Day 6, Part 2:
I am currently experiencing some significant resistance that's related to MHS. Turns out that I have an intense, intense fear of being healed. For years, I've blamed certain life issues on my health. Particularly, a constant sense of lethargy and fatigue that lingers over my head. Up until I started running DMSI (which seems to energize the body), I had to consume an insane amount of caffeine and nootropics to function for HALF the day. Now, with those symptoms slowly subsiding, I'm finding myself stuck in a deep depression as the subconscious realizes that once these afflictions are gone, I will no longer have anything to blame my shortcomings on.
This resistance is odd -- it hits VERY HARD and VERY FAST. So, I'm moving to a new area and I'm already setting up dates and activities and the such. I've already signed up for a free week at a rather prestigious Brazilian Jiu-Jutsu school -- one that's actually owned and administered by the Gracie family. My father -- who has a tendency to live vicariously through me -- asked what BJJ was, and we watched an episode of Fight Quest -- a (now canceled) dope ass show that was on Discovery -- on BJJ (
It was a bonding moment, as my mother kept asking why I would want to submit myself to something so brutal, and my father kept smiling that I was alpha enough to want to pursue it. Afterward, I began watching other BJJ videos on YouTube, realized how awesome it was that my fingers and knees were being healed and I could even do the thing. Then BOOM -- intense, intense, intense resistance. It hit me so hard that I ran to the bathroom and dry heaved. It has subsided a little bit and I took some Noopept (an anxiolytic) just so I could function for the rest of the night. But man, that was rough.
The grip fear has over our lives is absolutely profound. Who would've thought that I would encounter THIS MUCH RESISTANCE to the idea of simply being in amazing health, and what the hell does that mean for our society as a whole? This world is so diseased -- it actively attempts to suppress our potential. Thank the Maestro that companies like IML are here to help reverse this nonsense.
I am currently experiencing some significant resistance that's related to MHS. Turns out that I have an intense, intense fear of being healed. For years, I've blamed certain life issues on my health. Particularly, a constant sense of lethargy and fatigue that lingers over my head. Up until I started running DMSI (which seems to energize the body), I had to consume an insane amount of caffeine and nootropics to function for HALF the day. Now, with those symptoms slowly subsiding, I'm finding myself stuck in a deep depression as the subconscious realizes that once these afflictions are gone, I will no longer have anything to blame my shortcomings on.
This resistance is odd -- it hits VERY HARD and VERY FAST. So, I'm moving to a new area and I'm already setting up dates and activities and the such. I've already signed up for a free week at a rather prestigious Brazilian Jiu-Jutsu school -- one that's actually owned and administered by the Gracie family. My father -- who has a tendency to live vicariously through me -- asked what BJJ was, and we watched an episode of Fight Quest -- a (now canceled) dope ass show that was on Discovery -- on BJJ (
It was a bonding moment, as my mother kept asking why I would want to submit myself to something so brutal, and my father kept smiling that I was alpha enough to want to pursue it. Afterward, I began watching other BJJ videos on YouTube, realized how awesome it was that my fingers and knees were being healed and I could even do the thing. Then BOOM -- intense, intense, intense resistance. It hit me so hard that I ran to the bathroom and dry heaved. It has subsided a little bit and I took some Noopept (an anxiolytic) just so I could function for the rest of the night. But man, that was rough.
The grip fear has over our lives is absolutely profound. Who would've thought that I would encounter THIS MUCH RESISTANCE to the idea of simply being in amazing health, and what the hell does that mean for our society as a whole? This world is so diseased -- it actively attempts to suppress our potential. Thank the Maestro that companies like IML are here to help reverse this nonsense.