most when I'm really tired or any kind of situation where heightened emotions are involved. Could this be the bed mastery stuff in DMSI, manifesting in a different manner?
Understand, it's not like I'm hearing their thoughts -- it's more like... being able to tell where the cold wind is blowing as it moves across your body, so you turn your back against the wind to brave it. Or, feeling an "awareness" when someone's looking at you... even if it's in their MIND'S EYE.
That happened today. The cute black chick I mentioned in an earlier journal came in for her MT class. She tried her best to avoid locking eyes with me. I thought I was being ghosted, until I noticed she kept peeking at me. She stood beside me for almost ten minutes wrapping her hands and doing other things (it doesn't take that long), then finally got right in front of me and started doing stretches, which conveniently meant showing me her ass.
I had just finished that MMA tryout class, so I was exhausted and wasn't looking, but I could FEEL her peeking at me. I finally looked up and caught her staring, DIHL while she did this stretch that required her to open her crotch in my direction. She realized what she was doing, jumped up and ran to the heavy bag.
F*ckin' DMSI.
... rofl hypnosis.
It seems that people are consciously finding reasons to resist their subs. Two months ago, I could barely walk up or down a flight of stairs without my knees being in intense, crippling pain. I had to down 2-3 Goody powders just to make it through boxing class. As of today, I've been officially invited to join the local MMA fight team, sponsored by UFC gym. I've been attending the place for two weeks, but the coaches noticed my dedication to martial arts (I show up every day, taking all three classes -- BJJ, Muay Thai and MMA). Means I get to train with UFC and kickboxing pros and possibly have some fights later this year.
From near crippled to emerging fighter. In one month. And what happens? 360 gets up here and suggests that it's placebo from HYPNOSIS. HYPNOSIS? WTF did that even come from? It can't be that the sub really is THAT awesome if you'd STFU and just let it do it's work.
No. It's hypnosis or placebo. But whatever. Ya'll do ya'll and enjoy substandard results.
ANYWAY, I'm reaching "Wolverine healing" status now. I'm able to workout extremely hard 3-4 days in a row with minimal DOMS or any kind of over training syndrome. I mean, VERY minimal. Like, Saturday's conditioning workout was as hard as my 1st degree black belt test, and I got right back up on Sunday and went hard as hell in Muay Thai. Then, got up today and went to the MMA tryouts, which was meant to make you feel like sh*t. Will be going to BJJ and MT tomorrow morning too.
Now, here's where the weird stuff comes in that I won't actually care if you discount because it sounds odd. I'm starting to develop some kind of... ESP or psychic awareness or some shit. It's really weird. I think it's the result of my physical brain being healed, but there's DEFINITELY something going on here. I mentioned this before, but I'm able to sense what people are thinking -- especially while sparring. Seems like it manifests most when I'm really tired or any kind of situation where heightened emotions are involved. Could this be the bed mastery stuff in DMSI, manifesting in a different manner?
Understand, it's not like I'm hearing their thoughts -- it's more like... being able to tell where the cold wind is blowing as it moves across your body, so you turn your back against the wind to brave it. Or, feeling an "awareness" when someone's looking at you... even if it's in their MIND'S EYE.
That happened today. The cute black chick I mentioned in an earlier journal came in for her MT class. She tried her best to avoid locking eyes with me. I thought I was being ghosted, until I noticed she kept peeking at me. She stood beside me for almost ten minutes wrapping her hands and doing other things (it doesn't take that long), then finally got right in front of me and started doing stretches, which conveniently meant showing me her ass.
I had just finished that MMA tryout class, so I was exhausted and wasn't looking, but I could FEEL her peeking at me. I finally looked up and caught her staring, DIHL while she did this stretch that required her to open her crotch in my direction. She realized what she was doing, jumped up and ran to the heavy bag.
F*ckin' DMSI.
... rofl hypnosis.