07-31-2016, 10:00 AM
(07-30-2016, 11:27 PM)eternitys_child Wrote: damn, son! that's so awesome to hear! i'm glad the manifestation efforts are on fire. i actually am very curious if it was the luck magnifier in action? Do you have any prior experience doing manifestation?
(07-31-2016, 07:41 AM)Ivaylo Wrote: Anyway, fascinating manifestation reports, heavysm, happy for you. Did you do such experiments during your first BASE run as well?
I've always felt a significant part of my luck during BASE was due to me putting myself out there (i.e. the other programming + my free will) rather than any manifesting technology inside the sub. Can't really know for sure, especially with that naturalizer in place, but it did seem that way.
My new experiments are my primary focus going forward since everything is proving so consciously accessible.
It's hard to separate results from BASE, because that's doing its own thing too, but I really feel that I would have at least a high proportion of my results anyway if I were not on BASE.
Another user on the forum pointed me to these things:
and I ended up picking up these (got them about a week ago):
So the tensor rings plus the rejuvenizer both hanging around my neck has so far created an incredibly attractive pull.
I tried the rejuvenizer alone for several months and it was alright (mild attraction + detox).
Then i tried the rings for a few days without the rejuvenizer. Oddly, I just felt like a kid. I wanted to play some video games and eat candy. Perhaps it opens up the inner child? Have no idea, but that was the immediate effect.
Then i wore both the rejuvenizer and tensor rings, then BOOM. Only within this past week things have exploded, and wearing both items at the same time has been the only change.
I do have more 'long term' manifestation tools that i use (which break rule 4, so can't mention it here) but the rings and stone have greatly amplified everything else.
Keep in mind that this could easily be unique to me. I don't know of anyone else on earth who combines both of these tools (it was certainly an experiment on my end to test things out) but the results don't lie.
Regarding my first BASE run, I didn't have any of this then. This second run is getting all these tools that it's almost unfair to compare with the original BASE run at this point.
I do also feel that in some way the rejuvenizer and tensor rings do offset the nasty resistance that BASE can bring up.
Prior to putting both on i actually felt tense and unsatisfied with my current progress. Then i slipped both on and had a walk. The way you see the world shifts (or at least mine did) and i was suddenly seeing the absolute positive in everything. That feeling has stayed with me and continues even now.
Again, I have no idea if others will have the same experience but I'll be damned if i am made to take these things off LOL It's not worth it. Right now they're only off me when i sleep and when im showering, that's it!
Also, curiously the tensor ring is made of copper and when worn under my shirt caused my skin to become green. So i now wear the rejuvenizer under and the tensor ring over. This has caused a few people to stop me and ask what the ring is.
Even funnier is that the majority of those people think they have their own alternative to the tensor ring.
Nope. Gotta get it from the master who puts them together on that site above. I've had similar necklace type stuff in the past that were 100% hype (they just looked the same as the tenor rings - sort of like how there are a ton of other subliminal suppliers out there, but only one Shannon), but somehow I stumbled onto these, and now it's hard to imagine me happier.
Another notable effect for the tensor rings is that they appear to help time pass a bit smoother / faster.
I recall previously listening to BASE and wearing the rejuvenizer that i would work for hours, and it literally felt like hours. But with the addition of the ring, work is a bit more enjoyable so I'm guessing time flies by because i no longer have discomfort? That needs to be tested longer, but it's a curious effect anyway.
Lots and lots and lots of cool stuff coming, and i can't wait!