07-08-2016, 05:50 AM
"Day 32" - Friday 8th July 2016
Update, Review, Understanding and Thoughts (& Summary or Goals)
Hey Guys so today will be my 32nd Day of being on E2.
As this is my journal, the purpose of which is to educate myself and others that can learn from my journey then lets begin.
Firstly lets work on the update.
So no change noticed as yet.
I have had 2 fairly concerning if not worrying situations occur in the past couple of days revolving around money I had given to someone. I wasn't sure would offer me the service/product they had promised (this money was given a month ago in good faith to them). It was a lot of money.
I did feel that my heart was pacing my the time the product was promised and I was trying to invoke the power of E2 haha to calm me but I kept feeling the anxiety. Most of my issues since childhood have been around anxiety and fears and at times leading to analysis to paralysis you could say.
Anyway it was only after I spoke to my mum who was positive in this situation that allowed me to find the strength to calm down.
Luckily the service has been offered and the product being delivered soon.
That being said I realised that nothing has changed as yet. Its uplifting and inspiring to read how many see or notice change in 32days but for whatever reasons its not been the case with me.
Secondly, I haven't maintained 8hours a day, for logistical reasons as I am a student in mainland europe and travelled back to home (UK) for a week and since coming back have been reorganising, and kinda renovating the apartment so unplugged my bedroom speakers.
However that being the case, I have managed to listen every single day and this was important to me. I have managed from 1hour to 8hours on average and sure this value changes here and there but the key has been consistancy for me these 32days.
I know the instructions say to listen for 8hours during the first 32days but I have also read both how 5.5G is equivalent to many hours of the previous Generations and how some here have garnered success from just 1 hour a day. That has maintained my hope and optimism.
My listening has been 99% via my mac book pro laptop. Some new to my journal have questioned the efficiency of the speakers but if you are new here and are reading this journal PLEASE read my journal from the start as all Frequensee testing is revealed there with images to show results. If you then feel its still wrong please let me know as I want to change and not waste my time of course.
Shannon himself offered me guidance in his discussion journal (created by Superman) as to calibrating with Trickling Stream and then letting the silent run and this has been what I have been doing for sure.
I haven't felt therefore as anal as with previous subs to get the hours right, only concern has been to make sure volume is LOUD and then let it play while I'm at home. I can move to another part of the apartment or rooms and yet know when I return it will be playing and reaching me.
Review, Understanding and Thoughts
Here i want to thank NOX. He wrote a post here a few days ago (yes go find it) where he read my journal and very kindly and thoughtfully advised how I should continue. I agree with him and so won't be focused on looking for as much change as perhaps I was.
In honest I don't think I was all I was doing was noticing when things happened and nothing had changed but he has said give it atleast 2 months so I will do that anyway as was my original plan.
Now that my 32nd day has ultimately been reached, from now my journalling will reduce further.
I will plug the speakers in and use that as my 8hours a day as originally planned and then when the renovation continues will just unplug for that duration too. I won't become worried about this as I will always use my laptop during the day whenever I can anyway.
I also want to make this evident that my university will start back in September. This is when the 8hours a day will become problematic so that is by when the speakers should be playing nightly anyway.
Also my aim is to get out of my apartment for the whole day, whether that is at the library mainly or having rewards and breaks out at coffee shops etc. This will happen once the renovations and organising as been completed as this is what I want to do before 2nd year at uni begins so then I know by the end of this period I will have re-started the nightly listening too for the 8hours as planned so won't worry too much then.
I also know that 1 or some members on my journal suggested taking a day off here and there to see if that gives any change. I believe my reducing and fluctuating daily listening may or should have given this break to see if there was any change and ultimately there wasnt and hasnt been.
The instructions say 8hours a day also and I know Shannon is clear with others when he says follow the instructions so this I will aim to do.
I now want to take the time before proceeding further to Thank YOU ALL that follow me and read my journalling. I also want to thank those of you that offer me guidance, assurance, support, advice and suggestions. From Disney to Jones, from Nox to Wahyu, from Ben to Catman and to others. I do sincerely value your time and your help and thats 1 thing I love about this forum, that while we are all lost in a hole, a dark well, we hold each other up and together. Its also why I have tried to make my journal as clearly as I humbly can to help as many as possible from now and in the future. I am no writer but hope my lengthy journal isn't boring but poignant and insightful atleast.
So where to now?
Well what I have understood is this
:Headphones were possibly the only way I got dreams.
Night time listening was possibly also the other way I got dreams.
Day time listening via laptop speakers gave me no dreams.
I do believe that the dreams may be the proof that E2 was working. I will know for sure once I get back to night time listening.
The only times I felt there was any change in me was boarding the plan and going to see my doctors etc (read my journal and you will see) however was this E2 or not - I don't know.
I will jump straight now to the Summary or Goals
I guess a summary will be that I need to get the night time listening in and also try and still get some head phone listening. However much I won't bother to time, i simply will try and get headphones on now whenever I can.
I have reached 32 days so the next major landmark will be when I reach 96days. My journalling will still happen whenever I see it fit as I'm simply journalling now when i feel like it should happen. So I will be back on the forum reading other journals but won't perhaps journal as much until I have something to report.
I won't seek out results but will know results are happening if not soon then eventually by day 96 for sure.
This is 5.5G, its supposed to work powerfully and also at the pace my mind allows it too but if that pace isn't any faster than 5G or 4G or 3G then where is the benefit?
This is 5.5G and its also supposed to work without me noticing the change so that its easier....its a smart way to do it however I therefor won't know now until around day 96.
This is 5.5G and its also supposed to work without me noticing the change so that its easier....its a smart way to do it however I therefor won't know now until around day 96.
So wish me luck!
OF3 5.75.7G 13/15Vol
1L-2O/3OF; (1L-2/2 5/6); (2L 19/6); (3L 27/6); (4L 9/7); (H4L 25/7)
W 19 May
MLS 5.5G: ≈70days x2, IYGSH: 54, E2: 78+48, DMSI 3.2: 56 & 22, UMOP1: 57+UMOP2: 33 = 90+10 US v12/15=100, OF: 45, OF2: 56days
1L-2O/3OF; (1L-2/2 5/6); (2L 19/6); (3L 27/6); (4L 9/7); (H4L 25/7)
W 19 May
MLS 5.5G: ≈70days x2, IYGSH: 54, E2: 78+48, DMSI 3.2: 56 & 22, UMOP1: 57+UMOP2: 33 = 90+10 US v12/15=100, OF: 45, OF2: 56days