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Hello all,
This is my first time writing any kind of review here, so I’ll give a little background. I’m forty years old, male, married and became a father less than a year and a half ago. I’ve been having a rough last couple of years. In late 2015 I finally got the job I really wanted, but lost it during the training period due to a simple skill that I had a lot of trouble with. At the same time, my wife got a major life changing medical diagnosis. I got another job in the same field a little over a year later, but lost it again for various reasons including that my son needed major surgery two months after birth.
After that, I got a job in a similar field which pays well, but is extremely boring. Medical bills and about four months without a paycheck have left us drowning in debt and without the income to make up for it. Fortunately, We will be able to pull enough equity out of the home to get back on top of things in October. So long as things continue to go smoothly for another six weeks or so.
This has left me extremely stressed for a long period of time, and I can normally handle stress like a champ, and caused a lot of little and big pieces of “bad luck” which I’m well aware are at least partly the result of me focusing on what I don’t want to happen rather than what I do.
I’m using US/LM in order to help get over the finish line with the refi and get life back on the track I want it on. I have used earlier versons of both programs, I can’t say if I remember if I considered them successful or not.
I have just completed day five of the first cycle, side B. The first two I ran through speakers during sleep. (I work nights and sleep during the day five days a week). The others I have run through Apple air buds during downtime at work or when I get the chance during the day. I am using one loop per day, but that might be a little off normal because my sleep schedule is different on my weekends.
So far I have one incredible stroke of luck (oddly I can’t remember if it was right before I started, or right after my first loop). My mother, who I have not had a real good relationship with, or asked for any kind of help from for a decade or so called out of the blue. She was nice (NOT NORMAL) and offered to give us enough money to prevent a vehicle from being repossessed.
I feel great while running the program through earbuds. I wouldn’t QUITE describe it as euphoric, but it’s close. I feel on top of the world, energized, and able to clearly visualize everything turning out well, and feel what it will be like when I’ve made it over this hurdle. Because of course I will clear it, and be able to turn my attention to bigger and better things.
While I’m listening I feel a kind of energy that seems to be radiating out of my head. The feelings seem to have a kind of a tail that lasts for a few hours, and I feel generally more positive while going about life. I am much less consciously stressed out.
Another thing I’ve noticed, my wife has been all over me after a long time of nothing, and that started as soon as I began running the sub. Not whT I was expecting, but a welcome benefit.
I had an interview for a better job this morning. I don’t feel I did that well, but where that used to bother me a lot, I have no anxiety about it this time. If they hire me, great, if not, something better will come along soon.
Thanks, and I’ll keep you all informed:
Welcome to the forum. Well I see you've been a member for a while but you weren't really active.
Those are some good results. I hope to use US/LM after I deal with some other stuff. Interesting the improved response from your wife. Could be partly the improvement in your own mindset, and the skeleton script does contain things like Self Esteen and Positive Thinking, Positive Attitude.
I deleted the double thread as you had posted it twice, kept this one as it was the one that had responses.
Keep us updated. I plan on using this sub in future
(08-22-2018, 01:43 AM)Benjamin Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome to the forum. Well I see you've been a member for a while but you weren't really active.
Yeah, I normally don’t do things like write reviews, but I felt like it this time.
(08-22-2018, 03:06 AM)Paul1131 Wrote: [ -> ] (08-22-2018, 01:43 AM)Benjamin Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome to the forum. Well I see you've been a member for a while but you weren't really active.
Yeah, I normally don’t do things like write reviews, but I felt like it this time.
I would have forgotten my password had I gone for too long t.. Good to have u back.
I’m done with the first eight day cycle, and on my second “off” day. Nothing really drastic to report. I feel less stressed and more positive even though the major sources of financial stress are still present. I seem to have a slightly easier time getting up in the morning, and getting on things. I am working to get the house cleaned up (we had REALLY let it go) and have gotten some major things that I’d procrastinated about for a long time done. Interestingly, so has my wife, and she has had zero exposure to this particular sub. We have some family coming out the week after next to meet out son for the first time, and we would like it to look like civilized humans lived there.
This morning I got rejection letters from both of the jobs I was in for. In the past, this would have sent me into a downward spiral of self doubt, and mental abuse of myself. I have always been my own harshest critic. Not this time though. This time I just kind of said “meh, these weren’t the ones” and moved on. I kind of felt my thinking starting to go into that old pattern a couple of times today, but I was able to sort of cast it aside within the first couple of seconds, and go on with my day. I spent some time thinking about what I’m doing right now, and getting that new job just isn’t the focus right now. Getting the house refinanced, and getting our medical debt and other stuff paid off so we can move on with life is. Once that’s done, I can pick another goal to go after.
I have a kind of loose plan for the next year or so. If all goes well, I can refinance and stabilize things in October. After that, I am giving myself a few months of mental break. My run of US/LM ends on November 17th. After that, I might do another three month cycle, or I may try MYPSL (Yes, I’m married, and yes this is OK in my particular situation) and see what I can get. Then, somewhere between February and May, I get back on the i get right back on seeking the kind of job I want.
I have used the latest version of Find Your Perfect Job twice, and it had worked, sort of. In both cases, I got the job I have consciously wanted for many years. However it didn’t work out either time. I think that my mistake was that I kept consciously pushing too much, and didn’t just let stuff happen. I’ll try that one again, but this time I will avoid being such a type A about it.
Ok, I’m on day seven of my second eight day cycle, just finished my loop for the day (night in my case). Two major things happened. First is I checked my credit reports yesterday morning just before I left work. Little background here. We were going to have to wait until November to refinance the house because we were late on a couple of mortgage payments last year while I was unemployed. There were some others further back too because the mortgage company lost a payment I’d made for two years (yes, seriously) and refused to fix my credit report when they found it. I’ve been working with a credit repair agency to get that and some other stuff fixed, but they said mortgage companies rarely give in to disputes on an active mortgage. Anyway, when I checked this morning, my payment history was perfect. This will allow us to start the process now.
The second thing that happened was that we had an unexpected charge come out of our bank account which would have caused the mortgage payment not to clear. However I caught it in time, and was able to borrow enough from a family member on short notice that it wasn’t a problem. That could have derailed the entire process if I hadn’t been able to do that.
I have to say, I like the 5.5 G format a lot better than earlier versions. I have been using subs for quite some time, and have perhaps not gotten as good results as I could have because my schedule doesn’t always allow me to get the eight plus hours of exposure that I need. With this one, I can always find a little over an hour where I can plug some buds into my ears, and I’m getting as good or better results than ever before.
I continue to feel really good when the sub is playing.
Day three of the third eight day cycle. This weekend was really interesting. My mother was out to meet my son for the first time. We all got along famously and had a great couple of days. Not what I was expecting since Mom and I have never really gotten along that well. I don’t know if the sub had anything to do with that, but it’s welcome.
While she was here, she told me that she had been sitting on some money inherited from her mother, and since we needed it, we could have it. It is a considerable amount, and will go a long way in helping us to solve our problems.
The refi is going to be a bit more complicated than expected. My wife’s credit isn’t good enough to be on the loan, so we are going to have to get what we can with just my income, pay off all of my stuff, and some of hers, and then do it again in six months or so to get the rest of it. Pain in the butt, but we’ll be able to ease our bills enough that we’ll have no problem getting there, especially with the extra cash that just landed in our laps.
I’ve run a lot of subs where I wasn’t real sure if I was seeing results, but I have to say, with this one, good stuff started happening on day one.
Tonight I played a game of Words With Friends with my wife during some downtime at work. (My job current job is mostly downtime to be honest, but that at least allows me some uninterrupted time to run this). While winning a pastime game is not a major goal by any stretch of the imagination, I realized that I felt the influence of the sub. Everything went right, I got the letters I needed, and I was able to spot and capitalize on a lot of Opportinities that I may not have before. I realized halfway through that the sub was helping me, because right then, in that moment, my goal was to win that game. Really not something that I would normally summon the forces of my subconscious or the universe for, but it happened anyway. Very cool effect. Unfortunately, I may have shellacked her bad enough to hurt her feelings. Will have to smooth that over tomorrow.
Something on another thread reminded me. I forgot to mention an effect. When I am running the sub through earbuds, I kind of zone out, and “daydream” about having compleated my goals. I am a daydreamer by nature so this isn’t a surprise. However, I usually don’t focus on one thing even if I try. My mind just wanders, and negative thoughts intrude. While I’ve got the earbuds in though, I am totally focused on what I want, I’m mentally at the point of success, the visualizations are clear instant and immersive, and the contradictory voice in my head isn’t there. I mentally see, hear, and feel (emotionally and physically) exactly what achieving my goals will be like. This sub FEELS great. It’s kind of addictive.
I also found that another job I might be interested in has posted. I have been planning not to worry about employment until early next year, but it’s a foot in the door job with a great agency, so I figure what the heck. If it would be my best move, I’ll get the job. If not, I won’t, and I go back to the original plan of starting a FYPJ run in early February.
Also, my wife continues to be all over me. If this sub does that, I’m not sure I want to know what DAMSI would do to me.
I have officially been on this sub for one month. It had been a really rough couple of years before this, and we weren’t sure we were going to be able to get out of the hole we were in. However it’s really turned around this month due to a number of unexpected things happening. Let me recap:
- My mother called out of the blue and helped us to prevent a vehicle from being repossessed.
- A large number of late mortgage payments were removed from my credit reports allowing us to refinance our mortgage two months earlier than expected. It’s looking like we’ll have money by the end of the month. I’m really not sure we’d have made it to November without something bad happening.
- I happened to look at the right time when an unexpected charge came out of the bank, and borrow enough to prevent the mortgage payment from bouncing. This would have derailed the entire process for us.
- A five figure financial windfall landed in my lap.
- I appear to be repairing my relationship with my mother after never having much of one.
Reading over that list, I’m not sure I’d believe myself. It’s been quite a month, and granted, any one of those things might have happened anyway, but the combination is not normal. Especially considering the run of bad luck that we’d been having for a few years before this. This thing is working very well for me, I m looking forward to seeing what month two will bring.
(09-17-2018, 12:53 AM)Paul1131 Wrote: [ -> ]I have officially been on this sub for one month. It had been a really rough couple of years before this, and we weren’t sure we were going to be able to get out of the hole we were in. However it’s really turned around this month due to a number of unexpected things happening. Let me recap:
- My mother called out of the blue and helped us to prevent a vehicle from being repossessed.
- A large number of late mortgage payments were removed from my credit reports allowing us to refinance our mortgage two months earlier than expected. It’s looking like we’ll have money by the end of the month. I’m really not sure we’d have made it to November without something bad happening.
- I happened to look at the right time when an unexpected charge came out of the bank, and borrow enough to prevent the mortgage payment from bouncing. This would have derailed the entire process for us.
- A five figure financial windfall landed in my lap.
- I appear to be repairing my relationship with my mother after never having much of one.
Reading over that list, I’m not sure I’d believe myself. It’s been quite a month, and granted, any one of those things might have happened anyway, but the combination is not normal. Especially considering the run of bad luck that we’d been having for a few years before this. This thing is working very well for me, I m looking forward to seeing what month two will bring.
Hey Paul1131,
Congrats on your good results. Are you playing the program for one loop a day?
Quote:Hey Paul1131,
Congrats on your good results. Are you playing the program for one
I’m using it exactly as directed, and I don’t know where I’d find the time for seven loops without interruption.
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